The Merman and The King. (Clef x Kondraki)

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YO THIS WAS A REQUEST BY THE AMAZING Letmeread222 (aka one of my favorite writers.)

Third POV:
Kondraki was struggling against the waves he was was used to swimming through rough waves mostly due to the fact that the only way to get away from the others was to swim to the surface but his long dark green tail couldn't handle this. On top of harsh waves there was a storm. One of the worst he had seen. A swarm of green flying fish start to speak as if they were one
Illusionary were correct. There was no way he'd make it out unharmed but he continued. He didn't know why but he wanted to see what was out there... Plus he wasn't about to listen to a bunch of fish. His tail tried to fight against the waves .....especially since he was about to hit a rock... multiple ones actually but it was too late and he hit them straight on and his eyes closed as he went out of consciousness.
"....WE....TOLD....YOU....IDIOT...WAIT.... WAKE....UP..... BENJAMIN... KONDRAKI...WAKE...UP....SHIT...."
They started panicking but all they could do was stare.
------------------Time Skip---------------------
It was 6 am when Alto Clef found the passed out merman. His tail was sliced and he had bruises. Illusionary watched the two.
".... HELP..... HIM...."
"Well I never heard a talkin fish before let alone plenty but then again I also never seen a merman... What's in it for me? Why shouldn't I just let em die?"
He was just messing around but it made him sound like a dick.
"... DON'T......BE.....A....FISH..... DICK..."
Clef picked up the merman and started to walk to his castle not noticing that Illusionary had turned into a bunch of butterflies.
---------Time Skip---------------------
Kondraki woked up in some strangers bathtub. A fancy,big bathtub but still a bathtub.
He looked around and the room was big and a bit fancy. Except for the decor with a flannel chair and green and brown shower curtains it looked like shit. It wasn't until he heard soft singing did he notice the girl sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Her eyes were green and her hair was light blonde and extremely long to the point it went to the ground. She was wearing a light yellow sundress. Honestly all around she was beautiful.
"Where the fuck am I stranger."
He asked. He also wanted to ask why his tail and head hurt but first he wanted to know that.
She looked at him and kinda smiled.
"Oh you're finally awake. I've been waiting 3 hours. I'll go get dad."
She quickly walks off with the poor guy still confused.
Soon a man with blond hair and one green eye and one blue eye came in. He wore a Yellow suit with a Hawaiian flower pattern on it.
"Finally ya awake.."
Clef said with a smile on his face.
"Who are you?"
Kondraki was all around curious.
" First tell me who you are and why the fuck you ended up on MY beach."
Clef was aggressive with his words although he was actually kinda worried.
"I'm Benjamin Kondraki ruler of MY sea. And how I ended up on your beach is non of your business."
Honestly Kondraki was kinda embarrassed about the situation.
"Well I sorta gotta know how the fuck your tail thing got cut dumbass."
Clef pointed to Kondrakis tail that had a gash.
Kondraki let out a sharp breath at this. He didn't like the look of this at all.
He sighed.
"Look all I was tryin to do was explore my own kingdom and I accidentally got slammed into a bunch of rocks."
Clef laughed at the stupidity. To swim in a storm and for what? To explore his own kingdom?
"Ok well I'm Alto Clef ,King of this kingdom. The father of lies and I can now add the savor of the king of the ocean under my belt."
Clef sounded proud of himself.
" Well if we are bragging let me reintroduce myself.
I'm Benjamin Kondraki King of the seas. Father of a genius. Master of the tides. Lord of the Marine life."
They both had a laugh at this.
" Look if ya want ya can stay until you're healed up."
" How do I know you aren't lying Father of Lies?"
" Look that's a fancy title. I'm not lying about this ok?"
Clef straight up didn't want to deal with explaining it.
".... Fine but my the fuck are we gonna solve that."
Kondraki was right and his tail did hurt.
"Dumbass it's called bandages."
Clef pulled out roller bandages and grabbed Kondrakis tail. While Kondraki was cussing like a sailor Clef started putting the bandages on the tail.
"There dipshit."
"... Thanks."
Kondraki kinda smiled.
Clef walked out of the room. And soon the water drained from the tub.
------------------Time Skip-----------------------
It was around 5:00 pm when Clef went to the bathroom with food for the merman.... Except there was no merman but just a regular man.... It was the guy but without a tail.
Clef dropped the dish causing it to shatter... And causing Kondraki to wake up.
Clef yelled out sounding shocked.
Kondraki said mostly pissed.
"fine but explain to me."
Clef was serious.
"Wait you're surprised? Wow you really are a dumb King. "
" How does that make me dumb? It's a reasonable question."
Clef was annoyed.
"....Fine, well you know how you have special privileges due to being a king? It's the same for me but more well uh... Embedded. So let's say I'm kidnapped or something like that. Well if someone clams to be me my people can test that clam by forcing them on land. If they die and don't gain legs than congrats they ain't me. There are other things but that's the main thing. Only my family line has this factor and blah blah blah that fun shit.'
Kondraki explained the the gist of it.
"Nice so you're basically a magical fatass."
Clef said in a joking tone.
" And you're still a normal asshole. "
Kondraki was able to snap back and clef thought " holy shit this is the one."
"Can ya get up."
Clef wanted him out of his tub. Kondraki looked annoyed and pointed to his legs and his left one had the bandages wrapped around it from the knee to the middle of it. "
" Oh.. I'll help ya up. "
Clef was wanting to just get him out of his fucking tub.
".. thanks. "
Kondraki smiled and thought ".. God he's the idiot for me."
Clef helped him out and when he was finally up and standing.. he was fucking tall... Well at least to Clef.
"How tall are ya. God damn you are a fuckin giant."
Clef looked at him looking shocked at his height.
"I'm only 6'4 ft "
Kondraki didn't consider himself that tall.
Clef was shocked.
"Nah you're just short now do you have a towel or anything I can use to cover my junk? It's kinda cold."
Kondraki looked at Clef and Clef turned bright red. He had completely forgotten about that fact and grabbed a towel that was near by. Kondraki put it on.
"I.. I'll have someone get some clothes. For now I'll show you to the guest room."
Clef put on a nervous smile.
He soon shows Kondraki the guest room and holy shit was it huge. As big as a indoor pool.
"Just hang out here I'll come back with clothes to cover ya ugly ass."
Clef was looking away and walked out.
Kondraki looked around. Guess it's time to wait he thought.
------------------Time Skip-----------------------
It was 9:00 pm ,Kondraki was sitting on the bed when Clef came in with some clothes. Clef threw them at Kondraki.
"Put em on NOW!"
Kondraki flipped him off and put them on.
A casual green button up shirt and black jeans.
"Wow look here fatass actually looks hot I mean decent."
Clef tried to cover his ass.
"..First time I've been called hot by a human. I would say the same to your ugly ass."
Kondraki was honest.
" Are ya flirting with me?"
"Maybe, Maybe not asshole."
Kondraki smirked.
Soon they both turned to the door when they heard a knock.
Clef said sounded curiously.
The door opened and the same girl that Kondraki saw earlier was there but this time with a simple crown and a shirt dress with a white rose pattern on it, black tights and white flats. There seemed to be a girl behind her.
"Hey Iris and I are going to the town to hang out with Cthulhu is that ok?"
She seemed nervous.
" First braid your hair. Will one of you have a gun? How old is Cthulhu? When will you come back? Would you like one of the Knight's to come with? Maybe Gerald? Exactly where in the town? Do you have money?"
Clef was hella protective over her.
"Actually I'll help."
Clef snapped his fingers and her hair was in two braids. She sighed.
"Iris has a gun in her pouch along with her camera. Cthulhu is several thousands of years old but don't worry he's a teen. It's kinda hard to explain why that is but basically he's like Able. Also he's a god so we are completely safe. I'll be home in four hours. I don't need a knight and I have 500 dollars on me and we'll be going in the shopping area and the forest. Now can we go?"
She lets out a breath. It was alot of information she had to quickly think of.
Clef smiles and nods.
"Oh and... I love you. Now go have fun."
Clef just wanted her to be safe and she smiles and the other girl and her walk away.
Clef and Kondraki soon are both sitting on the bed.
"So.. I'mma guess that's your daughter?"
Clef nods.
"Yep my pride and joy. Considered the prettiest in my kingdom."
Clef was proud of her.
" Oh nice..odd question? Why didn't she just goto her mom you know?"
Kondraki was just wondering but Clefs face said that it wasn't something good.
"Well uhh she was killed. With a gun. It was a long time ago but still kinda hurts. You probably won't be able to understand."
Kondraki felt kinda sorry for him.
" Actually I do but Dravens mom died through cancer. It was sad to see her slowly die knowing she was in pain. Draven was just 7 when she died...on that day the whole kingdom  mourned. She was the perfect Queen,wife and mother."
Kondraki looked down.
" Same here but Meri was only 4. Either way her mom left a impression on the whole kingdom."
Clef looked at him.
" Let's...let's change the topic. So your son anything neat about him."
Clef smiled a bit.
" Hell yeah. He's only 19 but he's already helped our scientist and military advance. "
Kondraki smiled. He was proud of him.
" Ya know my daughter has helped with nature research. Hell she's deacovered multiple new things relating to nature."
As soon as he said that there was a smash in the window and a bunch of green butterflies flew in.
Kondraki already recognized them as Illusionary.
Kondraki was in full panic
Clef pointed to his hurt leg.
" Sorry but ya fucked."
Kondraki quickly got a idea.
"Wanna add savor of the sea under your belt of accomplishments?"
Kondraki was smug about it.
" Whatever ya thinking I wanna do it."
Kondraki smiled a bit. Great he's on board with it. He thought to himself.
"Ok I need you to help me get to sea. Illusionary I need you to get me my locked chest. LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD. "
Illusionary quickly flew out.
" I.. I'm kinda scared to ask what ya thinkin now."
Clef was kinda scared now.
" Oh shut up and prepared to see some fucked up shit and help me to the beach dumbass."
Kondraki wanting to scream about how they're racing against time.
Clef sighed and nodded and helped him to the beach.
As soon as they were there a bunch of green flying fish with a few of them carrying a small chest come to the surface.
Kondraki smiled and grabbed the box.
"You are about to see some weird shit."
He opens a secret compartment in the chest and gets the key out of it.
He unlocks it showing a plain grey band.
"Wtf is that."
Clef looked at it in confusion.
" That my love is something you'll touch and out on. Prepare for some fucked up shit."
Kondraki looked at him and he carefully touches it. It turned into a dark brown hat.
"Congrats now put it on."
Kondraki was rushing this and Clef placed it on his head and instantly it connected.
"Holy shit this is crazy"
"Oh this isent the weirdest part. Now Illusionary tell the people I'm coming with a visitor."
Kondraki looked intimidating and they quickly went back.
" Ok Clef quickly run into the water before I push you in."
Clef hesitated.
Kondraki yelled ,
Clef smiled and ran into the water.
Almost Instantly he had gain a blue tail.
"... Told you. Now go and swim deeper."
Clef does so and Kondraki gets in turning back in a merman.
He grabs Clefs wrist and starts swimming further and then down showing a wonderful kingdom... That's in panic.
Kondraki didn't let go of Clef until they were in the middle.
"YOUR KING IS HOME, now thanks to my loyal friend I know that one scientist, one artist who's also the captain for the soilders and finally my son have been kidnapped. I have brought a visitor from land to be exact the king of The kingdom of Redacted. He is here to help. Now no questions this is the plan. All the soilders try to break down the ship aka sink it. Citizens you all must stay calm and arm yourselves. If they attack again.... Kill them make sure they're dead. Now let's get this plan in action. "
His speech was filled with anger but was good.

Soon it was all put to action. The soilders were lined up and the citizens had weapons. Kondraki and Clef were in his castle. To be exact they were in his bedroom.
"So why are we in here?"
Clef was curious and Kondraki goes to his closet and pulls out two large swords.
"For this asshole now touch one and see what you get."
Clef followed the orders and when he touched one it turned into a gun.
" This is fucking wack....Now let's go get em merfolk."
Kondraki nodded and quickly they were off.
They didn't stop swimming until they saw the ship.
They noticed a few bloody soilders flouting on the sea.
Kondraki sounded serious and they all nodded.
"Ok Clef follow me. We're gonna try to get on the ship and save them."
Kondraki whispered.
" Ok but if we don't make it out alive just so you know .... you're a fuckin fatass cunt."
Clef whispered.
" And you're a slut ugly motherfucker now let's go."
Clef nodded and they soon found a way to get to the ship. They climbed and by the time they were up the tails had turned to legs.
Clef loudly announced.
The pirates all looked at them and raised their swords and ran to them.
"Oh so you wanna dance? Than let's dance."
Kondraki was smug about it and the two fought side by side. Clef shooting and Kondraki slicing.
Quickly the pirates were all dead.
"Ok we need to find my son."
Clef nodded and they soon found him, Moose and Rights.
Moose and Rights looked pale and close to death.
they hurried to get the out and quickly jumped into the water.
"Konny they're too weak to swim. We'll have to carry them back"
Kondraki nodded and soon they were back to the base of the kingdom.
" We need to goto my"
They quickly went in and Kondraki put them on the guest beds.
Draven for the most part was fine so he didn't get one but the others were so pale. They've been out of water for too long.
"They'll be ok they just need rest."
Kondraki said still looking at them.
" That reminds me it should be around 7:00 am. You need rest as well. Would you like to sleep in my room, son of a bitch?"
Kondraki let out a yawn.
" That sounds gay.... I'm in."
Clef laughed at his joke.
"Oh Konny... you're the asshole here."
And that's the story of how two kingdoms united.

Ok this is the longest story I've typed out being at 2870 words ... Thats not even a joke it's crazy trust me so please for my suffering ... Idk I just want you to exist.

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