Emily's POV
We're eating breakfast, we slept for a long time, it's 1pm so i don't know if it's breakfast or lunch. We're just talking and laughing when i get a message. I look at it, it's from the swim team.
"Hey everyone, we have a competiton in New York on tuesday. Tomorrow, sunday, you must go to the school front door at 8am, we'll get a bus and come back on Wednesday"
I hate it, they always tell us about competions two days before or sometimes one, and when i finally had two weeks to stay alone in my house with Ali i have to go ugh.
"Guys" i say annoyed, i don't wanna go but i have to "i just get a message, i have a swim competition in New York on Tuesday, I won't be here for four days" i look at Ali, she looks kind of sad, and i am too.
"Wow! go sharks!" says Hanna, always wanting to cheer up.
"When you have to go?" Asks Ali with a sad face.
"Tomorrow, at 8am" i say sad too.
Alison's POV
Ugh, i wanted to be with her all the time, but now she has this competition. I'm kind of sad because i won't see her in four long days, but I'm happy for her at the same time, she's such a really good swimmer and she'll win, i know it. I look at her and smile, i have to say something to don't see her sad.
"You'll win" i say grabbing her hand
"I don't know" she says blushing.
"Yeah you will" i say getting closer and grabbing her hand harder. We look, and just smile.
We get out from Hanna's house, Spencer went somewhere with Toby and Aria stayed with Hanna. We're on our way to Emily's house.
"I'm gonna miss you" i say sad.
"I'll miss you too" she says puting her arm around me.
We get to her house, it's like 3pm. We go to her room and cuddle on the bed.
"What am i gonna do without you here?" I say, it's true, i don't know what I'm gonna do, it's going to be so boring without her.
"It's awful, i won't see you in four days" this is kind if depressing, i just got her back and now she has to leave for four days. I know it's not to much but i want to be with her every second of the rest of my life.
I look at her, and we kiss. I feel her arms wrapping me and i rest my head in her chest.
"Hey what if we watch a movie?" She says. Good idea.
"Yeah sure, but not horror please, yesterday i only accepted so you could hug me when i was scared" i admit laughing, she starts to laugh too.
"I suggested it just for the same reason" she's laughing harder, oh my god, i can't believe it. I start to laugh too.
After the movie and some time taking it's almost dinner time.
"I'm gonna cook for you" says Emily, wow, i didn't know she kew how to cook.
"Surprise me chef" i say smiling. We go to the kitchen and i sit on the table.
She starts to make two sandwiches, hot sandwiches. She looks so cute, i wanna hug her so, i do. I go to there and hug her from the behind."It smells so good" i say.
"Thank you" she says in a funny way and i laugh. She turns around and kiss me.
"Go back to your sit, the chef almost finished" she says seductively.
"Oh" i say sitting again. Two minutes later she puts two sandwiches in the table, they look really good. I take a bite.
"Mmmmm" i say "you really surprised me chef" i say laughing. She takes a bite from hers and laugh too.
When we finish we go back to her room and we take our pajamas. It's almost summer and it's so hot so we just wear a shirt and underwear. I put my shirt on and then i look at her, she just take off her jeans and her other shirt. "Damn" i think looking at her body, she's just so perfect. She puts her pajama shirt on and look at me.
"Enjoy what you saw?" She says smirking at me.
"Oh yes" i admit getting closer to her "You're so hot" i say getting more more and close.
She bits her bottom lip and go to me, she wraps her hands in my waist and pull me to her. We kiss, passionately. We go to the bed, and we lie in it. She's on top, touching all my body. I moan as we kiss more and more.
"You won't be here in four days" i say going to her neck and kissing it "lets enjoy this night" i say seductively and i kiss her lips again.
Emily's POV
We really enjoyed the night "wow" i think when i remember it. It's 7am, i have to wake up now or I'll be late. I don't want to wake her up, but i just can't go without saying goodbye. I slowly turn to her, she looks so cute whike she's sleeping.
"Hey" i say touching her cheek. She opens her eyes and grab my hand wich is in her cheek.
"Hey" she says smiling. I lean in a kiss her. "You have to go now?" She asks.
"In 45 minutes" i say sad.
We wake up, put our shirts on and go to the kitchen to get some some food. Then i get prepare, wearing my swim jacket, it's already 7:40, i have to go now. I walk to the door, Ali is following me.
"You'll win" she says while i walk out "wim for me" she says
"I'll do" i go to her and kiss her. "I love you" i say.
"I love you too" she says. I start to walk down the porch, she's still in the door. We look at each other and she gives me a little smile. I look to the ground and start to walk to the school.
Alison's POV
I see her walking away, i close the door and sit on the couch "what am i gonna do these days?" I ask to myself. I wanna do something, because if i stay like this I'll be worst. I took my phone and text Hanna.
A: "Hey, wanna go shopping"
I know she's going to say yes, so, i have something to do today. After one hour she answers.
H: "You already know what's the answer. Meet me at the mall at 4pm"
Oh my god I'm so.tired, go shopping with Hanna is an athlete thing. I go to my house, i don't want to sleep alone. I walk in and jason is at home.
"Hey Jason" i say smiling.
"I thought you were in Emily's house" he asks confused.
"Yeah, but she has a swim competition, she'll be back on Wednesday, and, I'll go back to her house" i say going to my room.
I left the bags in the floor and i go to my bed. I don't know what to do so i look at my phone. I have a message. I hope it's from Emily. But when i open it i froze. "Blocked number" i read. I can't move, who is this. I open the message, it has three pics and a text. When i see the pics i stop breathing.
"This can't be true" i say in my mind.

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.