Three: LE

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Lily POV:

It's been a couple weeks since that night in the woods, and the Marauders have been more insufferable than ever.

"I swear Sev." I sighed, as we sat under the massive tree. "If they mess up one more class."

"They've always been insufferable. I'm glad you're seeing them for what they are." He replied handing me the box of Chocolate Frogs. 

"You're always right Sev. You were my savior in fifth year potions." I smiled remembering the advance potions course we had taken, and how I had essentially copied all of his steps. 

"I'm always right." He grinned, making me laugh.

"It's like they've been following me to torment me on purpose." I sighed flopping over onto my back to watch the pearly clouds drift by.

He laid down next to me, with a scoff. "I wouldn't put it past them."

I smiled "You know we haven't talked in a while this is nice-"

"SNIVELLUS!" I heard a booming voice say from the bottom of the hill, causing us both to sit up.

"Oh Merlin." I muttered as the marauders wandered up the hill.

"Evans!" Potter yelled dramatically. "Enjoying your date?"

"It's not a date." I blushed.

"Ooh that has to hurt." Sirius winced looking at Severus. "How's it feel Snivellus?"

"Like you're unwelcome." He growled.

"Sev-" I warned right before he jumped up aiming his wand at Potter.

"Sectumsepra!" He yelled, but Sirius cast protege before it hit James.

"Can't even fight." Peter tsked. "What can you do Snivellus?"

Severus glared at him, before James started to levitate him by the feet higher into the air. Sirius swiped his wand from his flailing hands.

"Stop!" I yelled hitting Potters arm. "Let him down!"

"Only if you go out with me." Potter smirked.

"In your dreams." I snorted.

"Fine then." He grunted and hung Sev in front of the whomping willow.

"JAMES!" I screamed as a branch swung at him. "YOU'LL KILL HIM!"

"LET ME DOWN POTTER OR YOU'LL REGRET IT!" Severus yelled furious.

"Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world!" Sirius laughed.

"Sev hold on! I'm going to get Mcgonagall!" I yelled. I turned to walk away when I heard Sev screaming.

"I don't need help from a mudblood like you! Let me down Potter!" He screamed in rage, and I stopped turning my head back slightly, to hear James drop him with a thud.

"Fine then." I frowned, and cleared my throat. "I won't next time."

I stormed off down the hill back towards the castle. I felt hot tears starting to stream down my face. Severus out of anyone.

I get the occasional Mudblood. Insensitive Slytherins in year 4 or 5, trying to impress their friends, showing just how pure blood they were. I never expected to get it from my best friend.

"Evans!" I heard Potter running after me, and I quickened my pace, eventually into a full run, towards the astronomy tower.

I sped up the stairs his footfalls coming closer to me.

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