Alison's POV
Today was a good day, i think she noticed that i want things back. After Caleb left, Spencer went to her house with Toby. I feel good, i still don't know if Caleb talked to Emily, but if he didn't, he'll do it as soon as he can. I'm in my room when i hear the bell ring, who could it be? It's late. I go downstairs and i open the door, i see Spencer trying to catch her breath, what happened.
"Spencer are you okay?"i ask worried, she walks in.
"Ali..." she starts, but she stops, what happened.
"Spencer what happened?!" I'm starting to get nervous, if she doesn't tell me what happens I'm gonna explode.
"It's Emily" she says.
My heart stops, i feel my legs shaking.
"W-what happened?" I ask worried, i can barely talk.
"I-i was in my room, i hear footsteps out, i look through the window and i saw Emily, but then someone hit her in the head and she fell... that person put her in a car and left" she starts to cry.
I'm shocked, i can't believe what she just said. It can't be true. That couldn't happen but... why was she here? Spencer lives right next to me, was she going to see her?. I sit, i'm shaking, then i start to cry. I can't stop, who would do that to her? Why? Why why why. I see Spencer calling someone.
"W-ho are you calling?" I ask low.
"Caleb" she says.
I hide my face with my hands, what could happen?. I'm keep crying, i can't handle the idea of someone hurting her.
"Caleb, did you talk with Emily?" I hear Spencer on the phone, i look at her "S-she never get here" she says. Oh my god, she was coming here "Yeah come here, now" then she hangs out.
"W-what did he say?" I ask nervous, i wanna go next to her but i can't stand up.
"They talked, she was coming to talk to you when it happened" she says.
She was coming to fix things, the plan worked. If that wouldn't happen I'll probably be with her now. I look at my hands, they are all cover with my tears. I look up, i can't do anything if i stay like this. I clean my tears and i push myself to stand up, i have to find her.
"Caleb is coming right?" I ask Spencer, she looks at me surprised.
"Yeah, why?" She asks. I have a plan.
"Well, Caleb can search where Emily is by the signal of her phone right? We go there and we save her" i say grabbing my phone, i have to talk with the others.
"You're right Ali, we can see where she is" she says with her thinking face.
I text Hanna and Aria. They are coming, i didn't tell them what happened.
"What happened?" Says Caleb walking in, five seconds later Hanna and Aria came in too.
"Yeah what is it" says Aria. I look at Spencer, i can't say it all loud.
"Someone took Emily, hitting her head" says Spencer. I feel a lot of things inside, angry, scared...
While Aria and Hanna are trying to realize what happened, i told Caleb if he could do what i thought, he's already working on it.
"This is not hard, the person who took her is not to smart, he didn't take the phone, look" i look at the screen, there's a red point moving, i guess that's her.
"They are moving?" I ask, pointing at it.
"They are probably on the road" we look again, and it stops "Oh, look, they stopped" he says doing something. I see numbers appear in the top of the screen, coordinates.
"We have a place" i say noting the numbers.
"Lets go" Caleb says. We all go into my car. I'm driving.
I look for the place introducing the coordinates in the phone, it's not to far from here, it looks like it's in the middle of nowhere.
Emily's POV
I feel pain my head, what happened?. I slowly open my eyes, everything hurts. I look around, it looks like an abandoned house. I try to move but i see my hands and my feet tied up. There's nothing around me, i'm still trying to stand up but i can't. I rest my head on the floor again, who would do this to me, i didn't do anything. I hear footsteps coming, i start to move back, but there's a wall, i stay there, prepared to see who kidnapped me. Someone walk in, it's to dark, i can't see the face.
It's a guy, tall, short hair. We turns on a light."Hey" he says in a bad tone, at first i don't know who is this guy, but then i do.
He's the cop, the creepy cop who recognized Ali in the police station the day she came back, Hoolbrok. Why did he take me?
"W-why are you doing this?" I ask with a low voice.
"You'll know" he says getting closer. I can see in his eyes he's crazy "But before that, you have to pay for what you did" he says grabbing something from his back.
"What? I didn't do anything" i say scared, i can't defend myself if he's going to attack me, I'm totally tied up.
"Yes, you did" he says now pointing me with a knife. My body froze, is he going to kill me? "You took her away from me" he says looking crazy.
"What? Who?" Who is he talking about. Oh, wait, shit. Now i know.
"Alison" when he says her name i feel more scared, what if he took her too?
"You have her too?" I ask furious, i swear if he touches her, I'll kill him.
"Oh, no no no no no, now i don't want her, i want you" he says putting the knife closer to me. It's almost touching my cheek.
"Please" i say, looking at him, but his eyes look so deep and empty...
Next thing happens so fast, he fastly moves the knife close to my face making two little cuts on my cheek. It doesn't hurt at first but i scream. I scream so loud, hopping someone could hear me.
"Stop screaming, no one can hear you" he says with this malicious smile.
"You're sick" i say shouting at him. I guess i shouldn't have done that, now i can see in his face he's really angry.
He walks out this room again, i feel my cheek bleeding, it hurts. For once i thought he wasn't going to come back, but he appears again with more things.
"You have to pay for what you did" he says angry "You took her away from me, i don't like when people touch my things"
What the hell is he talking about, the first time i saw him was in the police station. What's going on.
"I don't know you" i say, he's doing something in a table.
"I know, but i do know you" he says finishing what he's doing. I hear a noise, then he turns to me.
He has a gun in is hand, he comes to me and stand me. He's so close to me, my feet touch the ground, but i can't move. He grabs my face with his other hand, and put the gun in my head.
"She's mine" he says pressing the gun on my forehead.
I have to do something, at least Ali is not here. I'm not afraid anymore, he's not gonna separate me from her. I move my head fast and i bite his hand, so hard. He screams in pain, i look at his hand, he's bleeding.
"You shouldn't have done that" he says going to me again, but something stop him.
We hear like a door closing, it seems like we're not alone anymore. He looks worried, we hear footsteps and then someone walks in the room.

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.