Alison's POV
"Hey beautiful, wake up" i hear Emily's voice in my ear. I've been sleeping all the time? "Look, is the beach" i move my head and look through the window and i see.
"We're here !" I get closer to the window. I see Emily smiling, I'm so happy.
We get out from the plain and take all our suitcases and stuff. We walk out from the airport, is so hot in here, i can't wait to go to the beach.
"Let's get two taxis" says Aria, her suitcases look bigger than her, it's so funny.
"Yep, lets go" i say, we look for two free taxis and get in. Emily, Aria and i are in one taxi and Spencer and Hanna in other one. We tell the driver the name of the hotel, he said is not too far from here. After 15 minutes of driving we see the hotel, it looks bigger than in the picture we saw.
"Wow look, is that one" says Emily pointing at it. Spencer and i basically jump on Emily, she's next to the window. It's so big.
"It's right next to the beach!" Says Spencer, excited. The taxi stops.
"We're here ladies, hope you have a great time here" says the driver, he's nice. I look at him to say thanks and just i catch him staring at Emily. She's looking at the hotel, so she can't notice, but i did.
"Lets go Em" i say grabbing her hand. I look at her and i kiss her. When i look at the drvier again he looks at me surprised, i smirk at him and he turns. She looks surprised when we get out.
"What was that for?" She says looking at me.
"The driver was staring at you, i just show him what is mine" i say grabbing his hand.
"Alison Dilaurentis, you are jealous" says Emily laughing at me. I am not, well, maybe a little.
"No i'm not" i laugh too, i am.
"Yeah you were" she hugs me and kiss my cheek "I'm all yours, don't worry" she whispers in my ear, i smile and we keep walking.
Spencer talked to the personal of the hotel, and they gave us our keys. Our room is in the third floor. I hope we have views to the sea. We go into the elevator, it's so big so we fit in there. We walk in to the room, it also looks bigger than in the pics. It's awesome.
"This is so good guys" says Aria smiling and looking at everything.
"You definitely know how to choose this things Spence" says Hanna looking at everything too.
"Okay now the rooms, there are three rooms, two pairs of two and one has to sleep alone" says Aria, we all know who wants to sleep alone.
"I'll sleep alone" says Spencer so fast, she likes to have everything perfectly organized, and share the room with someone is a danger for that.
"I'll sleep with Ali" says Emily smiling and grabbing my arm, I'm totally agree.
"Okay I'll sleep with Hanna, but guys, we have to talk, is serious" we sit on the couches, i don't know why Emily and i in one and the girls in other, what is happening, this is so weird.
"We knew you wanted to sleep together, we understand, but-" starts Spencer, but Hanna cut ber.
"We don't wanna hear weird noises in the night, so, if you wanna do it, make sure you're alone" i feel blushing, but i start to laugh.
"Oh god Hanna" says Spencer, she probably was gonna say it... not that directly, but it's okay.
"It's fine guys" says Emily laughing too.
We get into our rooms, it's so big. There's a big bed, big closet...
"We're gonna be so good in here" says Emily hugging me from the back.
"Yeah, hey, what if we go to the beach?" I need to go, i wanna put my bikini on and rest in the towel with the sun light.
"Great idea, lets tell the others" we get out, and Spencer is in the couch. We can hear Hanna and Aria talking... they talk so loud.
"Wanna go to the beach" i say to Spencer. She just smiles, that means yes. She opens the door of Aria and Hanna's room.
"We're going to the beach, put your bikinis on" then she goes to her room. We go to our room too.
I open my bag and take the bikini, the pink one, the one she likes.
"You like this one?" Says Emily showing me a black bikini.
"Yeah" she's going to look so hot in that bikini. I smile and start to take my clothes off.
"I love that one" says Emily when i almost finished. I can't lock it in the back.
"Please help me" i say laughing and looking at the ground. She comes and lock it. Then i see that she already put hers on. "Wow" is all i can think right now.
"You look amazing" she says looking at us in the mirror.
"Wow, no, you look amazing" is say, still looking at her. She's gorgeous.
"Lets go" she puts on a big shirt, i do the same. We take our bags and walk out, the girls are already there.
"Lets gooo" says Hanna putting her sun glasses on, she loves the beach, just like me.

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.