Emily's POV
Everything is so beautiful. I feel the soft gold sand in my feet, i hear the sea. We walk until we see a space, we go there and put our things on the sand. I put my things next to Ali's, i slowly sit on my towel, and just look at sea. I look at the girls, Hanna is already without her shirt and with her sun glasses. Aria and Spencer are organizing all their stuff and Ali is just looking at me.
"What?" I ask smiling, she's smiling too.
"Nothing, it's just... I'm so happy right now" she grabs my hand as she says that, i am so happy right now too. I smile at her, and look again at the sea.
I think about what she just said, I'm really happy right now. I didn't stop to think about how lucky i am, not everyone is loved by the person they love. I've been in love with this girl since... i don't even know, since always, and now i have her, all mine.
I look at her again, with her beautiful blonde curls shining because of the sun light, she looks so beautiful."Em?" I hear her say suddenly, i was so into my thoughts .
"What?" I was probably staring at her so directly and she noticed it.
"Wanna go to the water?" She says smirking.
"Yeah, lets go" is stand up and start to take off my shirt. I move my hair to one side, when i finish and i see Alison staring at me. I can't do anything but smile, then she starts to take off hers. I love that pink bikini she's wearing.
"C'mon" she says grabbing my hand. We walk hand in hand to the water.
When i first touch it is cold, but, as i start to walk is not that cold. There are not to many people in the water right now, at least not where we are. We keep going in until the water covers all our body, there are just our shoulders and the head outside. She disappears in the water, and i do the same. For two seconds everything is in silence, i just feel her legs touching mine. I go out again, she's facing me.
"I didn't tell you how hot you look on that bikini?" She says getting closer.
"No" i say flirting, i feel her legs wrapping my waist. She gets closer and put her arms around my neck. I hold her putting my hands on her waist. We are so close right now, i love it.
"Well, you do" she says getting even closer. I can't take it anymore.
I slowly lean in to kiss her. Our lips crash, moving in perfect sync. I feel her body pressing mine, one of her hands run down my body, i know what she wants to do.
"Ali" i say, whispering "Not here, we're in public" i kiss her again, but she doesn't stop.
"There's no one in here" she says between our kiss. It's true, there's no one close to us.
I stop thinking about everything is around us and i just concentrate in this moment. I run my hands all over her back, putting her even closer. We start a long make out sesion, in the middle of the beach, but, why not.
"Hey you two, stop eating each others mouth please" i hear Hanna saying close to us, we stop an look at her. She's with a big bun.
"Where are the others?" Asks Ali, she's still with her arms and legs around me.
"I don't know, they were following me" she says looking back, but there's no one.
I look at our place in the sand, they are not there too. Where the hell are they? I turn, and i feel Ali hugging me from the back. I see something weird in the water, getting closer to us. Then i realized what it is. This is gonna be funny. I take a step back, with Ali in my back, she looks confused, and Hanna looks at me with a weird face.
"What are you doing?" Whispers Ali in my ear.
"You'll see in two seconds" i say starting to laugh. Two seconds later, like i said, it happens.
Alison's POV
I don't know what Emily is doing, i just hug her from the back. She told me I'll see and she was true. Suddenly Aria and Spencer come out from the water and sink Hanna, ruining her bun and almost drowning her. They start to laugh and let Hanna get out, she takes a deep breath.
"Oh my god, Spencer, Aria!" She screams, Emily and i laugh. She puts her bun off and let her blonde wet hair free "I thought you were sharks or whales, holy shit"
We laugh more, whales? Really Hanna. I feel Emily laughing, she's happy and that makes me happy.
"Really? Whales?" I ask laughing, i understand sharks are scary as fuck but, whales? They don't do anything.
"Yeah, they are dangerous" says Hanna so serious, like, she really meant it.
"They don't do anything" says Aria laughing, just what i thought.
"And by the way, how could you think Aria as a whale? She's so tiny" says Emily laughing more, i love her laugh.
We all laugh and go out, it's almost lunch time, and I'm starving. We decided to buy some sandwiches and eat in the beach, and later go to the hotel to rest and make plans for tomorrow. We're with our sandwiches, in a circle.
"So, Aria, we didn't talk about this, what is going on between Noel and you?" Says Hanna. It's true, with the hungover and the pressure of packing and everything about the trip we didn't talk about it.
"Well, we've been talking for a long time and things didn't work with Ezra as you know, so, i just told him i like him, wich is true, and he told me he feels the same, so, we're kind of together righ now, well, we're together, yep" she said it so fast, wow, i can't believe it. Hanna and Spencer are shocked.
"I'm so happy for you Aria!" Says Emily smiling, always being nice.
"Wow, yeah" say Hanna and Spencer at the same time. We all smile and talk more about it, and talk about the party, wich was fun because we barely remember what happened.
We go back to the hotel and sit around to talk about the plans for tomorrow.
"So, what if we stay the morning in the pool?" Says Emily, she loves it.
"And later we can go to town to see something and dinner in a cool restaurant" adds Spencer, is such the best plan.
We're all agree. We spent the rest of the day until night organizing the rooms and everything and the bathrooms with our stuff. It's already time to sleep, we're all so tired, we need to rest for tomorrow. We took a short shower and put on out pajamas.
"Night girls" says Spencer getting in to her room."Yeah, good night" says Aria, and Hanna follow her to their room.
Emily and i go to the bed, we go inside and turn off the light. I feel her getting closer and putting her arms around me, i feel so safe and good on her arms.
"Good night" she says whispering.
"Good night my love" i say grabbing one of her hands, she kisses my cheek.
I close my eyes and just calm on her arms, the bed is too big and probably we are just going to stay in one side. I feel her breathing in my neck, that relaxes me, knowing she's close to me. I've never thought i was gonna end like this, but right now everything makes sense in my life. I remember when i used to hung out with boys, i never felt with them what i feel when I'm with Emily, everything makes sense when I'm with her. I realize that i really love her, i knew i loved her before but, right now i realized that without her, I'll be lost, i need her with me, i need her touch, everything.
I am in love with her.

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.