Seven : Pearl

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Just the last swipe on the black glass table and it was done, clean and shiny as ever. The cafe was lit in warm lights, a mild music playing to entertain the customers and the two boys who just now started doing their work for the night shift are already looked exhausted.

At least, my work was done and i could at last straighten my back and relax in my small bed. That reminds me that i should buy a packet of ramen, even the thought making my stomach growl in hunger.

It was past six which wasn't fair, i should be at my dorm by now if not these two lazy boys didn't show up late. Never mind, nothing more left to cause delay.

I took off my apron and straightened my striped shirt, fixing the crumbled fabric and brushing off aimlessly. After informing the manager of my leave, i eagerly exit the cafe.

A sigh of relief leaving past my lips as i make my way towards the small shop to buy ramen, i know the owner of that grocery shop. She's a kind lady in her forties, unfortunately mute but always cheerful. Her smile is so welcoming.

As i hand her the money, she passes me the packet of ramen and waves her hand with a pout in her lips, conveying she's sad to say goodbye. I let out a delighted chuckle and mumble a thank you.

As i turn around, i can't help but think how lucky her kids might be. Got such a lovely person as their mother. Only a few like me remains unlucky but it's okay. I'm over it.

I take excited steps ahead, always have been this enthusiastic to reach back to my dorm. It's blissful to take a good sleep after working your ass off.

I was just waiting for the right moment to cross the road and suddenly my eyes got a glimpse of two silhouettes of men passing by the small street, darkness was too blinding to figure it out properly but it was clear-- one was striding ahead rapidly while the other was following to catch up to him.

It was some kind of stalking, i knew it. There is always a article found in the newspaper conveying about the murder in dark streets, incentive is always thieving or at most times sexual assaults. Once when the situation was getting worse, yoongi hyung even called me to warn about the increasing crimes and to not walk around the streets at night.

I wasn't afraid, i know i can fight against such stealers. But if they have weapons then i should take a step back.

But should i step back now when i know someone is in need of help? I reluctantly shift my gaze down, why take risk unnecessarily? I'm no hero.

Then again, i couldn't help but feel edgy and anxious. I peer at the streets ahead and focused on the moving figures. The one in need of help was surely panicking and making his way aimlessly to safety but i'm sure he wasn't knowing the way down to the lonely streets were no safety.

I walk forward and cautiously cross the road, my legs naturally following the silhouettes and i knew i was desperate to help. Can't manage to read another article on the newspaper tomorrow and feel like shit, it wouldn't have happened if i gathered some courage.

Suddenly, my eyes widen in shock when the street light gratefully gives a way to catch the colored glimpse of them. All i could now worry about was the familiar silver head.

Before i could know, i was running. I could feel my heart sinking everytime when the darkness envelopes my sight, when i couldn't figure the two clearly.

I didn't wanted to be late, if at all i can't reach up quick then all i was praying was--

Not him. Please.

I was panting when i stopped only a distance far from the man. I could now clearly see--it was taehyung. Striding forward in utmost panic and fear of being followed by some stranger in the black streets who obviously had evil motives for him.

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