Chapter 3

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[ J i s u n g ]
[ T h u r s d a y ,  1 1 t h  A u g u s t ]

"I feel so bad guys. I was so incredibly mean to Hyunjin", Jisung completed his rant. His two friends nodded understandingly. "This kinda reminds me of the time a girl on you and you were purposely mean to her to make her not like you." Minho laughed. Felix gasped loudly. "Oh my god hyung when was that? And why did you never tell me?" "I don't know it's not that important." Minho shrugged. "It was in fourth grade I think", Jisung answered Felix's question. "So wayyyy before your time." Minho added. Felix stuck out his tongue and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "It's not my fault you're basically brothers."

Minho and Jisung had been friends since forever. Well, to be exact since Jisung's birth. Jisung's and Minho's Moms were close friends, even before Jisung and Minho. It had been no surprise that Minho and Jisung turned out to be the same. They were were raised like brothers and their parents often jokingly called them that too. They just made sense together.

Jisung sighed. "Yeah, thank you guys for your help." "You didn't let me finish", Minho said, "I wanted to make the point that you should learn from that experience and try to do better this time. In fourth grade it was like a protective mechanism. You didn't let her come close to you because deep down you knew you were gay. So, what caused you to be mean yesterday?"

That left Jisung speechless. It wasn't because Minho was wrong. No, he was very right. Jisung just didn't know. Why had he been mean? Sure, he had felt dizzy and exhausted, but that never had been an issue before. He couldn't think of anything else.

"It's okay, you don't need to answer right now. Just think about it and maybe tell us as soon as you know." Minho smiled at him. "Now, let's get to class. It's kinda late." He said and pointed towards a clock at the wall. "Oh shoot you're right." Felix grabbed his and Jisung's bag. "Let's go."

Shortly after, Jisung reached his classroom and parted ways with Felix. It was his first intensive course ever and Jisung was hyped to see with who he would share the class.

He entered the classroom and was met with a lot of familiar yet unfamiliar faces. He did know a lot of these people by their name, but that was about it. Once again unsure of what to do now, he sat down at an empty seat.

"Hey, is this seat taken?", Jisung heard a familiar voice. He turned to where it was coming from, just to see... "Seungmin! Hey, yeah, I don't know anybody here", he replied, happy that he was sharing this course with the puppy-like-boy. "Me neither", Seungmin agreed while sitting down. "It's good that we have each other then." Jisung smiled at the taller. He really liked Seungmin.

There was a moment filled of silence, while Seungmin unpacked his material.

"By the way-", both of them started and grimaced at each other. "You go first", Jisung offered. "By the way", Seungmin started again, "I heard you passed out on your way home yesterday?" Jisung raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Yeah I did, how did you know?" Seungmin sighed. "Well, my friend is the one that helped you and I was just curious why-"

Jisung couldn't hear the rest. Once again he could feel the tug on his back. He wanted to give Seungmin a sign, do anything, but he couldn't move as the world around changed.

Jisung found himself in an empty classroom. He himself was sitting on the exact same spot, staring at the empty blackboard in the front, while he listened to somebody talking. Even though he couldn't make out what the person was saying -it was probably the universe trying to hide his soulmates identity- he could hear that the voice was angry. There was some screaming. He didn't know what was happening or why and it kinda scared him.

This wasn't the first bad trigger. Jisung already had had these kind of triggers in the past. His soulmate and him seemed to have a wonderful relationship.

Suddenly the room fell silent. It felt like the other person was waiting for a response. Jisung just didn't know what the person had said. He felt them coming closer to him. Then the blackness overtook as always and Jisung felt himself loosing consciousness.

Waking up from a trigger was the worst. He felt dizzy almost every time, sometimes it was followed by a strong headache or similar symptoms.

When Jisung woke up that specific time, everybody was staring at him. Even the teacher. He hated the attention. How was he supposed to speak in front of all of these people? How was he supposed to explain himself?

"Are you okay?", the teacher -he was male and younger than most teachers Jisung had seen so far- asked, a worried expression covering his features.

Jisung couldn't reply. There were too many people staring at him. Too many people curious about him.

"Hello? You do need to talk to us", the teacher said this time a bit more demanding. "I- I think this is Jisungs way of reacting to triggers. Please let him recover for now", Seungmin next to Jisung spoke up. Jisung gave a shaky nod to show that he was hearing them. He was desperately trying to ignore the whispering around them that had aroused, after Seungmin had spoken up. The teacher let out a sigh as a response. "Okay, but you'll have to stay here after the lesson." Jisung nodded again.

"Okay", he clapped his hands together, "let's start then. I'm Mister Kim and I'll be your teacher in Korean for the next two years."

"Seungmin, thank you", Jisung whispered and Seungmin smiled as a response.

Seungmin and him did get to exchange numbers this time and even spent a break together, since none of them knew where their friends were (and Jisung really wanted to get to know Seungmin more). The other was really nice but also did not stop teasing about how allegedly weird Jisung had looked while being passed out. Seungmin was similar to Minho, but he also wasn't.

The other lessons of the day were nothing special. Jisung did have his other intensive course, Geography, in which he met a sweet person called Haknyeon. Nonetheless was the day kind of boring.

Until the last bell rang, ending most of the student's classes. Well, most of them. Not for Jisung though.

The small boy ran through the school towards the final class of the day. It was 3.35pm and he had no energy to go through another course, but he had been excited to attend this course ever since he first heard of it. A music course, specialising on producing music.

When he entered the music room a few students were already there, getting ready for the lesson. Jisung sat down on an empty chair and started getting ready as well.

Shortly after, the teacher and three older guys entered the room.

"Good afternoon class. I am Mister Min and these are Hongjoong", a smaller boy with blue hair smiled shyly and waved, "Changbin", an even smaller boy with brown hair waved and smiled a confident smile, "and Chan", a boy about the same height as Hongjoong with blonde curls smiled and waved, before saying: "Hey ya, I'm Chan." Mister Min nodded and continued: "They're the best out of the last year and will be here from time to time to help you with your projects." Now it was the three guys's turn to nod. The girl next to Jisung gasped and whispered: "That's so cool." Internally Jisung agreed. He wanted to be like these boys. He had so much to learn, but -and he promised that to himself- he would be one of the best next year to support the younger course.

The course itself was more interesting than the whole day had been and Jisung even got the chance to talk to one of the older guys, Chan, leading up to them exchanging numbers. Jisung called that an accomplishment.

When he left he already knew that Thursdays would be his favourite days.

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