Chapter 9

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[ J i s u n g ]
[ F r i d a y , 2 6 t h  A u g u s t ]

Sighing Jisung let himself fall onto the small bench outside the school building. It was Friday, meaning the last day of the week had arrived. Jisung and his new found friends -he wasn't even sure whether or not he was allowed to call them that- had decided to spend some time after school together to get to know each other better. Jisung wasn't sure if he liked the idea, but either way there was no turning back now.

Alongside with him, Seungmin, Chan and Changbin were sitting on the bench. Seungmin was sitting next to him. Chan and Changbin were talking. The others were still missing. Jisung and Seungmin had had lessons until now, but Jisung knew Hyunjin as well as Felix didn't. He didn't know about the others and Minho... Well no one knew what the second oldest was up to or if he'd even come.

Jisung pulled his phone out, hoping Felix had texted him. Maybe he would be able to start a conversation. But no, the younger didn't. Jisung let his hands fall onto his lap and looked around. When would the others come? This felt so awkward.

"Well, this is awkward", Jisung heard a voice behind them. To his surprise it was Minho. Jisung didn't even think the older would take his time to come. "Min hyung, it's so nice to see you", Jisung exclaimed and got up to hug the older, who happily accepted the hug. "Hi", Seungmin greeted Minho as well when Jisung and Minho had let go of each other. "Hi", called greeted back and sat down next to Jisung on the bench. "Where are the others?', he then proceeded to ask just to get a not knowing shrug back. "Well, Chan hyung and Changbin hyung are over there", Seungmin said and pointed behind himself, "but they've been ignoring us ever since we arrived." "Yeah, and we don't know where the others are", Jisung added. "Ah look there's Innie." Seungmin pointed to a person, who was waddling towards them.

Soon after the group was finally completed. Hongjoong was the first one after Jeongin to join them because his class had ended later. Felix had taken the bus because he was too lazy to walk and the bus took longer than expected. Hyunjin had just needed longer. Jisung didn't really get why.

"Let's go for burgers." "NO, let's go to that Korean place over there, that sounds really good." "It's literally 4pm let's not eat something warm. We could just eat ice cream." "But we get to hang out, we should celebrate that."

The first thing that happened was a fight. Jisung had lost track of who said what. The fight itself was stupid, but it told Jisung everything he needed to know. These people would either get along very well -maybe even too well- or they wouldn't get along at all. There was nothing in between.

Jisung on his behalf did not participate in the fight. Felix, being the main reason why the nine of them had gotten together, also didn't participate. So the two of them stood at the side next to the chaos group.

"Let's just pretend we don't know them", Jisung suggested. "Good idea. How about we just go and grab some ice cream? The others will notice at some point and we benefit", Felix accepted happily. "Sounds like a good plan", Jisung said and took Felix's hand to pull the other along. "Hey, can I join y'all?", they heard a voice behind them. It turned out to be Hongjoong, who had distanced himself from the group as well. Of course the two of them had nothing against it and the now three of them went to the nearest ice cream shop.

Jisung, Felix and Hongjoong had already bought their ice cream and were now sitting outside of the shop when Chan came running up to them: "There you are, we got all worried when we saw that you guys were gone." "You shouldn't have fought so much then", Jisung said. "We just wanted some fun", Felix agreed.  "And ice cream", Hongjoong added. Chan shook his head in disbelief and pulled his phone out to call the others.

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