Sure Have Some More. (Thanksgiving story but for the SCP's)

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So Sunshine_place also gave me this idea.
Third POV:
"Are you sure you can handle this Dr Alto Clef? Some of these are the most dangerous in the entire foundation history?"
The researcher was serious in these matters.
" Yeah yeah go head and give Scp 963 and me the shot."
"You sure Dr Alto Clef? I mean.."
"I said do it already I can handle this stuff I'm literally Satan!. "
" Ok ok. "
The Researcher have him and Dr Bright the shots.
" These will make it so they view you as Scps. And immune from their effects. It is still in testing but should do the trick. "
Clef and Bright nodded and head inside.
In there was a table that had food but it was closer to the wall and there was nothing else but that table which was small.
"Ok you can bring em in"
Soon 682 was brought in with a muzzle on. When they were released the muzzle came off. They let out a growl and walked to a corner.
Then there was 053 who as soon as the people in the hazmat suits let her go she ran straight to 682 and hugged them.
Then there was 650 and when they were released. They walked... normally and sat on the ground.
Than there was 507 who seemed excited just to be there. Than 079 who was rolled in and in which both 053 and 682 seemed excited for.
"Warning the violent ones are coming...besides 682"
With that 096 was brought in with a burlap sack over their head with eye holes. They were pushed to a corner and sat.
106 was brought in and just stood there. 049 was brought in with cuffs and when the cuffs came off they just stood there like they were waiting for someone. And quickly that someone came in the form of 035 who seemed ...excited.
"hello everyone."
"Shut up until the others arrive."
"Oh you're no fun 682."
"Warning, two Little Misters are about to come in. Mister Headless and Mister Laugh."
Soon 1799 and 2287 walk in.
" That's it, this is your last announcement till the end of this."
Everyone looked at eachother. 035 walked to 049.
"Hey 049 long time no see how's life. How's everything. Tell me everything."
035 said all of this like as if he was a stage performer.
"Watch out 035 your gay is showing."
106 said sounding rude.
" Oh shut up was I talking to you? No? Ok now 049 tell me."
035 at this point was leaning on 049. 049 sighed and walked away from him causing him to fall.
507 said as he laughed.
" Oi 507 a kid is in the room so tone it down."
Clef said just watching them
507 sticks out his tongue and 035 gets up.
" Hey what was that for."
"Don't be so annoying 035. It doesn't fit you."
049 said with a cold tone.
" Oh come on 049 can't I just miss you? Is it a crime to want to talk to you?"
035 said slightly frowning.
049 sighed and held out his hand and 035 took it.
" CUTE!"
053 yelled out. She was just so happy.
035 kneeled down at her.
"Oh so I see a princess is here? How wonderful! We have to have one at times like these where ..wait what are we even doing?"
" They're doing a experiment. Basically to see how you guys would react to having a holiday and since Thanksgiving is near by we decided to do that. So far it's going as planned and then some."
Clef said while watching.
" Oh than why us mister?"
053 was confused she never got to interact with others that much.
"Eh well let's see here. They wanted two Little Misters and we were gonna have 173 but decided it'd be safer if we did 650. 096 was picked due to us wanting to see how they'd react to it. And 106 because they saw it as useful. 035 and 049 was picked because they've had history and because 035 has shown interest in having some freedoms so yeah. 682 was brought in due to his status and 053 was brought in because if things went horrible she could keep him under control. 079 was brought in due to their relations with 682 and 507 has interacted with other he begged."
It all made sense to them now.
1799 was already in tears. He was scared he would hurt them like he did with so many people. He kept his mouth shut. He looked at all of them. If he spoke they'd die he thought. Soon 053 looked and noticed and came to him.
"Hey clown guy. Cheer up! We get food and get to talk to others! Don't you wanna talk I mean look around!"
1799 shook his head.
" It's best for him not to talk child."
Mister Headless spoke with a strict tone.
"But why."
"He's.. special in speech. If he talks you'll laugh."
" Oh but I like laughing."
" It's's not as simple as that. If he talks you'll laugh until you die."
" Oh.."
" Yeah 2287 is right. Hell he hates that ish. Been put on suicide watch. He's a danger to himself at this point."
Clef said in a clear voice.
" Wait..what? How many times? When? Where? How?"
Mister Headless wanted answers. He knew that Mister Laugh could cause that but he never thought he'd hate it. Most of the Little Misters loved their things.
"Oi don't ask so many questions and its classified information. "
"... Fine. "
"And 1799 I think you can talk. Theres something about other SCP's that block out any voodoo power ish whatever you wanna call it. "
1799 took a breath and spoke with a cracking voice.
" Hi. "
He covered his ears and looked away waiting for the laughter... There was none and he looked up. Everyone was fine.
"Anyways let's eat I'm starving."
Bright said and soon they all sat at the table and the ones who could eat did infact eat while the ones who couldn't just waited.
"Can I have some more Turkey."
053 said still hungry. She never got to eat this much before.
"Sure have some more."
Clef grabbed her plate and gave her some turkey and she was giggling at this point. She never had this much fun and was having a wonderful time.
Clef talked in a microphone on his shirt.
"I think this was a success. Lets plan more of these out. "
Ok so this is the longest story being 1103 words. Also this is the SCP version of the Thanksgiving special.

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