Thirty four : Fret

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A blinding headache and a throbbing buzz inside his ears. Thousands of pins were buried to his bones. Something was gnawing his skins off. He couldn't do anything to stop the torture, he couldn't move. Tears started getting trapped in his closed eyes. Where is he? What is happening?

Where is taehyung?

Taehyung was calling for him. He could see his tears. He could hear his cries loudly in ears. Jungkook! Open the door. Get jungmin out of here. Please.

His eyes violently snapped open, he struggled and fought to breath. His heart was pounding to rip out of his chest. He mumbled and whimpered to move.

"Hey, hey...Relax. It's okay, jungkook"

The voice echoed several times. He couldn't see anything. It was just blurred white light, not fading even after blinking furiously.

"" Sweat started covering his face. He moved his left leg and immediately screamed.

"For god's sake, just stay still"

He somehow relaxed after finally recognising the voice. He closed his eyes and opened them after moment, he repeated that five more times and worked on to steady his breathes.

He got his vision. White walls, cardiac monitor, iv drip, antiseptic smell. Enough indication to let him know that he's in a hospital room. With park bogum sitting beside him, making him wonder out loud, "Am i in hell?"

"Well you can wish" Bogum laughed, "As your life isn't any less than a hell"

Jungkook was hearing his voice in double. Seeing him in many forms of blur. "How did i---"

"Unfortunately..." Bogum dragged his words for a suspence, "Rescue team had to save you out of pity"

"Taehyung" Jungkook gasped as he attempted to sit, "Where is---"

"Try to move again and you'll rip off your leg" Bogum coolly warned.

That's when he slipped his gaze down to his legs. He couldn't see his skin through the dressing which covered from his knees to toes but could definitely feel the severe pain.

"Taehyung is finally out there to fill his stomach with something, so i'm choosing not to interrupt him with your awakening" Bogum said while pouring a glass of water.

Jungkook cleared his throat and examined his plastered hand. "Jungmin?"

"I'm glad baby bear didn't earn any burns, thanks to you on that" Bogum offered him the glass of water. Jungkook glanced at his poor hands and then glared back at bogum, what was he expecting him to do?

"Oh sorry" Bogum pursed his lips and hesitated, "Do you want it though?"

Jungkook licked his dry lips and nodded innocently. Bogum looked away with a silent curse, then shortly helped him to drink the water.

"Thank you" Jungkook coughed as he silently told bogum to wipe his mouth. Bogum rolled his eyes and harshly grabbed the napkins, almost dabbing it on jungkook's whole face.

Jungkook shuts his eyes as every pain in his body started reaching to his senses. " here?"

"Wanted to chill. Seeing you like this is fun" Bogum's snark made jungkook feel a blinding head ache.

Bogum observed the pain twisting on his face. "Do you realise your voice is very much hoarse and difficult to understand?"

Jungkook nodded subtly, he's aware of how much effort he's taking to speak. "I can't---"

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