Horror night

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Emily's POV

So here we are, going to Noel's house. We have our costumes in our bags, we're gonna dress up in there right after we end preparing everything. We bought some food and Toby went to buy the drinks. Ali is drving, i'm in the back with Hanna and Aria, Spencer is next to Ali.

"So, are you gonna tell us what are you going to wear tonight Hanna?" asks Spencer. She doesn't want to tell us i don't know why.

"Like i said before, no, it's a surprise" says Hanna looking through the window.

"Better be something really good" says Aria. She's so curious. But i have to admit that i am too, at least right now.

"You'll be surprised" Says Hanna laughing. I know her, probably it will be something not that weird, she only wants to laught at Spencer and Aria for the way the react at this things.

We park in front of the principal door. Probably Noel heard us because we opened the door while we we're in the car. He helps us to get all the food inside the house, we bought a lor but still, we're gonna be a lot. We help him to prepare some things like the lights and the music. Toby comes with the drinks, basically beer and we put it inside. It's already 8pm, the party starts in two hours and we have to dress up. For me it's not a problem, but for people like Hanna or Aria... two hours is not enough. We get our bags with the costumes and we go to diferent rooms, we want to surprise each other. I dress up fast, my costume is simple. It's a little different from the one i wore in the Halloween party two or three years ago but it's okay. I don't put on a lot of make up, it's not necessary so, in 30 minutes i'm ready. I walk out from my room, everybody is still dresssing up. I don't wanna be alone so i'm going to find Ali's room, i know she won't care if i go in. I try to listen through the doors to figure out who is in there. Like right now, i just heard Hanna singing, Ali is not in there. I go to the next door, and i hear a guy voice talking in the phone, i think is Toby but anyways, she's not here either. Next door, i don't hear anything at first but then i hear a voice.

"Make up make up make up, lady gaga wears a lot of make up" she's like looking for it, but i found her.

I wait a few seconds 'till i hear the heels steps going to the bathroom again. I open the door trying to be as low i as i can. She didn't notice, i close the door behind me and i walk to the bath door, it's totally open. I can see in the mirror Ali fixing her hair, she's not wearing a wig like in the other party. I slowly go in, she sees me in the mirror.

"Em?" she says turning around, she loks surpised.

"Hey sexy singer" i say smirking. She laughs and comes closer to me.

"What are you doing here?" she says flirting.

"I just wanted to see you" i say flirting back.

We just stare at each other, it looks like she finished. she's wearing the heels, black trousers, white short top and a black jacket. I have to say that i love it, she looks so good in these clothes.

"What are you looking at?" she says with a smirk in her face. She totally noticed me staring at her.

"You look so good" i say. I see her blushing, but then she comes even closer, our faces are so close.

"You're not bad yourself" she says almost whispering. I try to kiss her but she turns her dead and kisses my cheek, she loves teasing me ugh.

She looks at me raising her eyebrows, she knows what she did to me and she loves to see me like this. She turns and goes to the counter to grab her things. I guess she finished, i stay there looking at her puting her things in her bag. When she finishes she looks at me. I stay there, i'm not gonna move if she doesn't move. We hold that look for a few seconds, then she fastly comes to me and pushes me againt the wall. I feel controled because she's almost taller than me with those heels. She goes directly to my neck, she knows that turns me on. As she sucks harder i moan louder, she pusshes her body against mine, she stops one second to look at me.

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