Seven: LE

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Lily POV (yes, again, again)

Remus had split off from me, to go congratulate Sirius no doubt, and I was all but skipping back to the common room.

I passed the charms classroom, swinging my arms, and was grabbed in yanked I , the door slamming behind me.

"Scream and we kill you." A boy with his slytherin robes pulled to cover his face, pointed his wand at me, and I noticed about five more boys doing the same.

"Wanda down boys, this is a civil affair." An all too familiar voice said.

"Sev." I whispered.

"Still sharp I see." He laughed. "I saw your rather public embrace with Potter on the quidditch field. How cute, blood betrayer kissing a mudblood."

"Sev." I sis calmly. "What is this about?"

"This, this is about an oh so important decision I have made." He smiled wickedly, and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a dark mark.

I couldn't hold back my gasp of surprise.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, you siding with Potter showed me the truth." He paced in circles around me.

"Don't blame your bad decision on me." I scoffed.

"Bed decision!" H laughed dryly. "You're a real laugh sometimes."

"Why am I here Severus?" I asked.

"Oh yeah that," he smiled. "Part of my orientation is to prove our disgust for mudbloods."

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked becoming furious with this topic of conversation.

"The last time I checked," he knelt down in front of my face. "You, don't have any magical blood in you."

"What will you do about that?" I glared at him.

"You know, I'm getting a bit tired of all your lip." He, held his hand up and struck me hard across the face. I couldn't help the high pitched Yelp that escaped my lips.

"Was that a scream I heard?" One of the boys crossed his arms.

"I think so," Severus frowned. "Well, so very sorry, but this might sting." He grinned wickedly, and took a step back, all of his 'friends' leaving.

"I don't know what I did to hurt you Sev," I paused. "But I'm sorry."

He faltered slightly, before his face hardened. "You took wands and schooling from deserving wizards.  For that you deserve to die. SECTUMSEPRA!"

* * *

Remus POV (excited about this one!)

The party in the Gryffindor common room had been going on for a while, and I hadn't seen Lily since I had split off to go find Sirius and Marlene.

I assumed she had gone up to her dorms, to change into something else, but she didn't come down at all.

"Mar!" I called walking up to Marlene. "When is Lily coming down?"

"From where?" She asked looking at me confused.

I narrowed my eyes. "Your dorm, of course."

"She's not up there." Marlene replied. "Let me know when you find her. I need her opinion on something."

Prongs was sitting by himself on the couch, looking like a dog who had been banished into the rain for the evening.

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