Emily's POV
We're in the middle of the summer, we weren't able to go somewhere because we have to make the plans for the wedding, well, finish them. Alison and my mom are crazy planning it, they've been planning it for almost one month, I helped but... I just didn't go crazy like them. Besides, I've been looking for a good apartment, I decided that I'm gonna buy it and I'm gonna take Alison there after the wedding as a surprise, I want everything to be perfect so didn't tell anyone, not even Spencer. Today we have to send the invitations, and then I planned a visit to see some apartments, I saved enough money to pay a little but it'll be ours. I go downstairs in my house and I find Ali, my mom and Ali's mom in the kitchen with a lot of papers in the table, they are printing the invitations.
"Hey Em" Says Ali going next to me and giving me a little kiss in the cheek. I see that ours mothers are looking at us in awe, and it makes me blush. "Would you help us with this?" She says smiling at me. I could never say no to that little smile.
"Sure, what do I have to do?" I say joining them in the table.
"Look, here's the list with all the directions of the houses were the people live. You have to wrap the invitation and write the direction okay?" Says my mom giving me that list... It's so big.
"Don't write it wrong" Says Ali with a serious face.
I take the list and the first invitation i see on the table. I look at it, it's her grandmother's.
"Oh this is your grandmother's, let's see where she lives" I look at the list and I point one. "Oh and Spencer lives here" I say in a sarcastic voice.
Then I write it and I put the invitation inside. When I finish I look at them. They
are all looking at me with a weird face. Oh god, why don't they understand it was joke.
"It was a joke, I wrote it right" I say laughing at them. My mother rolls her eyes and Ali's mom laughs a little with me.
"Emily..." Says Ali rolling her eyes too.
"Oh c'mon, you're all so stressed, a little fun is never bad" I say taking another invitation.
I feel a hit under the table, someone hit my foot. I look around and I see Alison looking at me smiling.
"Dork" She whispers laughing.
I laugh too and I wink at her. I go back to my work. Two seconds later I look up at her again and she's still smiling. She's writing the invitations in the computer
while my mom and hers are printing it well,basically they're just talking. I take the next one, but when I see the name the smile I have in my face goes away. "Aria Montgomery" I read. I look at the next one and it's Ezra's. I don't want him to be in my wedding, but it's true that if we don't invite him Aria won't come, if she comes...
"I don't know what to write in Aria's" I say in a serious voice. I don't know where she is, and I don't know if they know.
"Aria's mom told us where is she. Aria has been talking with her every week and they know where she is" Says Ali's mom.
I'm... shocked, I don't understand why she didn't tell us where she is now, we could have gone there and at least visit her. I know she did something horrible, but we also told her horrible things, and honestly I feel bad about it. I want to tell her I'm sorry of what I said, but that doesn't mean I don't think she did something horrible... but still, I think we all deserve a second chance and we should try to fix this, we were so close and now... It's been more than a month since the last time we saw her.

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.