Chapter 13

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[ J i s u n g ]
[ M o n d a y , 5 t h S e p t e m b e r ]

Felix and Jisung sat in front of their Physics room, cuddling.

It was the day after Felix's birthday, meaning that the two of them had spent their weekend together, since Jisung's birthday was one day before Felix's. It had always been like this. Jisung and Felix just spent their birthdays together. It didn't matter which days their birthdays fell on. The days after that Jisung and Felix were just as glued together. Even when they didn't have lessons together, they would still find a way to spend as much time together as possible. Sometimes they were mistaken as a couple. It was funny, but very far from the truth. Jisung just considered them as soulmates – birthday twin soulmates. They just clicked. There was no way, they weren't meant to be friends.

Seungmin sat beside them, playing a game on his phone. Usually Jisung's whole attention would've been on the younger, but today he was focused on Felix. Yes, it felt mean towards Seungmin, but Jisung had his priorities.

Then Hyunjin came jogging towards them.

"Where were y'all? I searched everywhere for you", he said as soon as he reached the trio. "They were cuddling the whole time", Seungmin responded still focused on the game. Hyunjin raised an eyebrow and mustered the "soulmates". "Are you together now? I thought Felix had a thing going on with Chan hyung", he asked. Felix and Jisung looked at each other before breaking out into laughter. "No, no we're not", Felix brought out after some time. "Birthday. We're birthday soulmates", Jisung explained only making Hyunjin more confused. "What?", the older asked. "He was born on the 14th and I was born on 15th", Felix cleared up the confusion. "Oh happy belated birthday. Sorry I didn't know", Hyunjin said, obviously surprised. "Yeah from me too", Seungmin spoke up, even though it was obvious that he hadn't really listened to their conversation. The game seemed to be very fascinating. "It's no biggie", Jisung waved off.

Hyunjin made a move to sit down next to Seungmin, but was stopped by their Physics teacher approaching the room. Alongside the other students they entered the room and sat down at their usual table.

As soon as all of the students had settled down the teacher started talking: "Today we're going to do an experiment. I already divided you into pairs so you don't need worry about that."

That sentence triggered a panic in Jisung. It ran through his veins and made him shiver. He hated working in random pairs.

Jisung may be loud around his friends, but that was only because he was close to them. He felt comfortable around them. When he was supposed to work with strangers he usually wasn't able to say much. Too much panic he would say anything that would offend the other person and make them hate him or just to annoy them with what he was saying would be running through his body. The others then would claim that they did all the work or Jisung ended up doing everything alone because he wasn't able to say no. He hated it.

By now the teacher had finished explaining the experiment and started announcing the pairs. "Ang Yuna and Na Jaemin ..." It wasn't Jisung's turn yet. The panic only grew bigger. "... Choi Jongho and Kim Seungmin ..." The possibility that he would be paired up with one of his friends just got smaller. What if he really had to work with one of the many weird people in his class? What if he had to work with Seungmin's weird stalker? "... Han Jisung and Hwang Hyunjin ..." A huge weigh was taken from Jisung's shoulders. He would be working with Hyunjin. Hyunjin was his friend. Everything was fine. No stranger.

He turned to the taller who was already looking at Jisung and smiled widely. The other also started smiling.

"... Lee Felix and Son Eric ..." Jisung patted Felix's shoulder, but the other just waved it off. Felix was a huge social butterfly and Jisung already knew that the one day younger would walk out of this class with yet another friend.

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