13. The New Alliance

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Florence laughed at the excitement in her students' eyes, she always loved how much the fairies were especially anticipating this "Charmix" school trip even if they had to finish tasks on their vacation for other classes. While Florence got ready to take over the school, she was allowed to look over her mother's shoulder a lot, learning what it meant to not only teach these young people magic spells but also entertaining them as well as making them feel at home in this chaos of growing into big, adult fairies.

"There are just a few more things I'll have to tell you guys about your trips. The animals are very calm, we have placed each of you far away from any dangerous animals so if any of you come across a very aggressive animal – then you can fight it. It might be related to your missions. There's a magical barrier we've created so you have a specific radius, an area, a territory, whatever you want to call it – and it shields you from possible dangers and keeps you from getting lost too. We are checking your actions with magical surveillance and no, we do not see what you are doing – whatever you are doing – we can only kind of sense the things we've asked of you, so the assignments or how you achieve your Charmix. So, if you feel like something is off, especially when there are weird things happening around you, it's probably us and you have to deal with the incidents. Nothing too dangerous or severe, but it might spark your Charmix, making you speak about your feelings."

Everyone in the class looked around in confusion, already wondering what might be coming their way. Florence chuckled heartily. "With that said, I'm wishing you lots of joy and happy memories nonetheless! I'll say goodbye with all the other Alfea staff when you all leave on Monday. Class is dismissed and I'll see you on Monday!"

It was Friday morning and Alora still didn't hear anything from Jun when and how exactly she should come to Solaria. She messaged him while walking out of class. "Hi! We have two more classes today so just let me know when to come, I'll be ready whenever!"

Alora sighed, putting her phone back and Cécilia patted her shoulder. "You alright?" The night fairy inhaled shortly, startled by her best friend. "Yes, sorry. I was just...texting Jun."

"I find it kinda weird for him to suggest a thing and then not go through with it. That doesn't sound like him." Cécilia tapped her chin and Alora shrugged. "Yeah, he's so sorted and consistent, I like about him that he keeps his promises – but can't he just answer? I'm waiting for two days now..."

Just then her phone buzzed, making Alora jump a little and pulling out her phone.

Finally, Jun answered but her smile soon faded.


Sunday evening.

The cake was gone, the drinks were empty and the atmosphere was serene after Alora, Minu, Cécilia and Elgan finished tiding up the suite from Cécilia's birthday party.

"It surely was weird seeing Florence here...but she's your mom after all." Elgan snorted and Cécilia laughed, taking a sip from her juice. "I promised she could have some tea and cake, sorry!"

Alora came back from the kitchen and dried her hands with a towel. "It was kinda fun, she's also just a fairy like us after all!" Cécilia nodded and got up as well when Elgan stood up from the couch. "I still have to check if I packed everything, I'm so excited for tomorrow, who do you think will get their Charmix first? Y'all wanna bet?"

"I say Alora, she's ahead of all of us!" Cécilia pumped her fist out and Alora rolled her eyes, chuckling. "Maybe either Cécilia or Treasa...both can be pretty emotional, and Charmix is about sharing your vulnerability."

Elgan nodded and said goodbye before leaving. And so, the fairies went into their respective rooms, Alora plumping down on her bed but sat right up again. "I hope you still liked your birthday party despite it being so tiny."

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