Random SCP headcannons cuz I'm still alive.

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Clef hates Christmas but not because he just doesn't like it it's because it brings back painful memories of the time he fell.
For Halloween Moose gives every SCP candy (she has to start 2 weeks in advance to make sure she gets everyone and she gives the younger SCP's 3 extra pieces)
Kondraki doesn't celebrate Christmas but still goes to the annual Christmas party to get drunk.
Due to Christmas being a sore subject for Clef, Kondraki tries his best to comfort him.
All the main researchers and MTF's have a annual thanksgiving party.
Bright is no longer allowed to cook for those party's.
For Moose's birthday, Demitri got her a 11 foot bear that had a green flower crown on it... He forgets she smol.
Gears shows his affection in other ways like making Icebergs coffee for him.
When Iceberg gets sick it can actually be deadly even if it's just a small cold due to his body.
Gears and Icebergs office has multiple blankets and even a heated one due to Iceberg.
Moose, Iceberg, Gears, Kondraki, and Crow made a group called "no loud people allowed" it's literally just a break room for them.
Moose has crippling anxiety, PTSD and OCD, you can't really tell until she starts getting overwhelmed.
If they can't make it home the SCP foundation has dorms... They are not sound proof... Poor Gerald has his room right next to Clef and Kondraki.
Gerald has a younger sister (8 years old)named Elizabeth and another sister who's in her teens named Marie.
Gerald takes care of both due to their parents passing.
Gerald often times has to work overtime to provide for them.
He blames himself for his parents passing and knows one day he's gonna have to explain to the youngest why they don't have any parents.
166 is allowed to have a call with Clef once a day for 30 minutes. She often talks about random things.
Ok but like I love the old 166 and the new version so I tend to combine the two.
166 goes by three names Meri (Meridiana),Claire and Epon. She likes Meri more since that's the name her dad gave her, the nuns have her the name Claire and she got the name Epon from Kondraki.
166 loves her father and during breaches she often tries to find him as soon as possible and when she does find him he happens to "forget" the fact that she needs to be turned over to the MTF's.
Clef has taught her how to use her powers to the point she can turn certain powers on and off.
She takes after her dad alot... As in alot alot to the point it's scary how much she acts like him.
Both Clef and 166 can change their age. Clef has changed into a high-schooler multiple times to do secret missions.
Draven and 166 when they do hang out... Fight like normal siblings... If one of those siblings was a MTF with several weapons and the other was the daughter of Satan and Mother Nature.
166 will turn into small animals and sneak out to hang out with her family... And then sneak back in. (Hey they didn't see nothing.)
Moose takes care of the SCP's she's in charge of so well that they see her more as a friend.
There's a joke in the foundation that if you don't have anything special about you then you won't even last a week.
Rights and Glass are official same with Gerald and Bright... But both relationships are open and Bright and Glass tend to fuck around with each other... Alot... And Rights tend to watch.
Boom... I'm dead inside.

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