chapter 14: In the cottage bedroom

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She whispered to Sara to put out the lantern and follow her closely. Sara nodded nervously and walked behind her. Kierra slowly opened the door and carefully stepped inside. The cottage was dark and there were only a few candles lit in the living area. 

Kierra cautiously made her way to the first floor where the bedroom was. When she came near the bedroom door, she heard loud noises from the room. The voices were muffled but it was enough for Kierra to tell who were inside the room. 


"It, it feels..... good"

"M-More ! More !"

Vulgar words were leaking outside and Kierra couldn't contain herself. She grabbed the doorknob spontaneously. Her face distorted in rage and she bit her lip to contain herself.

"Y-Your grace !"

Sara was stupefied. Sara also knew who were inside but if Kierra went inside now, things could really ugly. She knew that Kierra would regret it later and stopped her.

She shook her side to side. She looked anxious and Kierra understood what she was trying to say. 

"Oh.... oohhh... augh!"

However the sounds of the woman's moans only fueled Kierra's anger further. Sara who caught that, immediately grabbed Kierra's arms. 

"P-Please, your grace ! Please don't do something that you might regret.", she whispered.

At the sight of Sara's nervous face, Kierra's rationality started coming back. 

["She's right. If I open this door, then what ? What should I say to the both of them ? What should I do ?"]

Kierra finally realized that she wasn't ready to confront the both of them face to face. If she saw them now, then she might really lose control. That wouldn't help her in the long run. 

Kierra's grip loosened and she removed her hand from the door knob. But she still had one thing to confirm. She grabbed the door again. 

"Your grace ?"

"Do not worry.", she whispered and signaled her to be quiet.

Kierra gently turned the knob and very slowly opened the door just enough to sneak a peek. The two people who were humping vigorously on the bed didn't realize the door opening. 

Kierra stood behind the door and leaned in with her eyes focusing on the bed. She could see them through the gap. A black haired man was lying on the bed with a thin brown haired woman on top of him. Both of them were naked and were intertwined tightly around each other. 

Kierra's body shivered at the sight. Her eyes started tearing up. She bit her lips till they bled and her face turned bright red. She was disgusted and felt queasy as if she wanted to throw up. 

"Jon ! Jon !", the woman quivered. 

"Sierra ! Ah !"

The man kissed the woman's lips as if he was thirsty for more. The woman shook her hips vigorously which made the man moan in pleasure. Both of them looked like they were hungry for each other. 

"Sierra ! I, I love you !"

"Jon ! Jon !"

That's it. There was no turning back. Now there was no place for doubt. No need to feel guilty for being suspicious. No need to question if he loved her. 

Jonathan and Sierra were having an affair. Her beloved husband and little sister had betrayed her. Kierra's heart finally accepted the truth which she refused to believe.

She plopped down the floor in shock. Her face was soon stricken with tears. She pressed her hands against her mouth to muffle the sound of her cries.. 

"Your grace !"

Sara immediately grabbed her shoulders and tried to pull her up. She slowly closed the bedroom door and helped Kierra stand up. Kierra looked petrified. Her eyes were now red with tears and her body was shaking. 

"Your grace.... we should go now."

Thankfully, the two people in the bedroom didn't realize what was happening outside. Sara and Kierra had to get out before they realize. She slowly guided her down the stairs. She held her hands and walked her outside the cottage. After they were at a safe distance away from the cottage, Kierra's lips started moving. 


"Y-Yes, your grace."

She was nervous. She was only a maid but she felt like she just witnessed something she shouldn't have. 

"Never speak about this to anyone."

"Of, of course."

Kierra's eyes were icy. Her face was filled with sorrow and pain. Sara felt bad for her master. She wanted to help her. 

"Shall we return to your room, your grace ?", she asked gently. 

Kierra nodded. Sara gave a small smile and walked Kierra back to her room. Sara helped Kierra change her clothes since the one she wore was now dirty with soil and grass. She served her warm milk with some honey she brought from the Alden house to help her sleep. She lit some scented candles to soothe her through the night. 

["Forgive me for being useless, your grace. This is all I can do to help you."]

"Is there anything else you need.", she asked softly. 

Kierra shook her head in a daze. Her body finally calmed down but her mind still seemed to be in shock. Sara could understand her feelings as a fellow woman. She knew no words could ever comfort Kierra right now. She needed time to think and rest. So Sara excused herself and left the room so Kierra could sleep. 

"I hope you rest well, your grace."

But contrary to Sara's wishes, Kierra couldn't sleep. She couldn't even close her eyes. She just sat in her seat and gazed outside the window towards the rose garden. She couldn't keep her eyes off the window. She just sat there in a daze as if a part of her was broken. 

She knew that they were having an affair. She knew that he didn't love her. But knowing something was different from seeing it happen outright before you. Before, she only saw them confessing to each other and having a light kiss. But now, they were intimate enough to make love. 

["What should I do now ?"]

The question lingered in her mind. She never thought about what to do with her relationship with Jonathan before. She had her hands full just coping with the fact that what she knew about her husband was all a lie.

Truth be told, she even thought that maybe he was just having a fling. Maybe he was just infatuated with Sierra and was worshipping her. But the sight of them entangled together in bed made Kierra realize that it wasn't just an infatuation. 

They were already connected in a deeper meaning. 

End of chapter 14.

Thank you for reading this chapter and hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far.

What do you think will happen next ? If you witness something like this, what would you do ? What action can be considered as a clear indication of an affair ? Do you think you would forgive your cheating partner ? 

Comment your deductions and opinions in the comments section and don't forget to vote for this chapter.

Your support means a lot to me since it gives me the drive to improve my writing and continue these stories.

Do read my other books and show some love ! See you guys next time with another update !

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