Let's Meet(650 x 173 because this ship needs love)

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There existed a program where Scps could visit other Scps. Once a day for 5 hours. How it worked was a scp could put their number on a list. Each list was for a SCP example would be 049 had a list where others could sign up so they could see them. The first number on that list would be the first to visit and the next day it would be the next SCP. For the ones that took a liking to each other they would sign up multiple times. This was thanks to Evelyn also known as 053. Since there was alot of complaints about how she was treated aka isolated. So they made a program and so far it actually worked better than expected and caused less containment breaches. Out of all of them there was one that never got a single visit since the program started and that was 650. No-one really cared for them because no-one really knew them. All they knew was that they were a mannequin that liked to try to scare. In turn they didn't really know anyone. Most didn't know but they actually had alot of feelings and they liked people and others. It was a game to try to scare others. So when the daily five hour visit starts it kinda hurt them. They'd hear talking and even laughing while they were just stuck in their containment cell with no-one. This day was the same until they heard the door open. There, was a average looking man with a clip board and files. This gives 650 a chance to scare him but oddly enough they didn't want to.
650 stared at him..was he what they called..The Watcher? They always heard the rumors of him. How he survived Scp 035 and made 053 a doll.
"I know you have a human form so let's talk."
How did he? It didn't matter they would not.
" Its important so please follow up with it."
They had a strange feeling to do so. And so they did. (The clothing design isent by me it's by ThePinkEclipse but the drawing is by me)

 (The clothing design isent by me it's by ThePinkEclipse but the drawing is by me)

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"Thanks now let's talk"
He and 650 sat on the ground.
" I noticed no-one has visited you correct?"
They nodded
" Must hurt. Ha I guess you feel isolated I mean even 662 gets visitors."
In a whisper like voice 650 said
" Isolation isent like scaring. Scaring is fun. It brings joy afterwards but isolation is isolation."
The watcher looked worried like holy shit.
" Well I have some good news if you'd take it of course."
The watcher looked down at the files and making it so a certain file was on top.
"Well there's another SCP like you but uhh more violent to humans. Scp 173 also known as the statue. They haven't gotten many visitors and I think you'd do good with them."
650 got excited. Someone like them? Someone they could hangout with?
"Oh ok good well here's some extra information. Their thing is if you look away or blink instead of scaring you they snap your neck."
That sounded violent to 650 and so they started to worry.
"We don't know if they can talk or if they have a human form. They are of keter class I think."
Now 650 was really starting to worry. They sounded so.. violent.
"Anyways since you said yes I guess you'll see them tomorrow."
With that the watcher walked out leaving 650 alone to worry.
---------Time Skip---------------------
The Bell rang and each SCP was transported to another's containment cell. It was 650's turn. See the way they did it was by hundreds and were expected to be at their designated spot within 10-30 minutes. 650 was held by two guards making sure that they wouldn't try to get away. They already accepted their fate. They knew what was gonna happen. They soon saw the door that read *Scp 173.*
"Well I guess it's time to die" they thought. With that they were practically thrown in the cell with the guards laughing shutting the door. They looked around noticing how filthy it was and finally saw 173 in all its horrifying glory. If they were in their human form they'd throw up at the sight of them. They carefully walked to them as if they were a beast. They wave to them and 173 moves so they're facing them.
But the way it did it was either being super sonic fast or straight up teleporting a bit. It lets out a blood curdling scream. 650 stumbled back a bit tripping falling to the floor. They cover their face with their stumps of hands. They soon hear a odd sound and than a equally odd laughter. They move their arms and look to see a person with four eyes the first set green the bottom set black. Their skin is a soft tan the face had two red thick lines going down in a sorta curve pattern. Their skin has a few rough patches they are bald but it works. Their neck is chipped and shows metal parts and they seem to be a bit on the chubby side but not too much. The chipping continues to their arms and legs showing metal. Their outfit is of a burlap material and is a shirt and shorts which is odd but works. They're looking straight at them.
All 650 can do is look.
650 was still scared but now also a bit shocked.
" At least go into human form."
They were kinda scared but did so.
" Good now let's talk."
With a whisper like tone 650 spoke
" Hi."
" Why are you here? No-one ever visits me."
"Well I guess it's because I'm lonely and I uh heard about you."
" Oh so you purposely pick me. Most accidentally pick me by adding a 1 in front of the 73 part."
" Sad."
" Eh dosent bother me. I hate most of them. So rude."
"I wouldn't know.."
"No-one really knows about me. I'm not violent and I'm not super nice. There's nothing there to be known for."
" You're 650 correct? The mannequin? Yeah I've heard of you."
650 kinda smiled.
" Thanks. This is probably just a ploy to get close to me and snap my neck."
173 sighs and shakes their head.
" So that's what they told ya? It's always the same. Look when it comes to Scps I snap the ones that annoy me. Reason I won't snap yours is because I can see us becoming acquaintances."
650 smiled a bit at this. The Watcher made 173 sound a bit scary. Turns out they are kinda the opposite.
"Oh and don't tell anyone about this ok? I like my status."


Ok so thank you for all the reads.

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