. . . . chapter thirty-four.

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dress  -  taylor swift

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"this is so much better," chia marveled, slurping her noodles that only costed less than half of the steak they had at the fine dining restaurant. "and it's only a thousand won!"

the pair ran away (bill paid, of course. it was no problem for him since they accepted card unlike the landlord he was still terrified of holding a knife still with minced onions falling off it while running after him) to a convenience store after the unsatisfactory dinner, hoarding spicy noodle cups, sandwiches, and yoghurt drinks (for him. she had beer).

"i know right?"

as the night progressed with people coming and going and their food soon becoming nothing but plastic to throw, chia went silent. not for no reason though. from the small glisten which reflected her focal point, youngho noticed her eyes were on his lips parted by a smile.

could it be?

after the long, anxiety-inducing stare, she whispered unfiltered, "so much green . . . on your teeth."

embarrassing. not what he expected. he chuckled it off (with a closed mouth from shame), pretending his ego was still intact.

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"ten really did that?"

"if you knew him it'd be no surprise."

"he doesn't look that crazy."

"oh but he is. craziest man i know."

his hands were on his pockets while hers were on the chain of her bag as they walked on the pavement on the way home. as it was too deep in the night thanks to their unconsciousness from spending almost four hours at

"i've had a great time tonight. thanks."

"wanna have more fun?"

there was a brief moment where chia's eyes went wide, her head floating to places.

youngho pulled her with him in the middle of the road. right in between while broken traffic lights seemed to be eternally green. it was far from her idea of fun. she tried shaking his hand off.

"i'm not interested in your suicide plan."

he persisted. "just trust me."

she gave in with practically no need for further conviction. they stood there, him playing a '70s love song with prominent sax line on apple music.

he had asked if he could place his hands around her hips beforehand, still hesitant even after she gave a warm yes and had her arms already wrapped around his shoulders.

as someone who could not be described a romantic, she wasn't the biggest fan. there was a reason she bailed on prom and all activities like that back then.

but his eyes locking with hers made it tolerable. words were not needed anymore. his gaze itself was charming enough. it already said everything. it already made her fall completely off the table.

"this reminds me of that movie . . . . the notebook?"

he assumed romance was what she had in mind. he's only seen the notebook once with his best friend who deemed it as a favorite that everybody should watch at least a hundred times, him sleeping through half of it as the other sobbed all throughout.

"i hated it so much though. so fucking corny," she continued.

"i mean i understand," he said. "blame my friend for this he— he— well, you know. planner."

though they expressed distaste and cringe from what they were doing, they didn't move. he still gently held  their faces did though. slowly. towards each other.

the feeling had—


—been interrupted.

the pair were separated by yellow sports car who seemed to not know how to use breaks and only continuously honked their horn and swerved even if there was no traffic in the serene, empty street.

it came as no surprised, cases of drunk driving had recently peaked after all. and it presumably was driven by an upper-class senior high student who snuck out from their busy parents to snort lines and drink alcohol in red foam cups with other upperclassmen.

"are you okay?" chia yelled towards the man who lost his balance on the pavement on the other side, adrenaline still controlling her breathing.


youngho even looked proud, holding up his scraped palm for her to see from afar as he laughed to a volume she could hear. he also still had that bright smile.

and he has the guts to call his friends crazy? while he pulls this shit? man.

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