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" it wasn't our first time meeting
at the rooftop actually. "

. . . . .

[ 2014 ]

"dude, we gotta go."

when his friend nagged him about leaving for the umpteenth time, johnny pointed to the woman with green streaked hair who was awake yet firmly clung to his arm.

he couldn't just push her away like it was nothing. where would his manners be? and what if he pushed too hard for her liking? what if she yells? too many risks.

the friend said, "i'm so telling yuka."

"it'll be quick. wait outside."

despite being annoyed of their walk home being delayed (he had a curfew so he'd always in a rush when offered hanging out to avoid beatdowns), the friend realized he had no choice and pulled his vape pen out to kill time.

johnny looked at her who seemed wasted as fuck. while inspecting further, he noticed the smudged eyeshadow and dripping mascara down her cheeks.

she mumbled, "your arm is warm. i like it."

"are you okay?"

"i got cheated on for the sixth damn time, but sure, great question."

"sixth time?" his eyes went wide. he didn't know such people his age existed in non-fiction. "i think you're putting this on yourse--"

"i mean, four of the times were done when we were still only online chatmates so i don't know if that counts but you know i'm-- of course i'm heartbroken. i moved to korea for him. and school, but i dropped out so he's all i have. i love him more than paramore."

he understood a little after hearing 'online chatmates'. from all the stories he's heard (most reliable being ten's experience) shit like that never works. never.

she looked super devastated though. he didn't know her or what the story behind everything was, but it hurt to see.

"no man is worth as much as paramore."

"but he's perfect."

"he wouldn't cheat for the sixth time if he was perfect. if anything, he wouldn't cheat at all. but that's just my opinion."

"you don't even know him."

"your description is enough."

she kept defending. "he's hot."

he kept opposing. "lots of hot guys out there."

"he's the first person who's ever loved me in a true, non-platonic, non-family member way. and i love him too. he makes me smile."

"if it was true love--"

"just shut the fuck up please."

johnny obeyed.

he was petrified. you'd think the 'please' would make it sound nicer. her foolish, lovestruck demeanor was instantly covered up by a glare sharper than one of a devil.

"i have an idea!" with a few sniffs, her mood changed in an instant. relieving to some extent. "do you wanna date for the night? just to add fuel to my revenge plot. we'll break up once i post our photos. you're kindaaaa my type so it'll be believable to him."

"i have a girlfriend."

". . . . what a shame." she steered away from his arm. "well the scumbag is still my boyfriend too so."

this time, with her not clung to him anymore, it was the actual perfect opportunity to stand up and to say a fervent farewell to the stranger.

"bye then. i hope you escape the scumbag soon."

alone, chia put her head down on the bar counter, sobbing a little more.

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✓ SIX THIRTY ━ johnny suhWhere stories live. Discover now