Alison's POV
It's been one month since Aria left. After we got the message we went to her house, but she wasn't there, then we went to Ezra's apartment and there wa sa note there. The note said:
"I'm sorry guys for everything that happened because of me. I know you're all mad at me, and i get it. I can't be here anymore, i'm leaving with Ezra, just wanted you to know that i love you so much and that i'm so sorry for what i did, thank you for everything guys, bye"
All i thought when we read it it's that she's gone, i know she's not going to come back, not even for today, our graduation day. After all the finals and everything we finally finished school. It feels weird, but good at the same time. We're at Spencer's getting ready, she looks so sad, the Aria thing affected her a lot, they were so close.
"We're gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" I hear from the room, it's Emily of course.
I'm with Spencer in the bathroom, she doesn't answer to Emily, she didn't make a move.
"Okay! we're almost done!" I say as i finish. "C'mon Spence, we have to go" I say looking at her.
"Okay" She says with a sad face.
"What's wrong?" I ask her, i'm so worried about her.
"It's just... i miss her. You think she's going to come today?" She asks me with the same sad face.
"Honestly i don't know" I say sad too. It's impossible to know, we don't even know where she is.
"I hope she comes" She says looking down.
I go next to her and i hug her, i didn't know how close they were, i've never seen Spencer like this but she's so affected.
"We should go know, you'll be late to get all the best student awards" I say jocking, but it's true, her grades are perfect.
She makes a weak smile and we go out. This outfit we have to wear to the graduation is horrible, i'm dying, it's almost summer and it's so hot. We find Emily on the floor.
"What are you doing there?" I ask with a weird face. Why would she be on the floor?.
"It's so hot outside and we have to wear this... the floor is cold" She says still there.
We laugh and she stands up, it's true the floor is cold... but I'd never had the idea of go down there.
I'm driving to the school, i can see people walking to it. When we get there and we get out of the car we go as fas as we can inside, seriously, it's horrible to be outside. We go with our classmates, we're all in the same classroom waiting for this thing to start. All the teachers and the parents are outside sitting in the chairs, when they all are ready the ceremony will start. I see Spencer looking around the class, she's looking for Aria... but i'm sure she's not going to come.
"Are you nervous?" Says Emily grabbing my hands.
"Just a little" I say taking a deep breath.
"Don't worry you just have to walk up there, take your diploma and go down again" She says with a smile.
"But what if i fall or something?" I say worried, it would be horrible if i fall down stairs or just fall there, in front of all the people.
"If you fall... I'll laugh, a lot" She says laughing. I laugh too and i hit her arm.
"You have to recognize it would be so funny" She says still laughing.
"Yeah! it'll be funny for you but not for me !" I say raising my voice a bit.

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.