Chapter 7: Tasteless

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"How was the journey dear ? Was it arduous ?", asked Diane.

"No mother, it wasn't that uncomfortable.", said Kierra with a smile.

To be honest, the roads weren't that bad but what was uncomfortable was the silence between Kierra and Jonathan during the entire journey. They didn't talk to each other like usual and Kierra was just asleep while Jonathan was reading a book.

"How's the duchy, Duke Alden ?", asked Kierra's father Thomas.

"Because of the war up north, I have to take care of the immigrants and the new trade policies but nothing of issue yet, father-in-law", said Jonathan.

The dinner was quite awkward as it had been a long time since Kierra ate with her parents. The food was normal but she found the food served at the Alden estate more to her taste since the chef at the Alden house catered food according to Kierra's preferences while the food at the Vonton house was prepared with Sierra's health in mind.

Because of Sierra's weak body, she had to maintain a strict diet ever since she was young. So her meals had to have more vegetables and less seasoning than normal which made her meals more bland. At first she was given separate meals than the rest of the family but she threw temper tantrums whenever she dined together with the family because they were eating normal food compared to hers so the marquis decided that the whole family will eat the same food as Sierra so she wouldn't feel bad about being treated differently.

After that, the whole family started eating bland food with less meat and more vegetables. That's why Kierra thought she was in heaven when she tasted the food of the Alden house since they didn't care about specific diets and served normal delicious food.

Now because of that, Kierra had a hard time swallowing the food since she got used the heavily seasoned and fatty food of the Alden house.

["It seems Jonathan doesn't have a problem with his food which mean they put more seasoning in his....."], she thought as she looked at Jonathan who was eating his food and conversing with the marquis.

["If I could just find some salt..."]

She looked around the table but no salt shakers or extra seasonings were seen. She beckoned a maid who was standing at the edge of the room and asked to bring her some salt but she was suddenly interrupted by her mother.

"Why dear ? Is the food not to your liking ?"

"N-no mother, that's not it. I just need some more salt for my soup."

"The soup tastes just fine to me, is your soup not fine sister ?", asked Sierra who was sitting across Kierra.

"No, I just started liking more salty food since I got used to the food at the Alden house, that's all."

"Oh my, does the Alden house serve saltier food than this ? That is not good for your health !", exclaimed her mother.

"No, it's fine. I just need some salt", Kierra was kind of panicking since her mother and sister were making a big deal out of this.

"What's wrong ?", asked the marquis with a grim face who looked like he was interrupted from his conversation with Jonathan.

"It seems you need to find a new chef, duke. How can you serve salty food to a young woman ?"

"I-I see..... "

"That's why you look so sullen ! Look at your face, your skin has lost its radiance and you also look like you have put on some weight. You should find a new chef, shall I recommend some-"

"That's enough mother !", snapped Kierra and the whole dining room fell silent from her thundering voice.

"I- I was just .... I was just ...", her mother stuttered with teary eyes.

"Kierra ! That's not the tone you should have with your mother.", the marquis interrupted.

"Apologize this instant !"

Kierra felt suffocated as if a thorn was stuck in her throat. She didn't know why she had to apologize and she didn't want to either. But she knew that if she didn't apologize now then it would just make matters worse. Plus, Jonathan was sitting beside her and she didn't want to show him the ugly sight of her being reprimanded by her father.

"I'm sorry mother. I shouldn't have yelled like that..."

"No, it's alright", she said with an uncomfortable look.

"It seems I'm tired from travelling all day. If you would excuse me, I would like to retire first.", said Kierra as she stood up.

"Alright. Have a good rest, dear"

"See you tomorrow, sister !"

Kierra exited the dining room and returned to her room. Sara was standing in front of her room and brightened up once she saw her master.

"Your grace ! Have you had your dinner ?",asked Sara cheerful like always.

"Hmm", she nodded.

"What happened, your grace ? Your face doesn't look happy.", said Sara with a concerned look.

"No, it's nothing..... Sara, can you do something for me ?"

"Yes, your grace ?"

"Can you bring me some warm milk like you always do ? I'm tired and I would like to fall asleep as soon as possible"

"Of course, your grace ! Just give me five minutes, I'll be right back with some warm milk !", said Sara and rushed off to the kitchen.

Kierra entered her room and started loosening her dress and removed the jewelry she was wearing.

["This room is still suffocating as I remembered......"], she thought as she scanned her old bedroom.

A plain room with minimal ornamentation and with numerous bookshelves that were filled to the brim with books of different languages. One would believe if they were told that this room was a library rather than a bedroom of a young lady. There were no windows or a balcony and there was only a lonely fireplace that gave measly amount of warmth to the room.

"I'm back....."

End of chapter 7.

Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

What would you do if you were Kierra ? Do you think that her parent's decision was right ? What are your opinions about the Vonton family ?

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Do read my other books and show some love ! See you guys next time ~

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