Six : Reason

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Long one! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

It is a rollercoaster, brace yourself angels!

Jungkook was nervously fidgeting his fingers, eye blankly staring down at his lap. His restless actions gave only one word--nervous.

The drive was simply silent, taehyung chose not to speak anything as he understood jungkook wouldn't be much comfortable in having casual talks when he's already anxious over the place they're going to drop by.

Jungkook would occasionally stuff his hands on his pant pockets, everytime realising he left the ring at home, safely inside his drawer.

When the car came to a halt, jungkook squeezed his eyes close. He doesn't know why he's anxious, it oddly felt like he's going to meet a person rather than just paying a visit at the orphanage where he grew up.

Taehyung takes a careful glance at jungkook, he could sense the stress radiating from his stiff body.

"Kookie" His soothing voice forces jungkook to open his eyes and timidly gaze at him.

"It's alright" Taehyung smiled and gently brought up his hand, brushing the chin of his husband who naturally leans to his touch with a soft sigh.

"I'm here with you" That one sentence was comforting in ways jungkook couldn't explain. It was a assurance that no matter what, he's there to stand beside him through every thick and thin.

"Are you okay?" He could sense the concern and uncertainty in taehyung's voice. "We can go back if you want"

"No, i'm fine." Jungkook inhales, his eyes blinking slowly as he tries to calm himself.

Maybe he knows why he's getting apprehensive. Ever since he recollected the memories of his childhood, one thing he vividly felt was sadness--- he sensed that not every days were pleasant. He became a loner because the orphanage gave enough sour memories to be one.

Taehyung pressed a sad smile and unbuckled his seat belt, then promptly leaned forward and embraced his husband.

Oh how thankful jungkook felt for that one warm embrace.

"It will be alright kookie... It's nothing to stress about." Taehyung whispers, hands rubbing on jungkook's back smoothly.

Jungkook stays in his warmth for a moment, the short silence was easeful. He took his time to get a composure and lower down his racing heartbeats, he knows taehyung could patently feel it in their hug and so did he press a kiss on his neck and mumbles more solacing words to lessen his nervousness.

"I didn't take the ring so will you hold my hand please" Jungkook faintly requests and taehyung beams at his soft voice. He leans back and readily nods his head, seeing jungkook smiling a bit.

They both got out of the car and taehyung was quick to saunter towards jungkook and intertwine their hands warmly together.

Content brought a smile on jungkook's face as he took a small step forward and placed a light kiss on his husband's forehead, the nurturing gesture costed a beat of taehyung's heart.

It wasn't much for jungkook as he was just presenting his sweet affection for his husband but forehead kisses have always been a foible to taehyung.

While he was taking slow breaths to calm his fluttering heart, jungkook had his eyes slowly fixate on the three-storey building in front of them. It was quite huge in the shades of brown and cream while the lush of greenery was quite evident even at a glance.

"This--this is huge"

Instantly, he hears a soft chuckle from taehyung who says, "It wasn't always like this before"

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