Chapter 4

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[ H y u n j i n ]
[ F r i d a y , 1 2 t h A u g u s t ]

Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin were sitting outside on their usual spot. A bench a bit hidden behind some bushes. It was 7.40am and way too early for Hyunjin. He hated that school started this early and wondered why he continuously met up with his friends at this ungodly time. He could've slept longer, but no. He was sitting here with his friends, who seemed to be more awake than ever.

"... and then Lisa had the audacity to say that they didn't know. Like how do you not know these basic facts about the human body?" Jeongin ranted. Seungmin shrugged. "Uh I don't know, not everybody is as good as you in Biology. Maybe you should stop assuming that. Besides that, there are people, who don't like being confronted by such themes." Jeongin looked to the side, blushing a bit. It was obvious that the person he was talking about had mentioned something like that. "See." Seungmin shook his head in disbelief..

Jeongin hated his classmates. That's why he spent most of his breaks with Hyunjin and Seungmin. Well, Hyunjin was pretty sure Jeongin hated them too, but still spent time with them. No one really knew why.

"Hey Seungminie, have you asked this Jisung guy about why he acted so mean?", Hyunjin decided to switch the theme. "I tried but he passed out before I could finish my question and then I felt bad. He's a nice guy you know?." Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. "And how did him being nice keep you from asking?" "Because he wasn't mean to me. It wasn't my but your experience. I don't know why I have to be the one to ask my friend about your business. You should ask him." Now it was Jeongins part to be surprised. "Hyung you're friends with the guy that was extremely rude to Jinnie hyung? Usually, you would go and punch these kinda people." "Yeah, but not Jisung. As I said, he isn't mean." Hyunjin looked at him blankly. Seungmin sighed. "You'd know what I mean, if you knew him." Seungmin then continued to grab his phone to check the time. "We should get going, class starts in five." He said, while showing his screen to his friends. 7.55am it said. Sighing Hyunjin got up and grabbed his bag. "Yeah, let's go."

Hyunjin let himself fall onto an empty chair after making sure no one sat next to him, pulled his materials out of his bag and rested his arms on top of the table, having no energy for the soon to start lesson. It was his first history lesson of the year. He already wanted it to be over.

"Hey uh is this seat taken?", Hyunjin heard a shaky voice next to him. When he looked up he was met with none other than Jisung.

The seat wasn't taken, but did he want Jisung to sit next to him? No. But yes. No. Yes. No?

"Sorry, I'll go", Jisung said, clearly afraid to say something wrong. Hyunjin had taken too long. He had to decide now. "No it's not, but you can also sit somewhere else", he finally said. Jisung, who had been ready to walk a way, turned back to Hyunjin. "Thanks", he replied, before sitting down next to Hyunjin. Without him saying anything else Hyunjin turned back to the front. This would be a fun lesson.

Jisung next to him seemed nervous. He kept on tapping on the table. It annoyed Hyunjin, but he decided to not say anything. The two boys didn't know each other and had nothing to do with each other. The only thing that connected them was that stupid incident.

"Hey uhm", Jisung then spoke up, breaking the awkward silence in between the two, "listen I'm-" He was interrupted by a teacher entering the room. "Sorry, I'm late", she announced. Hyunjin heard Jisung sighing next to him, but decided to ignore the smaller boy once again.

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