Chapter 2

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[ H y u n j i n ]
[ W e d n e s d a y , 1 0 t h A u g u s t ]

Hyunjin walked home after school. Slowly. He didn't want to reach his house. His parents were home and he really didn't feel like talking to them right now.

It wasn't like Hyunjin had a bad relationship with his parents. No. It definitely wasn't that. They just had so high expectations. Expectations Hyunjin knew he wouldn't be able to fullfill. It also wasn't like he didn't try. He really did. But his parents wanted him to be another person. A straight, A grades student, who did nothing but study all the time. They wanted him to be his brother Keongmin. Hyunjin was used to it. No dancing, no singing, no friends, no party, no alcohol. Other than that, they got along just well. They were smart people, easy to talk to and supported Hyunjin as long as it fit their version of him. They definitely weren't the worst, but definitely not the best either.

Today, he decided, was one of the days where it was best not to come home too early. If he did, he'd have to sit with them for hours, planning out his grades, organising tutoring and so on so that he'd have the best possible graduation. He didn't want that.

So he stopped and looked around. There was a shorter guy, probably his age, happily walking towards a to Hyunjin unknown destination. This random guy had a happiness within himself Hyunjin desperately needed.

What now? He grabbed his phone and looked up things he could do. After scanning the first suggestions, he rethought. Maybe he should text Seungmin.

But before he could do that, he heard a sound behind him. He quickly turned around just to find the happy boy on the ground. Huh what happened to him? He was standing a few seconds ago, Hyunjin wondered and rushed over to the shorter.

"Hey, uh are you okay?", he asked hesitatingly. No response from the other. He just sat there, eyes opened widely. "You don't seem okay? Can you even talk?", Hyunjin continued to ask, very irritated by the way the other reacting. Well, he wasn't, but that was the thing that irritated Hyunjin. Before he could ask any other questions the shorter suddenly passed out. Oh god, what do I do now? I've never been in this kind of situation, Hyunjin now really panicked.

Stable side position. That was the only thing he remembered from health class. He checked the other's pulse and whether or not he was still breathing, before trying his best to put him in called position. Hyunjin wasn't sure if he did it right though.

What now?, he asked himself once again. Do I check for anything helpful? Do I have to call an ambulance? So Hyunjin carefully grabbed the boy's bag. Maybe he'd be able to find a phone or ID or something similar. After a quick search, he found a phone. On it's back was a note. Hyunjin wouldn't have read it, but it was attention grabbing. It said: "If you read this and my son, Jisung, is passed out next to you, please call this number" and there was a number written on it.

Hyunjin immediately called the number. It rang a few times then a woman picked up.

"Hi, uh there was a note saying that I have to call you, if I find your son passed out."
"Oh no, I can't leave work right now. Jisung is used to this though. I can't really help you, I'm just asking you to stay at his side until he wakes up, please."
"Uh okay? I'm not sure what's happening though."
"This is Jisung's way of reacting to a trigger. It's not major and he'll be okay, but him laying outside all alone still scares me."

Hyunjin wasn't sure what to do. This woman seemed really worried, but he didn't know these people. On the other hand, he couldn't leave a boy passed out on the side walk all alone, could he?

"Yeah, I'll stay with him."
"Thanks, ... uh what's your name?"
"It's Hyunjin."
"Thank you Hyunjin, I owe you." And with that she ended their call.

Hyunjin needed to take a deep breath. This was normal. No need to be as scared as he was right now. He checked up on Jisung again. The other was still passed out. Thankfully he was breathing. Hyunjin let out a relieved sigh. He didn't really know why he was this scared. He knew that everyone had different reactions to triggers. He also knew that a trigger wouldn't be life threatening and if it was that'd be incredibly rare and Jisung's mother would've informed him. "It's nothing major and he'll be okay." Why was he so scared then?

Head shaking Hyunjin turned and started to collect the things he threw to the side while searching Jisung's bag. Thankfully he didn't damage anything. A bottle, a college block and some tissues. He then put the bag back next to Jisung. After a moment of awkwardly standing next to the guy on the ground Hyunjin decided to sit down next to him as well.

For the first time he really looked at the other. Jisung had black hair. He was wearing a huge pink T-Shirt, a black jeans and some black Converse with huge soles. It all kinda made sense together.

Then suddenly he remembered. He wanted to text Seungmin. Now he probably should text Jeongin too. He needed to tell them about this.

He was in midst of a heated discussion with Seungmin about whether or not he should've called an ambulance when Hyunjin heard someone clearing their throat right next to him. When he looked up from his phone he was surprised to see Jisung sitting right next to him. "Oh my god I didn't notice you were up. Are you okay?" The other looked at him confused. "And you are?" "Oh right, I'm Hyunjin, I saw you collapsing earlier and thought you needed some help. Are you okay?", Hyunjin asked again. "Yeah, I'm fine", Jisung said groaning, while slowly getting up and almost falling over again. Hyunjin quickly stood up and grabbed Jisung's arm. The other shook him off almost immediately. "Where do you live? I could accompany you", Hyunjin offered, remembering the worry in the woman's voice. "No, I'm fine", Jisung insisted. He was now trying to grab his bag, but it seemed like he couldn't bend over without getting dizzy again. Yeah no, he's not fine, and with that Hyunjin just decided to walk the smaller boy home.

He grabbed the other's bag and started walking. "Hey, what are you doing? That's mine", Jisung shouted from behind. Hyunjin turned around and smiled at the smaller. "I said, I'll walk you home, that's what I'm doing. Will you come now? I have no idea where you live." Jisung groaned again and started following the taller. "I said, I am fine. There's no need to walk me home." "I called your mom. She asked me to take care of you." "You did what? Oh god I just passed out. You're a sensitive one, aren't you?"

Now Hyunjin was the one to be surprised. The only thing he'd been doing was being nice to the other and what did he get in return? Rudeness. Where did the happiness from earlier go? He just stayed silent. Jisung next to him kept on complaining and Hyunjin did start to consider to just throw the bag at the smaller and leave. But he couldn't do that. Something told him not to.

"We're here. Will you give me my stuff back now?", Jisung said and stopped next to an apartment building. Hyunjin just handed him the stuff. "I'm sorry that I wanted to make sure you're alright", he snapped. Jisung looked a bit surprised. "We don't know each other?", he said in a questioning tone. "Yeah we don't, but that doesn't mean I can't be nice", Hyunjin defended himself. Jisung scanned him and then turned away from him. "Yeah whatever", he said and walked towards to the front door, leaving a speechless Hyunjin.

How was the boy's mother so nice and Jisung himself so rude? Head shaking he turned around and walked in the direction they came from. He needed to tell this to Seungmin and Jeongin. This definitely wasn't the same Jisung Seungmin had told him about. Unbelievable.

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