01. Welcome to Alfea

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She clasped the clipboard and took a turn in the long corridor, entering a room after knocking first.

"Hello, Esme! How are you?"

"Alora!" the old lady exclaimed, "I'm doing good now that you're here, I haven't seen you all day. What has stopped you from visiting me?"

Alora could only chuckle, sitting down on a chair next to her. "You see, there are other patients..."

Both laughed lightheartedly and sighed, Alora wiggled her clipboard. "I have your latest blood tests and the rehab opportunities, how is your hip and the knee? I heard you were walking freely yesterday." The young fairy made the blood pressure cuff float over to her and put it around Esme's arm, who just smiled at Alora. "Yes, I can now use the bathroom on my own, showering is still hard alone, but we're doing better, aren't we?"

Alora nodded, smiling brightly. "That's what I wanna hear...Okay, your blood pressure is still low but we know that from you." She let her fingers dance over the papers, multiplying them and laying them down in front of Esme. "Those are rehab centers, some are from around here – which I encourage you to check out, so I can still visit you! There are some moving images, you can tap them and they'll appear as a hologram, I know your eyes aren't doing well for reading so I recorded myself while the promo videos are running."

Esme smiled lovingly at her favorite nurse. "You're doing too much, dear..."

Alora just tilted her head with a chuckle. "I'm still not doing enough or you'd be running around again."

The old women nodded, putting the papers down. "By the way, have you been accepted into Alfea yet? You're such a powerful fairy." Alora blushed and sat up in the chair. "That...isn't true, but I hope to be able to study there starting this semester."

Checking the clock on the wall, Alora tapped on the clipboard. "I almost forgot...your blood tests are all perfect but you might have a little iron deficiency, that's why it's so hard for you to walk for a long time or get up at all, we have some pills prepared for you to take, but a fellow nurse will speak to you about it later today, alright? I just came to tell you; I really have to get home." She leaned over and hugged Esme warmly and long. "I'm gonna run over here as soon as I get an answer on Alfea!"

Esme patted her back and Alora sighed loudly when they parted. "I'm really excited, the acceptance must be coming any time by now."

They bid their goodbyes and Alora left the room. Esme's room was located near the entrance so she patted the counter and smiled at the secretary. "I told Esme in 2A about the blood tests and the rehab places. Amara is doing the iron pills later this afternoon, right?" The woman behind the counter nodded and looked up from her computer. "Exactly, are you going home? If yes, good luck on Alfea, I heard the letters have been sent out, my oldest has just received his invitation!"

Alora beamed brightly and waved, excited about going home. She pulled on the bracelet on her left hand which glowed instantly, by pulling back her hand, a small golden circle appeared in front of Alora. She then proceeded to turn her hand to make the circle so big that the fairy could easily walk through it. The teleportation bracelet brought her to her home's front door, why not inside – there's a spell so not anyone can just invade their property, duh.

Touching the doorknob, the door opened by itself and Alora could finally enter her house. Looking into her kitchen she saw Lisa, her little sister, sitting at the table, wiping her mouth and grabbing a letter that was lying next to her. "Alora! Look what came! Open it, open it, open it!"

Alora just couldn't stop smiling while caressing the letter before opening the wax seal. The envelope turned into golden butterflies, the older sibling read the letter out loud, "Good afternoon, dear Fairy of Dreams and the Night. We're happy to announce that you have been accepted into Alfea, university of aspiring transformational fairies!" Lisa and Alora yelped and let out jumps of excitement before they continued reading, "The semester starts for the new fairy students like every year on November 1st, oh that's next week's Wednesday already! We are very happy to call you one of our students and if there are any circumstances that you cannot join this semester, please let us know under Alfea's hotline or visit Alfea yourself to undo your reservation. If you do choose to study in Alfea you don't have to do anything other than be there on November 1st. We all hope to see you in the Alfea halls. Love and respect, Headmistress Florence."

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