Forty nine : Voice

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I know it isn't good to stare at the LED lights without a blink, but I'm strangely fascinated. The rays coming out from the overhead lights seemed to be intertwining, are they supposed to do that?

I close my eyes briefly when my right arm is moved. I watch my father pressuring a dose of something into the thin plastic tube inserted into my vein. He looks better in his white coat. Looking at his face, I start recalling the time I gained consciousness. The time when I was able move my body again.

I screamed, yelled and fought like a mad man to be free, all of it went vain. I obviously couldn't win against a room full of men trying to pin me down to the ground. The burst of rage I felt within me when I held Heebong by his neck still exhausts me.

Then, a needle poked me, and I was sedated and brought to a silent room. I'm strapped to a table, allowed to stare into the lights glaring down at me. What is going to happen to me? Is he going to kill me? Sell my organs? No matter the anxiety and panic I feel, I'm unable to express it. I'm too sleepy. Completely exhausted.

"Day one" His echoing voice forces me to pay attention, he's speaking to a camera. "Beginning the trials on Subject-034"

I knew he barely remembered my name and then he calls me his son. I want to sleep. I can just quickly take a nap. Will he allow me to? I feel cold and I wonder if I caught a fever.

"Subject being sedated with midazolam before the preliminary phase"

Fever. Taehyung was sick. I need to check if he went to the hospital. I want to hear him. His voice makes me feel at home. Where's my phone? He took it. I remember him playing with my phone last night.

My heart flinched when his cold hand touched my forehead, then only I feel the pads stuck to the skin of my forehead. My half-opened eyes focused on the blurring sight of his face.

His lips curve for a villainous smile, "Give me your best fight"

He's walking away, checking the monitor. I hear my heart hammering loudly in my chest. It's just a nightmare. When I wake up from my sleep, it will be over. I just need to wake up.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!

I open my eyes widely and the merciless lights beats them close in no time. I'm still here. Why? Where's Taehyung? He loves to sleep beside me, even refuses to let me get out of the bed. Where's he?

"Blood pressure at normal levels" He grabs my arm again, inserts something into the plastic tube. "Intravenous administration of scopolamine WC1"

My arm numbs with a searing pain. Tears gather in my eyes and I close them tightly, immediately seeing a thousand pinpoints of light exploding across my sight. What did he do? I scream without a voice, what did he do to me!?

"Expecting reactions in one, two, three..."

I shake my head, rubbing my feet together. It's loud. Every small sound explodes loud to my mind. They absorb into my pulsing head. The voice, the noise, it bleeds my ears in agony.
One... One... One.

"... eight---labored breathing, increased blood pressure" He's walking around. The sounds of every step he takes bursts intense fear in me.

Two... Two... Two.
Three... Three.

My blood roared in my ears. What's happening? Why am I---

Four. Five. Six.
I scream, my voice coming out of my sore throat. Stop this. Stop it. I writhe, pleading, crying. My head is going to blast.

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