11. Together

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Florence walked ahead out of the mirror and patted her private student's shoulder. "You're very close, Neoma. I can feel it." She pointed towards the chair and Neoma sat down, finally catching a breath. "I'm so happy you say so, Miss Florence. I can feel it too. I don't know why I can't transform though. Is there a special key? When I change my clothes for my witch transformation it's more of a metamorphosis spell. Very objective."

The school's principle nodded and smiled at Neoma. "Well...there isn't a key or special gimmick to it. Most fairies transform very early. Some later in life. They usually do so in very emotional moments."

Neoma nodded. "My friend Treasa told me she transformed very late, at the age of 17. She was having an extreme fight with her mother's latest boyfriend."

"You see? And now she's an excellent student. I hear you mention her a lot...might she be someone important to you?" Florence expression grew soft and Neoma looked down at her hands, playing with her cardigan. "I...don't know how to say it...as soon as I spend time with her, even if it's just a phone call, I feel energized. I do lots of magic after thinking of her. Some small spells, some very big. I really really like Treasa."

The older woman chuckled and folded her hands. "Treasa might be your positivity engine. She fuels you with positive emotions, which makes your inner fairy glow – and she's about to break out. I say try to spend more time with Treasa. Give into the emotions you feel around her, I think this might lead you to your final step, your transformation. I believe in you."

Neoma felt butterflies both of admiration for Treasa just thinking about her but also of nervosity, she didn't want to let down Florence. She had been doing the utmost the last month just to train Neoma and give her a sneak peek of what was to come once she'd start studying in Alfea.

"And not to like, rush you or anything, but I'd say do it very soon. I might have to prepone something that was planned a lot later for my first semester fairies..." Florence held her loose fist to her mouth in thought, furrowing her brows.


Scribbling down ideas, Treasa could only sigh. "The convergence assignment is hell. Nothing seems to work. We can't put life into our creations to open the treasure chest."

"I can't think of anything either, crystals and metals are both kinda hard materials. I say we ask Florence on Monday again. It's Friday afternoon anyways." Minu shrugged and fell down on her bed, texting her parents. Treasa turned off the little table lamp and plunged down on her bed as well, grabbing her phone. "You up to drawing something or watch a movi-" Treasa stopped mid-sentence when she saw a text from Neoma.

'Wanna hangout? I'm currently at Alfea'

Treasa didn't hesitate to answer. 'Sure! Where can I pick you up?' she looked towards Minu with excitement in her eyes. "Neoma just said she's on the campus right now, would it be okay to invite her over, then we could all watch a movie together."

Minu smiled, nodding. "Neoma is fun, go ahead, look for her. I'll make a quick call to ask what's up on Andros."

"Will do! Tell me then!" Treasa hastily got up and grabbed her shoes and jacket before running out, checking her phone again.

"I'm sitting in the ball hall"

Treasa nodded and ran towards the big hall, smiling yet trying to hide it when she saw Neoma. Good god, can you behave?! "Hi Neoma! Minu and I are upstairs. I saw your message just in time – you could join us for a movie night." The metal fairy panted slightly and Neoma played with her hair, giggling. "I hope I'm not bothering you guys..."

"No! Not at all! We wanted to do some homework but we couldn't think properly...so, free time it is!" Treasa motioned Neoma to follow her and the two walked in silence for a while before Treasa looked at her. "Say...why are you in Alfea lately?"

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