Six: LE

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Lily POV:

"Hurry up Remus!" I called up the boys staircase, dressed up in my simple Gryffindor scarf and hat, anxious to make it to the pitch to get good seats.

James and I haven't talked all that much since that day at dinner, but when we have it hasn't been arguing which is a miracle.

He came bounding down the stairs, Peter still in the hospital wing after something happened a few nights ago.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He replied as we both hurried out of the common room, and down the stairs to the pitch.

"I hope they win." I smiled as we climbed up the stairs in the stands.

Gladly, everyone else was still at breakfast, but Remus and I deciding to skip to get good seats, got the best ones in the stands.

"Me too. Not that either of them need any more boosting to their ego." He grunted waving at Sirius and James.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. "You seem tired, and you've had that big scratch on your face for three days with little bandages over it."

"Fine." He replied, in a way signaling he didn't want the conversation to go any further.

"Dorcas likes you, but you know that." I said staring at Marlene block a shot from Frank Longbottom.

"I do know that. But..." he inhaled sharply.

"You like someone else." I finished for him.

He nodded in response, as I shivered and pulled my jacket tightly around me in the crisp November air.

"They're just..." he paused. "They're a perfect person. They've always been by me." He sighed.

"Yeah, I think you and Sirius would be great together." I said causally.

"WHAT?" He turned to look at me. "How do you know?" He hissed.

"Oh come on Rem. It's obvious. You get so irritated whenever Sirius talks about Marlene, and you are always very touchy with him." I smiled. "I think it's sweet. It's okay you like boys."

"I don't like just boys, I like boys and girls." He shrugged obviously nervous. "Does anyone else know?"

"No. Not that I know. They're all to daft to pay attention." I laughed. "Whoever you like is nobody's concern. Love is an uncontrollable thing." I felt myself gazing towards James. "A totally, unpredictable, uncontrollable, thing..."

"You're telling me." He laughed as more people started to flood into the stands, and the announcer began listing off the players.

The match began, and James sped off in front of us, after the snitch, and Sirius and Marlene hit bludgers at the slytherin chasers, knocking one off their broom.

"I'm cold!" I yelled over the crowd, and Remus took his arm out of his jacket and wrapped the other side around me.

The match continued on with minimal excitement, until James seemed to spot something. 

He went into a tail dive cowards the ground, causing me and Remus to jump up, and push towards the front of the stands.

He narrowly missed the ground swerving a hard right through the bottom of the stands.

He then went straight up, through gaps in the stand, narrowly missing several students.

He was steadily flying, hand outstretched, when a bludger flew past and hit the tail end of his broom, snapping it off, and sending him into a tailspin towards the ground.

I screamed in horror, then quickly grabbed my wand and pointed it at him. "ARRESTO MOMENTUM!"

He paused slightly, two feet above the ground, before landing softly.

"THANKS EVANS!" He yelled grinning like and idiot from the pitch.

"Reparo." I whispered, pointing at the end of his broom, and it swing back to his, and he took off again.

He swung by me, winking before taking off at full speed.

"That was awfully nice." Remus teased me, elbowing me in the ribs playfully.

I smirked. "Like you wouldn't do the same for-"

He cut me off, by slapping his hand over my mouth, and smiling. "Oh gee, isn't this a wonderful match? Watch the match Lily." He smiled tightly, making me laugh as we continued watching.

James came to a sudden halt in midair, causing me to stiffen, as he went into a straight dive at the ground, not even slowing down.

"James!" I yelled, as he smashed into the dirt, and rolled away from his destroyed broom.

Remus and I sprinted down onto the pitch from the stands, and ran to him, just for him to hold up a dusty small object.

A bit dirty, but unmistakably, the snitch.

"Oh my god." I laughed. "You're insane!"

"I know." He laughed sitting up. The entire Gryffindor house flooded onto the pitch in celebration, as the rest of the team landed, everyone swarming James in celebration.

Someone hoisted him up in the air, and Remus and I moved to the back of the crowd laughing at the crowd of screaming students.

"Look!" Remus pointed out a laughing Mcgonagall, accepting a few galleons from an irritated looking Slughorn.

"No!" I laughed.

"OI EVANS!" James yelled over the crowd, catching my attention, and I got pushed into the center of the swarm.

He jumped down from the shoulders of several people, and grabbed my waist, and kissed me.

I was stunned at first, but quickly gave into his soft lips, and his slightly damp hair, and dirt covered skin.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, as he broke apart, gazing down at me, our foreheads touching.

"BOUT BLOODY TIME!" Marlene and Sirius yelled at us as I laughed, at James blushed.

"You have to go." I whispered, gesturing to the screaming crowd surrounding us.

I let go of him, making his way back towards a laughing Remus.

"MEET ME LATER!" He yelled after me. "IN THE COMMON ROOM!"

I turned around and smiled, running back to Remus.

"You have a common room to get to." He teased, as we ran back to the castle, leaving the screaming crowd behind us.

About time at I right? Happy chapter six!

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