Eighteen: LE

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"Is all right and happy with the world?" I asked turning around from the toaster when James and Sirius entered the kitchen.

"Was it ever? Huh, must've missed that." Sirius grinned sitting down. "So, Chef Evans," he grinned.

"Not your chef." I replied, taking my bread out of the toaster and began spreading marmalade on it. "Or your mother."

"Oh come on! Just this once!" He pleaded.

"I'm not making breakfast, for you, or your mummy issues." I laughed, sitting down across from them, two slices on my plate they both quickly grabbed. "Hey!"

"That was for the shot at my mommy issues." Sirius grinned, taking a huge bite of the toast. "I mean I only was kicked out yesterday Evans, you have to expect some sort of manifestation today."

I paused slightly, and looked at him not knowing how to react.

"Ba-dum-crash." He said awkwardly. "I use humor to cope my friends, you can laugh." He nodded looking between us lips pursed.

"Right I just didn't-"

"Oh never mind." He sighed. "What's on the docket for today?"

"Well James and I were going to floo down to Diagon Alley to go Christmas shopping." I smiled. "You're welcome to come."

"He is not." James interrupted sternly.

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Padfoot is a nightmare to shop with." He said taking another bite of his toast.

"I am, I'm sorry to admit it." Sirius grinned. "I hate it too. I'll see what Marlene's doing today, maybe she'll be available, to, link up, for a bit." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up!" I cringed. "That's my best friend."

"Yeah she's practically a little sister to me." James groaned.

"I hate to tell you but you're little sister is hot." Sirius said standing up from the table. "Have fun shopping!" He called leaving the room and I heard him go up the stairs.

"I am so unbelievably sorry." James said leaning forward in his seat.

"Hey you have to live with him." I shrugged. "What time do you want to leave to go shopping?"

"Are we still doing that?" He whined. "I don't want to go out, I just want to stay here."

"Oh my little anti-social deer," I said patting his hair, making him shoot up.

"Deer?" He repeated.

"Yes?" I smiled. "I didn't forget what you showed me in the forbidden forest James, it's pretty hard to."

"Oh." He nodded. "Right."

"Why is something wrong?" I asked frowning.

"No, just I was dumb for showing that to you." He shrugged.

"Oh." I nodded. "Okay. Well I'll go get ready, I wanted to get something for Sirius now that he's here, and you don't have to come." I sighed.

"Oh thank you." He said flopping his head down on the table. "I'll probably just go practice that new dive I saw in the paper that Puddlemore won with."

"It's Christmas break James, and you're not a professional quidditch player. You don't need to master everything." I laughed.

"There's a difference between need and want here." He said pouring himself a cup of tea, and leaving the room.

I walked back up to my bedroom, and quickly changed into muggle store and a thick coat, planning on going to the muggle shops to find something a bit more special, now that James wasn't coming.

I grabbed my boots, and my scarf, and quickly left the hoodie, happily bounding down the street towards the bus station.

* * *

I stepped out of the shop, happy to find something I know Sirius would enjoy tremendously, and rounded the corner to the bake shop, figuring Remus would love a box of chocolate pastries when he arrives tomorrow.

I opened the door the shop, and laughter filled my ears, that of a high pitched shrill woman's, and an obnoxiously loud man.

I gazed off to the right and the color drained from my face, and my heart dropped.

Her line of vision briefly flashed at me, before she ignored me again.

I got her meaning, and continued to the counter to order my pastries, when I heard the shop doors open again.

"Sorry about that Tuney, just had to run and grab something for aunt Shirley." I heard my mum say, and two more chairs slide out.

"Two dozen of your chocolate assorted please." I smiled quietly, and pulled out my wallet.

"You know I wonder what Lily is doing for Christmas dinner. Maybe we should send her some left over turkey. That's always been her favorite." I heard dad say, and I smiled sadly.

"Oh come on dad, she's fine. She told us she's staying with a friend." I heard petunia scoff. "Why waste this happy time of year talking about such a dreary subject."

"I guess." I heard my mother say, and the cashier handed me the boxes, and I handed her the notes, dropping the change in the top jar, greeting her a merry Christmas before turning around and hoping to leave quickly, not noticing my dad had gotten up and I walked directly into him.

"Oi!" He said before pausing. "Lily? What are you doing here?"

"Dad?" I said faking confusion.  "I had no idea you guys were here! I just came to grab some pastries for my friends." I smiled.

"Oh please." I heard Petunia scoff.

"We'll come join us!" Mum said grabbing a chair from another table.

"I'm sorry you are..." the chubbier man sitting next to petunia asked frowning.

"That's Lily." Petunia snapped. "She seems like she's in a bit of a rush, isn't she?" She glared at me.

"Oh, yes mum I truly can't stay. James and Sirius are expecting me." I smiled.

"Who's Sirius?" Dad asked frowning.

"Oh hush Charlie." Mom said swatting his arm. "You're still coming round for Christmas Eve?"

"Wouldn't miss it." I smiled, causing Petunia to scowl. "Sorry I've been so caught up, I'm Lily." I smiled at the man.

"Vernon. Vernon Dursley." He said stiffly, and I stood there in awkward silence for a few moments, before saying me goodbyes to mum and dad, and hurrying out of the shop.

James won't mind that I volunteered us to attend Grandmum's Christmas Eve dinner without telling him, It's a party. He loves parties. Right?

Sorry I have not updated in FOREVER. but GUYS. 303 READS? OH MY GOD. thank you so much!!! And especially for the new comments and follows, it means so much!

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