Alison's POV
My mom is driving us to the police station. Spencer is in the front part with my mother and Hanna, Aria, Emily and i are in the back. There are only three sits so Aria is on Hanna's legs. Emily is in the middle and then is me.
When we finally get there i open the door and go outside, i look around, there are only a few people, no one that could recognize me, i guess...
"Ready?" Says Aria looking kind of worried
"Yeah" i take a deep breath "lets finish this for good" i say starting to walk.
We walk in, and everyone stops talking. "Well, fuck" i think while i feel everyone looking at me.
"Alison?" I heard from the back, it sounds familiar...
I turn back and i saw him. Holbrook.
Why is he here?
"You are really alive" he says, still shocked
"No, she's dead" says Hanna pointing at me making a stupid face, i smile.
"Yeah, I'm here. And i need to tell everything" i say, i don't want to stay here for a long time.
"Sure, come with me" he says. He opens a door and i walk in. I quickly look back to see the girls, well, i look at emily. She's looking at me.
"Don't leave please" i say
"We won't move" says emily still looking at me.
Holbrook shuts the door and there are another two cops in there.
"Tell us everything, Alison" says a creepy girl, but i have no choice, i came here to tell everything, to be free.
Emily's POV
She goes there with he new cop, he has something weird, i don't trust him. We take a seat and Mrs. Dilaurentis go out to call Ali's father and probably Jason.
"That guy looked weird" i say kind of angry
"Yeah, it looked like he knew her" says spencer
It's true, he's new and he knew her name... but anyways, Ali knows a lot of people so i don't see the point to be worried, and he's a cop.
We stay there for like two hours, Hanna is sleeping and Aria has been texting all the time, probably with Ezra and Spencer... Spencer is reading so i can't say a word to her.
We hear the door opening, we all look, even Hanna i don't know how she woke up so fast. Ali comes out, and she looks behind us, where there father and jason are.
"Alison" they say, and go there and hug her.
We stand up, ready to go. She walk to us and open her arms, practically saying to us to hug her, so, we go there.
"It's over guys, this nightmare is over" says Ali starting to cry.
When she say that, i feel tears running down my face too. I can't believe it's finally over, and she's back here with us, with me.
We look at each other, we are all crying and we laugh and hug again.
We're already in Ali's house, i don't want to leave her.
"Mom, would you mind if they stay tonight?" She says, it's like she read my mind.
"Of course i don't mind" she says with a big smile.
So, we go to Ali's room. She stays there looking at everthing. It must be weird for her.
"Wow, it didn't change" she says smiling, we all smile
"Sorry have to say... tomorrow we have school" says Spencer really worried
"C'mon Spencer, we don't have to go tomorrow, it's not big deal" says Hanna laughing
"Okay..." Says Spencer laughing too.
"This is so good, just like old times" says Ali walking to her bed and sitting on it.
I go there and sit next to her, looking at her and giving her a smile. She smiles back, and she grabs my hand, still smiling at me.
"You should tell your parents about tonight, so they won't get worried" says Ali, still grabbing my hand.
"Yeah" says Spencer.
Suddenly Aria, Hanna and Spencer go out from the room, and I'm alone with Ali, grabbing my hand.
"Em" she starts. "I need to talk with you" she's so nervous, just like me.
What is it?, i have to.kni and, i need to talk with her too so, this is my opportunity.
"Tell me" i say, looking first at our hands, and then at her eyes.
"Not now, when the girls are sleeping, okay? She says
"Okay, no problem" i say. Wow, it must be something important if she don't want the girls to know.
"Thanks for everything, by the way" she says grabbing my hand harder
"No problem" i say, giving her a little smile. God, i want to kiss her. She gets closer and hug me, of course, i hug back.
This moment is perfect, again, I love the feeling of having her so close to me.
"Am i interrupting something?" Says Hanna joking while she opens the door.
We instantly stay back from each other and look at her like "yeah, you're interrupting". I'm blushing, i can feel it.
"N-no, we're just, talking" says Ali, so nervous.. i've never seen her that nervous.
"Oh... in that case. Lets get something to drink, it's so hot in here..." she says smirking at me, i know she saw me blushing. "Fuck you Hanna" i think while i laugh inside.
xxxxxxx Author's note xxxxxxx
Sooo, emison is about to happen here. I already planned some chapters, so I'll update every day. Hope you like it :)
Btw, idk if you're up to date in pll but today just came out a new sneak peek from next week's episode and YAS EMISON IS BACK

Finally (Emison)
Fanfiction-A is gone, and the girls are back together. Alison comes back to rosewood to start her life again, but what happens when she realizes she has feelings for emily... everything will change.