Nine: LE

18 2 1

Lily POV

I walked down the halls, finally glad to be free of the hospital wing, though it was nice to have a visitor who spent a suspicious amount of time next to my bed, updating me on all of our classes.

"Oi! Evans!" Sirius called from down the hall. "We're going down to the lake, want to come?"

"Oh, sure!" I grinned. "Just let me get my book first."

"Oh leave the damn book for once." He sighed dramatically making me laugh.

"Alright." I smiled and ran down to meet them. "So why are we going down to the lake? And who's we?"

"Oh Prong's detention sentence ended." He grinned. "We're celebrating." He held up a bottle of fire whiskey from inside his coat.

"Detention?" I asked.

"Yeah. He forbid for punching out Snivellus." He explained.

"He punched Severus? Why?" I frowned.

"What?" He stopped walking, and looked at me like I was a lunatic. "Lily Snape was the one who attacked you."

"What?" I asked, feeling the color drain from my face. "I mean I must've hit my head, or..."

"He obliviated you. Poppy found evidence of the spell in your blood. He tried to do if for the last six years, but Poppy reversed it to the time of the attack."

"Oh." I paused. "I can't believe he-"

"Yes. Yes you can." He crossed his arms. "Evans it's about time you faced it. He's long gone. He's a death eater."

"He wouldn't." I shook my head.

"He did." He stared at me. "You can't save him. He's already too far gone. Don't try and pretend things aren't there when they blatantly are."

I nodded, and began walking, when he called my amen again, and I looked back.


"Yeah?" He walked down to meet you.

"Are you done with Snivellus? Are you officially letting him go? Wishing your hands of him?" He asked as we arrived at the lake, and I was glad to find we were the first ones there.

"After what you just told ms, of course." I nodded.

"Okay. Good. Because I didn't know if it's escaped your notice," he paused. "Oh god Prongs is going to kill me." He cleared his throat. "Prongs is madly in love with you Evans. It tore him to bits when he thought you died. But if you keep stringing him along, chasing after Snape, I will get involved."

"I know." I nodded.

"To what?" He asked, as we sat down.

"To all of it." I confessed. "Honestly, I've felt a bit of the same way towards him lately."

"Good. Because Prongs is my brother, and if you hurt him,"

"You'll end me." I finished. "I hope James knows Marlene will dot he same to him." I laughed. "You two really are perfect for each other."

"We're not-"

"Don't string her along, Sirius." I gave him the side eye. "Marlene is my sister. And I will end you."

He nodded, as we stared out at the water until everyone else arrived.

"Padfoot and Evans alone at the lake?" James laughed sitting in the small space between us, a bit passive aggressively. "Whatever would you two talk about?"

Before I could answer, Sirius smirked, and for some stupid reason decided to open his mouth. "You."

He scooted away from us, as I stared at my lap, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me, and I was sure my face was the same color as my hair.

"Is that true?" I could hear the gloat in James voice as I shrugged.

"Oh leave her alone." Remus hit James in the back of the head with a roll of parchment. "She's not going to go out with you if you keep embarrassing her like that."

"I think she would." Sirius said laying down on the hill.

"How about it then?" Peter smirked.

"I told Marlene to meet me in our dorms, I should go find her." I stood up, immediately tripping over James' bag with a yelp. I quickly stood up, and practically ran back up the hill.

Oh yeah that was a wonderful idea by me. Hanging out with the person I kissed, almost died, hung out with for a bit, then deciding to spill my most valuable secrets to his blabbermouth best friend.

I'm just extremely smart aren't I?

I entered back into the castle, and hurried to the common room, glad to find Marlene sitting with Dorcas.

"Lily!" Dorcas squealed, throwing her long braids back as she stood up to hug me. "I'm so glad you're out of the hospital wing!"

"Me too, got quite dull after a while." I smiled.

"I saw James Potter in there an awful lot." Marlene teased. 

"Hello to you too." I rolled my eyes sitting down.

"I saw you at the lake, what were you doing?" Dorcas asked innocently, not knowing it would trigger Marlenes terrible gossip habit.

"Oh just embarrassing myself." I laughed.

"How so?" Marlene asked, almost looking hungry.

"No way I'm telling you!" I grinned. "It would spread around the school like wildfire."

"Well I guess she will just have to ask Sirius." Dorcas said, pulling out a vile of bright blue nail polish.

"Why?" Marlene snapped her head to look at her.

"That's who she was with silly." Dorcas smiled.

"NO!" I yelled jumping over the couch after Marlene who was already out of the portrait hole.

She cackled all the way down to the lake, and I stopped running in embarrassment, as she had already reached the group of boys by the water. 

I heard howling laughter follow me, as I shamefully ducked into the transfiguration room. 

"Miss Evans?" I whipped around to find Professor McGonagall at her desk, clearly in the middle of grading. "Can I help you with something?" 

"Oh no, I was just looking for a place to hide out for a second." I explained quickly, feeling the red tint on my face. 

"Well in the future, I implore you to knock." She said, and continued to grading her papers. 

"Sorry." I said hastily, and left the room, walking straight into the crowd who was just at the lake. 

I fumbled backwards, but Marlene grabbed my arm, and I noticed Sirius had a similar hold on a quite irritated James. 

"You two," Marlene wagged her finger between me and James. "Need to talk." 

I fixed my account! I can now vote, reply to comments, etc. So please, let me know what you think so far, and suggestions (Or corrections to my mistakes) are always welcome! 

Mischief Managed 

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