Chapter 17: Crying out

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"I'm not happy at all.....", cried out Kierra. 

"W-What do you mean ? What happened ?"

Melissa was flustered. She had never seen Kierra distressed like that. 

"Are you okay ? Let me, let me call someone....."

Melissa tried calling for a maid but Kierra stopped her. She didn't want anyone to see her like this and Melissa understood that. 

Melissa patted Kierra's back to comfort her and Kierra slowly calmed down. Melissa grabbed some napkins and gently wiped Kierra's face which had turned red from all the tears.

 Her eyes were swollen and her makeup was smudged. But Kierra didn't care about that. She was worried whether she made Melissa uncomfortable and troubled.

"Now tell me. What happened ?", asked Melissa with a concerned face. 

Kierra breathed out a huge sigh and braced herself. This was the first time she was about to tell someone with her own mouth about what was happening. She was nervous and careful yet scared that Melissa might judge her. But she trusted her so she decided to open up. 

"Jonathan is having an affair.", slowly said Kierra. 

".....What ?"

Melissa couldn't believe what he had just heard. 

"Jonathan.......loves someone else."

Melissa was stunned. In her mind, Kierra and Jonathan looked like the perfect couple. The sweet and charming Jonathan complemented the mature and strong Kierra. What could have possibly gone wrong ?

"Are you sure about it ? Maybe you're mistaken ?"

Melissa knew that even though Kierra looked confident, she actually had a lot of insecurities. So she thought that one of her insecurities was acting up and made her suspect her husband. After all, they looked so happy together during their engagement ceremony and looked like they loved each other dearly. 

"No.... I saw them . I saw them together."

"What ? You saw them ?"


"Then who was he having an affair with ?"

Kierra couldn't pull out the words from her mouth. She was so preoccupied with the thoughts about Jonathan and her marriage that she couldn't concern herself with Sierra. She felt like she would lose control if she thought about Sierra. Jonathan betraying her was one issue but doing it with Sierra was on a whole another level. 


Melissa was shell shocked. She went absolutely speechless. It couldn't be Sierra. 

"Sierra ? You mean, your younger sister Sierra ?"

Kierra then explained what had happened these past few weeks including how she found out and how no one knew about this. But she did not tell her that she saw her husband and sister in bed together. Her pride wouldn't allow her that, not even to Melissa. 

Melissa held her breath as she listened to Kierra painfully tell her story. She had never seen Kierra that hurt. Kierra was the last person she thought would go through something like this. 

In her eyes, Kierra always seemed strong and charismatic. But now she looked sad and weak. 

"I'm so sorry Kierra.... I have no words that could console you. This is just...... all too sudden"

"It's alright Melissa. I have already accepted my reality as it is."

Kierra was wearing a sad smile which broke Melissa's heart. She hugged Kierra and wrapped her up in her warmth. 

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