One: LE

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Lily Evans, November, Sixth Year, Hogwarts.

"He's a truly infuriating, obnoxious, boggart of a person!" I scoffed jumping onto my bed. "Don't you think?"

"I think you've been talking about Potter for the last twenty minutes." Marlene replied, shutting her potions book. "Lily." She sat up looking at me.

"Mar." I replied, sitting up to match her eyesight.

"I think you're a bit obsessed with him." She declared with a slight smirk. She whipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder, and adjusted her skirt she made a mission to hem on the first day.

I grabbed a pillow from my bed, and threw it at her face.

"I am not obsessed with James Potter." I glowered. Infuriating, obnoxious, arrogant James Potter. The thought is laughable.

"Fine, fine. Hard to believe, but fine. Don't you have somewhere to be?" She asked, obviously a bit irritated by my pillow.

"Yes!" I jumped up. "Prefects meeting! See you at potions!" I readjusted my robes, grabbed my small pack, and ran down the girls staircase.

As I walked down the Halls, I couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. Marlene is simply ridiculous. Obsessed? With James Potter? It's preposterous. Ludicrous. Pathetic. I tend to hold myself to a higher standard than him.

I rounded the sharp corner to the great hall, and slammed directly into someone much taller than me.

Yet, that's not saying much from my one point sixty-five meters.

I flopped backwards, my head slamming against the hard concrete ground, as I groaned in pain. I dropped my pack, and all of my ink bottles and quills, along with my small roll of parchment went scattering. My wand rolled across the floor, as I winced a bit at the sharp piece of stone my head hit.

"Evans?" I groaned even more at the sound of Sirius Black's voice. Arrogant, disruptive, and constantly ruining my day as always.

And by logic alone, where there's a Black there's a Potter

I heard running footsteps as I rubbed my head. I felt a warm liquid by my head, and realized it was my full bottle of ink.

"Padfoot!" I heard a voice yell.

As usual, Logic wins.

"What did you do to Evans?" He asked, and I felt him kneel next to me.

"Nothing!" Sirius replied defensively. "I was just walking and she slammed into me!"

"I'm fine." I replied standing up. "Hard ground and all." I said rubbing the back of my head, ignoring the warm liquid I felt under my hair, must be the ink.

"Are you okay?" James looked at me concerned.

"I don't need your help." I rolled my eyes. "I've got to get to prefects meeting." I continued down the hall, trying to hide the ink from the back of my hair.

I finally made it into the great hall, were Mcgonagall sat with all the other prefects, and the house boy and girl.

"Ah, Ms. Evans. Lovely for you to join us, now we can begin." She gave me a pointed look, as the head boy and girl began talking of the Christmas holiday dates, and dealing out new nightly patrol lists.

"Are you okay?" Remus whispered quietly. "You're never late." He seemed to sniff slightly, before gazing at the back of my head.

"I'm Fine. Nothing happened." I whispered back, taking note of the look Mcgonagall was giving us.

The head boy began droning about new regulations for dress codes, and Mcgonagall nodded and agreed with all his ideas.

I grabbed some parchment and my quill, and my only unbroken ink bottle, and began scribbling down his directions.

* * *

I shut my transfiguration book, and slowly stood, making my way back to the common room before potions.

The meeting was a few hours ago, and since then everyone has been grumbling about the new dress code rules.

I had pinned up the important notes on the common room board, and they were quickly removed by Potter and Black.

I ran up to my room, and grabbed my potions book. I couldn't deny I was feeling a bit light headed, but we were brewing Felix Felicies today, so it had to wait.

I ran down to the potions room, Marlene following.

"Hello Class!" Professor Slughorn greeted, shooting me a polite smile. "Today we are brewing Felix Felicies, or more commonly known as Liquid Luck. Now this is a very temperamental brew, so I would like to avoid partnering everyone with their very best friend. So, it shall be alphabetical. He ran down the list reading out names.

Marlene smirked at me, knowing we were always together when teachers did this.

"Where is miss Meadows?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Infirmary sir." Remus replied quietly. "Quidditch injury."

Professor Slughorn tsked but continued with his list. "Well I guess that puts Miss Evans and Mister Potter together." He sighed.

"I'm sorry what?" I blurted, as Marlene's face fell, as Potter's formed into a smirk.

"You heard me correctly Miss Evans. You shall partner with Mister Potter. Now let's get started!" He clasped his hands, and we all took out our potions book.

I grumbled a hit about the partnerings, before reading off the ingredients. "It says we need Ashwinder egg, Squill bulb, Murtlap tentacle, Tincture of thyme, Occamy eggshell, and Powdered common rue." I read off.

"Yes professor Evans." He nodded and walked to the cabinet and grabbed a handful of things without looking.

He brought it back to our station, and dumped it on the table. I noted the similar looking powders, a bit irritated but assumed he was going back. When he stood still tapping his fingers on the table, I looked at the labels.

"You got six pounds of Powdered unicorn horn and that's it." I frowned. "Really?"

"Cmon the bottles were all old and dusty, not like there's much of a difference." He laughed.

"Ease up Evans!" I heard Black call from the back of the room.

"Oh for Merlins sake," I sighed roughly and went to grab the correct ingredients, carefully placing the unicorn horn back.

I got everything on the list, in excess supply knowing he would mess up something, and brought it back to the table.

I started pouring ingredients in, as I began to feel much more faint than earlier. Must be the steam from the other cauldrons.

"Evans will you let me do something?" He groaned from his stool. "This is boring."

"Could you-" I paused stabilizing myself on the table. "Stir for a..."

I felt myself tip over and everything go black as I landed on the floor.

Chapter one! Hope you guys enjoy!

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