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The deep brown eyes had it's gaze fixed down at the soil or sometimes tilted upward to the captivating clouds sliding over the bright blue sky. 

Those eyes were the color of earth, flecks of deep brown united with lighter hues, rich with pure kindness and warmth.

He lets out a soft weary sigh, pushing his round glasses up the bridge of his nose delicately and flipping the page he was done reading.

The murmurs and enjoyment of teenagers playing on the basketball court was oddly comfortable for him to study his academic book. He doesn't have anything else to do---doesn't have any best friend to talk with or kill his time. He does have friends but that's just for mutual benefits, they are more like familiars.

It wasn't like he was totally avoided by his classmates, but rather he never felt comfortable in making friends. He was delighted being alone, in his own company.

Being with people was hugely uncomfortable for him, it makes him nervous and conscious.

And that's how he gained a popular name among his classmates--nerd.

Fair enough, he didn't much care. He surely lacked social skills and was quiet and studious but that doesn't mean he was a foolish contemptible person. 

He only have to suffer all their mocks and taunts for one more year, he'll graduate soon--not without the first class as its what is his goal.

Intelligence and knowledge was something he gained with passion. Studying was his passion, hobby, habit and everything---he devoted all his life to learn more and more things.

It was something he knew to do since childhood. Studies become a companion to his loneliness and eventually that wasn't boring for him but rather a deep passion and determination to achieve something big in his life.

Live a normal life, build a family and know the feeling of being loved. That's what he actually dreamt of.

--have someone whom he can call as his.

Those which were so basic and normal for others were actually his dream.

"Yah jeon jungkook!" The high pitched voice makes him to raise his head and gaze at the girl who called for him.

"Professor Lee wants to meet you" He nods at the girl, mouthing a thank you while the students around him suddenly started giggling and laughing.

"Teacher's pet" He heard one of the murmur, making him sigh and ignore it as usual.

He picks up his books, gathering it one by one. Just as he was about to walk away, his eyes fell onto the flowers which the ten year old little girl of his orphanage gifted him. She excitedly visited his dorm just to gift these flowers to him.

He dropped out of his orphanage home a year ago, now living in his college dorm and he doesn't really know where he'll go once college ends.

He didn't wanted to depend and bother his sponsor for his personal expenses, his sponsor being the father of his hyung, kim namjoon. He was already doing much by providing him with the financial support for his education. So he was working hard to earn money and save it for renting an apartment after college.

Jungkook smiles, he didn't have heart to abandon those precious flowers and so does he takes it with him and walks forward. He was just fixing his glasses when suddenly his feet stumbled with something and he fell on the ground with a loud thud, his books scattering around.

"Oh! Sorry nerd!" He heard the irritating voice instantly, making him grit his teeth and glare up at the laughing male.

"What? Want to say something jeon?" The man challenges, raising his brow mockingly.

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