Four: LE

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Lily POV (yes, again)

As we left the great hall, I tried my best to move ahead from the other Gryfindoors, dreading even more talk of the party off-limits to me.

"Evans!" I heard Potter call behind me as our group thinned out as we got closer to the common room.

"Yeah?" I turned around.

"What are you doing over winter break?" He asked.

Is he finally asking me to come? Only six years in the making. "Oh not much. My aunt might come visit. I hear my older sisters got a new boyfriend."

"That sounds fun. Let me know how it is after break. Moony!" He said quickly, before yelling after Remus and speeding away.

I stopped walking for a second.

Let me know how it is after break? Is he joking? I mean he can't be that dim. His transfiguration grade is the same as mine.

I sighed, a bit peeved now that not only was I not invited, I was having it shoved in my face as well. I resumed finding my way towards the common room, much easier now that everyone had passed.

"You look sad." I looked to the side to find Peter, gazing up at me. "Why?"

"I'm fine." I answered.

"I've found that anyone who claims they're fine, rarely are." He said. "Is it about the party?"

"Why would I be upset over a silly party?" I laughed, trying my best not to look caught off guard.

"Maybe the fact that James never invites you, or any other muggle borns in our year, and it bothers you." He shrugged.

"It sounds so silly like that." I laughed nervously.

"It's not." He said bluntly. "Prongs is daft when it comes to seeing his faults. And for years, failing to invite very specific people," he winced as we arrived at the painting. "That's pretty problematic."

He entered the common room, leaving me confused.

So even his friends see it?

I shrugged it off, and entered the common room, a horrible feeling of Jealousy filled me, when I saw the three girls crowded around James.

I hurried towards the common room, when Peter gave me a thumbs up, then walked over to James.

"Lily?" Remus asked as I fumbled into his arm, almost knocking him over. "Are you alright?"

"Totally fine." I nodded uneasily, and continued towards the center of chairs and couches, where a few bottles of fire whiskey were being passed around.

"Never took you as the drinking type Evans." James joked taking a swig from a whole bottle.

"Never have before." I smiled uneasily, and uncorked a bottle of fire whiskey, and took a large sip.

"Lily, I wouldn't recommend that," Remus came up next to me.

"I've had a very, very , very , long day Remus. Filled with Slurs, Jealousy, and being an outsider, please, just let me drink in peace." I added.

"Fine." He shook his head. "But I'm staying right here, few of the seventh year boys are staring at you. "

"Fine by me." I waved him off. "But please, don't add logic to this, and let me try my best to forget this day ever happened."

He nodded, and sat down next to me.

"At least use a cup." He sighed from next to me.

"Shhhhhh." I pressed my hand over his mouth. "Nooo logic."

I sat there listening to the music, almost drinking half the bottle of fire-whiskey.

The girls crowding around James left, and he moved over to sit by me, right as I started to hiccup.

"You look lovely tonight Evans." He grinned, extending an arm around me.

"You look quite dashing yourself!" I did loudly, followed by a hiccup.

"Why thank you." He grinned. "Y'know, I never quite understood why we didn't get along." He said.

"I think it's because you bullied Snivellus." I pursed my lips. "Or because we both have huge crushes on each other."

"Well, you're right about that." James replied, taking another sip from his bottle.

"You're both drunk." Remus sighed from next to me.

"I'm not drunk, I'm tired." I said, and let my head fall over onto Remus' lap.

"Come on Lily, let's get you to bed." Remus put his arm under my shoulders, and carried me to the stairs.

"Goodnight James!" I called behind me.

"Night Lily!" He replied.

"Marlene!" Remus called up the stairs, and Marlene opened the door. "A little help?"

"Is she drunk?" Marlene laughed. "No, that's impossible. Did someone hex her?"

"Nope, she's drunk." Remus sighed, and Marlene came down the stairs, taking me from Remus.

"Night Marlene. Get some sleep Lily." He shook his head grinning.

"Goodnight Remus." I nodded back to him, and Marlene laughed.

"My god Lily, what did you drink?" Marlene asked.

I shrugged, too tired, and bit to tipsy to care anymore.

I kicked off my shoes, and flipped onto my bed, ignoring Marlene's laughter.

* * *

I woke up the next morning to a furiously bright sun.

I groaned, and covered my head with a pillow, gazing at my clock.

My head was pounding and I had no memory whatsoever of last night.

I stood up slowly, taking a long sip from the water on my nightstand.

It was almost eleven, so I changed out of my robes from the night before, and into a black turtleneck and some baggy jeans.

I grabbed my black hat, and brushed my hair out, before leaving my dorm.

Then it all came back.

"You look lovely tonight Evans." He grinned, extending an arm around me.

"You look quite dashing yourself!" I said loudly, followed by a hiccup.

"Why thank you." He grinned. "Y'know, I never quite understood why we didn't get along." He said.

"I think it's because you bullied Snivellus." I pursed my lips. "Or because we both have huge crushes on each other."

"Well, you're right about that." James replied, taking another sip from his bottle.

Oh Merlin what did I do now.

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