Emily's POV
It's friday, today i wake up with the alarm. We have to go to school, and then we have this sleepover. I move my head to find hers, but... she's not int he bed. I stad up nervous "where's she?" I ask myself lots of times.
"Ali?" I say almost losing my breath, she is okay, she has to be okay, but where the hell is she? I get no answer. "Alison?" I scream louder. Suddenly i see her walking out from the bath.
"God Em, don't scream it's early" she's fine, i get this thing of get scared of this kind of things because of A... but now there's no A, so there's no reason to worry that much.
"Ali, you sacared me" i say sitting on the bed.
"Sorry, i had to wake up early to find a way to hide the bruise... and i didn't want to wake you up, you looked so cute sleeping" she says sitting next to me. I look at her with a little smile.
"Don't worry" i say leaning in and kissing her. "Lets go we have school and then the sleepover" i go to my closet and change to school.
Ali is almost ready, she's trying to hide better the bruise, but we are gonna be late.
"Hey Ali, we are gonna be late" i say walking in the bath, where she is.
"Wait a second" she says putting some mask on it. She turns around. "Whay you see?" She asks nervous.
"I see the most beautiful girl in the world" i say smiling, i know she meant the bruise, but i couldn't say anything but that.
"Emily Fields, you're such a romantic sometimes" she says with a flirting voice. We both laugh and go down to the car.
Alison's POV
The school was so bored, i had no classes with Em today. I know that some people notice about my bruise, because i could see them looking directly at it. I'm on my last period, after this we go to Hanna's, it's gonna be a funny night. I start to draw some things in my book, waiting for the class to end. I hear the bell, "yes" i think as i walk out to meet the girls in the lockers. I see them all together, i go there.
"Hi" i say to them. "Hey" i say to Emily, giving her a quick kiss in her cheek.
"Hey" she says smiling.
"Ready for tonight? You have to get something?" Says Hanna, she look so excited about it, but, it's just a sleepover.
"No, we all have everything, lets go" says Aria closing her locker.
We walk to Hanna's house, it's not to far from school. I'm walking holding hand with Emily, it's a sunny day, she looks so beautiful with the sun light.
We get there, and put our stuff on Hanna's room."So guys, my mom won't be here until tomorrow night so we can do whatever we want" says Hanna smirking.
"So, what if we play something, then watch a movie and then... i don't know do something" says Spencer, always wanting things to be perfect.
"Yeah cool" i say smiling.
We stay in Hanna's room, just talking for a while and Hanna started to take some pics.
"I catch you" says Hanna after taking a pic of Emily and me, but, we where just holding hands.
"You want a good pic?" I ask smirking, Emily looks at me confusing, so does Hanna.
"What do you mean?" Says Hanna still confused.
I look at Emily, and i kiss her. While we were kissing i hear Hanna moving and i could hear the click of the camera, she took the pic. I look back to Hanna smiling, she's looking at the camera.

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.