Chapter 19

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[ H y u n j i n ]
[🎢 T u e s d a y🎢 , 1 1 t h O c t o b e r]

He sat in a rollercoaster. "Thrill ride" was written all of the carriage they were sitting in. It was slowly going up.

Jisung sat next to him. The younger was holding his hand and kept on saying: "I hate this." Hyunjin had to giggle, only to earn a mad look from Jisung. "I hate you", the other changed the words.

The rollercoaster stopped at the top.

"I love you too", Hyunjin said.

Then it started going down at massive speed.

And Hyunjin found himself back in his social studies class. He had to blink a few times, then his vision also turned back to normal. This trigger had finally been a fun one. He wasn't sure how it was related to the situation he was in right now, but that didn't matter. It had finally been a good trigger.

Hyunjin was very confused about his feelings towards Jisung. They hadn't been able to see each other a lot outside of shared classes. The exam phase had kept them apart from each other.

This Friday it was finally over. Three weeks of hard work and a lot of studying. Hyunjin couldn't say he was confident about the outcome of said exams, but that was a problem of future Hyunjin. Finally they would have some holidays. And maybe some time for Jisung as well.

Back to Jisung, Hyunjin missed the small boy. He missed the pretty smile, the weird jokes that made him laugh most of the times, the cute nicknames Jisung had started making up after they'd talked – in short, he missed everything about Jisung.

...And that made him confused. They'd found out about them being soulmates a month ago. If you asked him, this was all going way too fast. Hyunjin didn't want to catch feelings. Being soulmates was the one thing, having romantic feelings for each other was another.

Firstly, he didn't have the time for a relationship. His graduation was only one and a half years from now on. He had to focus on that. Secondly, his parents. They would never accept such behaviour. Hyunjin couldn't even imagine what they'd do when they'd find out. Thirdly, Jisung and him knew each other way too short. He had to trust a person before he could go into a relationship with them and he wasn't sure, if he could trust Jisung.

Why am I thinking like Jisung asked me out?, Hyunjin thought and shook his head. He needed to stop thinking this way.

"What are you shaking your head about, Mister Hwang?", his teacher asked and brought him back to reality. "Nothing. Sorry, Sir", he immediately apologised. His teacher sighed and continued to say: "It's fine, just make sure to pay attention now." "Of course, Sir."

Seungmin next to him started giggling. "Of CoUrSe, SiR", he mocked. "You sound really stupid." "Shut up, you'll get us both in trouble." "YoU'lL gEt Us BoTh In TrOuBlE", Seungmin continued to mock Hyunjin. "I hate you", Hyunjin whispered. "That feeling is equal", Seungmin replied proudly.

Even after the lesson Seungmin wouldn't stop teasing. "Have you seen yourself in there? I swear, Religion with you is literally the funniest", he laughed. "Sometimes I wish we weren't friends", Hyunjin sighed. "Well, sorry to inform you, but you're not getting rid of me anytime soon. You're way too funny to watch." "Can't we go back to the time where you were all shy and lovely? I liked you more back then." "Look at me and tell me that I'm not lovely again." "Ok ok I take everything back."

"Oh hey Hyunjin hyung, hi Seungmin", they were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Hi Sung", Seungmin smiled and waved at the small figure walking towards them. "Oh now that Jisung's here you act all innocent." "I don't know what you're talking about", Seungmin said and looked at him with his innocent puppy eyes. "Ugh I hate you." Seungmin only smiled.

"What were you guys talking about?", Jisung asked. He was now standing in front of them, looking at them with a confused expression. Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat when he saw Jisung like that. He once again had to notice how beautiful Jisung was. "Hyunjin hyung was being stupid in social studies because of some trigger and it was really funny", Seungmin explained his perspective. "Hey", Hyunjin exclaimed and hit his best friend. "What was that for?" "That wasn't what happened. Like at all", Hyunjin pouted. "I had a trigger, drifted off with my thoughts afterwards, got in trouble for that and apologised. That was all. Seungmin's trying to make the thing bigger than it was", he then continued on explaining his perspective. "You guys are really dramatic for what?", Jisung shook his head.

"Anyway, what was the trigger about?", he then asked, his expression lightning up. Hyunjin couldn't help but to smile along. "We were in a rollercoaster and you hated it", he summed the trigger up. "That's it!?" "Yep", Hyunjin nodded. "It sounds fun though? I mean I'm really excited for that day", he then continued. "I hate rollercoasters", Jisung pouted.

Before Hyunjin could reassure him, the bell rang.

"Hyung we gotta go", Seungmin said impatiently. "Yeah I know", Hyunjin replied and turned to Jisung. "Bye Ji", he smiled. "Bye Honey", Jisung replied and pulled Hyunjin into a short hug.

When Seungmin and him walked down the hallway, Hyunjin's heart was still beating unevenly.

"You're so whipped, you know that right?", Seungmin asked. "WHAT? Me whipped? For Jisung? Never", Hyunjin shook his head in protest. "I can't tell if you're joking." "Am not." "Oh god", Seungmin sighed. "We're here." He stopped and pointed to the classroom next to them. Hyunjin nodded and followed Seungmin as he entered the classroom.

For the next hour and half he was completely lost in thoughts. What did Seungmin mean? Hyunjin and Jisung were soulmates. Their relationship was bound to be a bit different than usual ones. But that wasn't what Seungmin meant, was it?


I wrote this in Thrill Ride (& Thunderous) era, idk if you could tell by the innuendos in the beginning hehe :] If you didn't: This is your sign to join our messy fandom deobi!! The Boyz are making a comeback on 11/01 with MAVERICK so take your chance before it's too late. I'd show you the released photos, but there are too many for Wattpad (you'll have to check that out on their insta @/offical_theboyz). Here's the artwork for it instead:

Beautiful, right? I know, now check out the eleven loves of my life

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Beautiful, right? I know, now check out the eleven loves of my life. Ty <33

(If you're a deobi pls hit me up, I am in desperate need of friends, it's seriously getting pretty lonely)

I can't believe I just did that, stays pls don't hate me for loving tbz :/

20/07/22: This is from a year ago BUT I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. So u still gotta deal with me being a fan :D Also, I've been to a tbz concert (in Berlin to be exact) and still need friends!

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