Twenty four : Exhaustion

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My brows were creased in genuine worry.
"I bet you'll fall"

"I bet i'll throw these hard covered books onto your face" I swear to god, this girl is so stubborn. She just doesn't listen.

I kept holding the long stool on which she's standing, watching her arm extending in a desperate attempt to reach the high end of the shelf.

"Let it be, chae"

She sank on her heels and glared down at me. The book in her hand raised in a threat to actually throw it at my face.

I laughed, "I dare you"

Chaeyoung huffed and rolled her eyes perfectly. She always does that roll of her round eyes such accurately that i get amused.

"I'm a perfectionist for a reason, jeon" I huffed at her boasting. She went on trying to keep those two large books back on the shelf. I wondered how even she got those books from up there.

The library was almost deserted, only few lonely souls wandering around can be seen. We're are included in that group too, me and chae, my new friend.

She's my junior, the one who's name always used to slip off from my mind but now it sits pretty well. It's almost a month she's been working with me in the cafeteria so we know each other decently.

I relate to her mostly. She's an introvert like me, greatly obsessed in becoming something successful. Passionated about business and most importantly, poems written by Ko Un are her favorites.

"Almost there" She held her breath and i hopefully watched her hands reaching it's destination. My hands unknowingly loosened around the stool when the ruffles of her mauve dress covered my face.

Partially my fault when the leg of the stool slipped under the pressure of her tiptoeing. A cry broke from her and my quick senses tried to hold her from falling but she fell, taking me along.

I didn't even get to hold her but this stubborn girl just gripped my hair and pulled me along with her fall. I tumbled to her side with a grunt.

She immediately started laughing, my hair still trapped in her fist. I huffed and freed myself, glaring at her while rubbing my head. Her giggles were contagious, making me smile and then slowly laugh along.

I grasped her arms and helped her to stand. She started stoking her back, probably got hit there. "That was hilarious"

"And brutal" I retorted, upset seeing the small strands of my hair in her hand.

"Aw i'm sorry. That was purely reactional" I rolled my eyes, giving her a reason to chuckle.

"C'mere" She stepped forward and started patting my head. I shook my head in disappointment and she enjoyed it.

Her blond locks fell to her bare shoulders smoothly, she had some of it clipped back on her head with a pink ribbon. I watched a change in her eyes when she looked at me such closely, a spread of gentle smile as her fingers brushed on my hair.

Her eyes lowered from me in a weird shyness. I stepped back politely, maybe she was getting uncomfortable with the closeness. I picked up the fallen books and handed it to her, in between noticing something peripheral.

I looked over to my side and something immediately punched inside me when i met those hazel eyes. Every fragment in me screamed his name, taehyung.

Taehyung. Damn, it's Taehyung. After a month or less, it's taehyung. After that night of misery, it's taehyung. It's just him, standing before me in a baby blue top and crop pants. He looks as beautiful as ever.

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