. . . . chapter three.

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sk8er boi - avril lavigne

[ cw ! jokes about death ]

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later that night, chia settled on finally playing the dvd her younger brother gave her on her birthday. according to google, it was proclaimed as a classic film which romance and slice of life enjoyers often listed among their favorites. the movie revolved around the male and female leads taking a drive before they cross their afterlives.

though its setting and the overall concept was breathtaking, she couldn't help but repeatedly yawn. it was more of her problem, though, considering how she wasn't the biggest fan of quiet movies. a particular thought attempting to mentally distract her through cringe didn't help with her energy either.

having enough of suffering alone while the voices in her head gradually became more intolerable, she pinged her best friend JACE LIU XINGRAN. to her, he genuinely was an effective giver of moral support, despite his so-called words of wisdom barely made sense to her half of the time. that's what best friends are for after all.

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Today 8:03 PM

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Today 8:03 PM

how d i kno if im gna get m^rd3red >

< im not google

im srs >
theres dis dude >

< dont tell me its ur ex again

no >

< svt woozi?

i just >
nooo >
y wld uji m^rd3r me >
let me finish typing >

< u only ever talk about those two when convos involve men why would yu need to finish 🙄

its notthem dis time >
d dude is creepsy as fck >
ik he just wans togo 4 smoke break 2oo but he srsly is >

< is he hot

yes >
no >
thats not d point >
as i ws saying >
he memorized the exact time we met ??? >
and he does that side smile thing whenever we look at e/o >
makes him look lyk a >
lyk a..... >
.....psychopath ¿#;'!&(? >

< u think thats psycopath behaviour?
< bet he jst finds u sexc asf
< hes jist like every othef guy in bars
< and the memorised time thing omg that so romantic
< not every hot male whos nice to u is gonna give u trauma
< not everyone is ur ex

ffs stop brnging my ex up im moving on >
secondly >
the thing is im not in a bar >
and ive found him suspiciousy snce our frst meet >
and he was there the next day before me ??? >
with so much to say ???? >
more sussy >

< if u were so suspicious of him since the 1st time u met why go back to th place ??
< dont telm me for smoke lol u can smoke inside ur apartment u just wanna see him
< u have the hots for him too admit it

shut up >

< u have nothing to say anymore huh 😙✌

smh >
but what if >

what if he kwords me >

bcz as hot as he is he might be psycho >
like zac efrons t3d bnd¥ docu and the dark wp ao3 tumblr ffs i veread prepared me for thus thought >
i dnt like it >

< well
< uve always had death wishes anyway
< nows ur chance
< w my permission
< get kworded by hot guy instead of lung cancer 😍
< but tell me beforhand too s0 we'll still be besties 4life bc ill ask sicheng to kword me beside u !!
< sichengs not a psycho but
< imagine the headlines
< hot dudes murder a hot pair of bestfriends.
< and therell be tiktoks about us when it happens nd everyones interested so we get hype til death
< "a case that never sat right with me......."
< foolproof plan 😍😍

i >
i didnot ask 4 dis >
but thx 4 the help haha lov u bestie choke on a spo0n 😄 >

< u too 🥰❤

< u too 🥰❤

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. . . . . .

after the oh-so helpful messages her best friend provided, she set her phone down.

she shifted her focus to the coffee table, her gaze landing on one of the many scattered objects. for someone with adequate vision, she clearly saw that one opened esse cigarette box and its contents. among the clean white sticks was one of his thick lucky strikes, which he used to repay the one she gave him during their first time together.

it stood out so well, just like h—

but, it was time to stop thinking about him and stuff ideally correlated to him. why was she even doing so? he was too weird. he definitely was. she's developed no interest whatsoever. no, not all.

she clicked resume. pulling her blanket up until its end was pressed to her chin. she chose to aggressively shake her head whenever the thoughts of him go back, hoping her mind would get tired of the dizziness it brought each time and give up for a while.

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