Tight Dress and a Jacket. ((Dr Moose x Agent Strelnikov))

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This ship is pure. Two exact opposites fall in love and it's all healthy and nice? Yes please. You'll see what I'm talking about just keep reading.
Third POV:
Moose had been slacking on her work. Instead of arriving at 6:00 am she arrived 8:00 am. Taking longer hall routes. Others have started to notice. It was so weird considering the fact that she was normally the model employee. Always on time,does extra work and always works overtime.

Glass comes into her office and she hadn't done a single thing.

Glass:Hey Moose what's wrong? I'm starting to get worried in fact most of us are.
Moose:Oh um nothing ha just hate my job hahaha you know like everyone here.

Glass:Bullcrap everyone knows you love your job more than anything. They don't give the title of Co-director to anyone.
Moose:Give me proof of that clam. Maybe I don't even care about the Scps hm?

Glass:..... You literally give candy to the kid SCPs on Halloween and presents to all the SCPs on the Holidays.
Moose sighs:Ok ok maybe I uh have a crush and I keep trying to avoid him because I'm not good with feelings.

She was embarrassed to admit it. Yeah she has a crush and?
But for Glass he already knew what she had to do. They needed her to step up to the plate again. And for her to do that.... She needed to confess. First he had to know who.

Glass: TELL ME MOOSE..... Sorry but I have to know.
Moose:O.. ok but promise to never tell a soul.

Glass repeatedly nodded. This was the key to it all after all.

Moose:......Agent Dmitri Arkadeyevich Strelnikov.

Glass was shocked at this. I mean his nickname was The Crazy Russian not because he was literally crazy but because he's was always uptight. If you pissed him off enough he'd shoot you and it didn't matter the sex or age. Also he was the exact opposite of Moose. She was short being 5'3ft while he was basically a giant being 6'6ft. She was soft and caring while he was basically a rock and always had hatred in his eyes.

Glass:Well first I'm impressed you managed to say that difficult Russian name in a French accent. Second... Are you serious?

Moose:Yes ok? I know I'm stupid. I'm basically in love with a rock. Besides I know I'll never get with him. Does he even feel love? Frick I'm helpless looking into those eyes of his and the sky's the limit.

Glass: as my job title I will say that it's not stupid and that its perfectly normal but as a friend...... Yes you are a idiot I mean this is Strelnikov he's The Crazy Russian. He killed his ex. His stare makes Gears look kind and soft. But still since like I said I am your friend.... I will help but this is a Keter level threat I will have to bring in.... Light. Meet us outside after work.

Moose: what have I done.

------------------------Time Skip----------------------

Moose did in fact meet them outside.


Light practically was running circles around her.

Moose:p..please stop.

Moose: HEY also Glass.....did you tell her who it is?
Glass:...... No

Light: WHO IS IT
Moose & Glass at the same time: Strelnikov.

Light stopped and looked shocked.

Moose: I'm screwed aren't I? God this feels like highschool all-over again.

Light:No honey you're absolutely fucked but this just makes things more fun for me. Because like a man's dick, the harder the better.

Moose blushed extremely hard at the last part. Moose was as innocent as could be. While Light.... Was the opposite.

Glass: let's meet at the cafe near the foundation. First a psychological evaluation than the physical part.

And so they did. Moose got a French vanilla coffee,Light got a iced caramel frappe and Glass got a regular coffee.

Glass: ok time for my part.

Glass took out a notebook and pen.

Glass: list five things that makes him so amazing.
Moose sighs: he's tough, nice, organized,hard worker and is always ready for anything.

Moose had heart eyes just by thinking of him. Glass wrote down a few things nodding.

Glass:How does this might have relate to you slacking at work?
Moose pulls her hair: because I arrive after him that way by the time I arrive he's already busy. I miss the halls he takes so that way I don't accidentally bump into him.

Glass nods again and writes down more notes.

Glass: and name five things that make you think he wouldn't like you back.
Moose:This is stupid. Simple, probably not his type. I'm short. The opposite of him. Shy and all around..a mess.

Glass: ah see yep. Here's the thing I see....you are head over heels. Sure you need a confident boast but besides that...shoot your shot. Also you're what we call .... stupidly in love.

Light: ok blah blah blah who cares time for the outfit. Let's see you're clumsy and dress like a nun.....a short tight dress should do the trick.

Glass: it will take a few days to prepare you since well... You are not much of a flirt.

Moose:.... Frick.

------------------------Time Skip----------------------
Moose arrived in her lab coat and a short tight green dress that she kept fixing. Wearing black heals she came to work on time and went to her usual spot. It was all going good til she had to run to the bathroom. She went to the bathroom running. She was so close till she ran face forward into Strelnikov.

Strelnikov with the most intimidating stare and voice she's ever heard.: Hello Dr Moose.

Moose turned blood red becoming a mess.

Moose: ah well um....H..Hi Sir.
Strelnikov: where are you going? It's lunch. Quite pathetic to be working when you're supposed to be eating.

Moose: ah well uhh I hmm I ha..have n.. no-one to sit with.

Of course it was a lie but what was she supposed to say?

Strelnikov: hm. If you would like you could sit with you. You seem interesting from what I've heard. We can talk.

His thick Russian accent was coming through.
Moose nodded smiling and soon they walked to the lunch area. They got their food and as soon as Moose sat down....her dress tore by the side seam. From the top to the middle. Moose tried to cover it but it was too late and Strelnikov noticed.

Strelnikov while blushing just a bit: if you would like take my jacket.

Strelnikov looked away and gave her his jacket.she put it on smiling wide.

Strelnikov: you normally don't wear such a thing do you?
Moose: honestly...I hate this. I would love my turtle neck and long skirt back.

Strelnikov: hm? Let's talk about it.

Ok this was 1,192 words aka hella long. COMMENT IF YOU WANT A PART 2 BITCHES .....this one I worked hard on.

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