So Friends or More? (Dr Gerald x Dr Bright)

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Before we start shout out to TheAuthor1987 for helping me with this.
Dr Gerald and Dr Bright were having lunch it was close to a Icecream shop and was basically a park. It was the closest to the foundation out of all the lunch spots and would still let them talk one on one.  "Have you heard the rumor."  Gerald was excited to spill the tea.
"Which one?"  
"The one about Clef and boooterfly king.".  
"Than nah they tend to be a wreck. " 
" Well Rights told me that they are dating. ". 
" No fucking way how does she know. "
" She caught them on a date. I'm pretty sure she's still in hiding. "
" Well no shit Gerald. " They finished their meal and decided to just hang.
" Man though the foundation treats us like shit."
"What do you mean Bright?"
" We make bets on how long a new worker will last until they die and unless you have some non-human trait or friends with one than you're fucked." Bright looked down. He's seen the worst in people.
".. true. I've been shot at, almost killed but due to my trait I haven't. Everyone says it's a miracle that I'm alive but is it? I've been thrown through windows, fallen 40 stories down to concrete. Hell one of the incidents took out my left leg. I'm alive due to my non-human trait but some nights you have to wonder if it's worth it. "
Bright looks at Gerald.
" At least you can die. I've experienced some shit. The time where me and my buddy's were taken hostage and I was shot dead than put on one of my friends and killed and it kept going till we were rescued... and there was only me and another.... the young ones died. I remember the girl that had hope even when faced with facts of death. And it was all my fault. That fucks with me and sometimes I can still hear the screams... I'm sorry I know that was alot bu-"
he was interrupted by Gerald looking down obviously sad.
"You ok bud."
"I remember the test. It was a test. I failed. Was testing me. Put me in a vehicle. There was a school near by. I had to drive. I crashed into the school. The screams oh god the screams."
Bright never thought of things like this. He never thought that Gerald a guy who's often ambitious and nice would have nightmares of his own.
"When was it and why?"
"When I was first classified. They wanted to see what would happen. They never thought about me. I hate myself for it. Why do my driving skills have to be a SCP? Why? "
Gerald's voice was cracking and as much as he hated it he couldn't stop it. Bright felt like shit for bringing it up. Gerald never had the chance to take it in. Never had the chance to get help for these thoughts. Bright wanted to change the subject
"We are all fucked up aren't we? Even the Scps. "
" Yeah, have you seen the way they treat the kid Scps? "
Bright had to agree with that. though they were working on a program it was taking a bit of time.
"Wanna get some ice cream? Maybe cheer up?"
Gerald nodded becoming more cheerful. After waiting in line they finally got the icecream. They went outside to enjoy it with the previous topic out of mind.
"Hey how do you feel about gays?" Bright was taken back by this question
" well uh it depends. How do you feel?"
he didn't want to start a argument. "Well uh I was always taught that it was a sin but they are wrong."
"Well just so you know I'm pan. "
" What's that? "
" Basically I'll fuck anyone. "
Gerald understood it and laughed a bit at the joke but it was the cute kinda laugh that caused Bright to blush a bit.
"Well I'm as straight as boooterfly king."
"You know that bitch is gay right? " "Nah I'm straight. I like chicks that are flat with short hair, wears a necklace. "
Gerald was close to reviling his crush to his crush.
" Oh one of the new ones working? "
.. man Bright is stupid.
"Well one with orangish hair and wears glasses."
" Me? " Bright finally got it but Gerald was scared of rejection.
"Nah I'm straight. Pintomygrenade says what."
Ok so that worked let's try something more crazy
"personimgonnakiss says what?" "What?" This was Gerald's chance. He took Bright and kissed him. When he let go he looked away.
"You said you were striaght."
Gerald was still looking away.
" Yeah.. as straight as Kondraki. "
".. oh. "
" You probably hate me right? I mean I kissed you out of nowhere."
" Nah I kinda liked it not gonna lie. It was from a person I actually liked for personality and body. "
" Wait what? "
" You know what I said. "
" Yeah but I'm broken in some areas literally. I'm a walking reck."
"And so am I. So trust me I don't hate you hell might as well be the opposite. "
" So.. something more? "
Bright nodded .
" Well I didn't think this was how I'd confess my love for a walking reck. "
" Speak for yourself Gerald but let's keep this a secret the others would have a field day with this. "
" True. "
And with that they managed to take a long lunch break and get together.
This is the longest oneshot in this series. ALSO THANKS FOR THE READS AND THANK YOU TheAuthor1987 FOR HELPING.

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