Eleven: LE

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"Lily?" James asked from his seat across from me in the library. The only place we could go privately we know Sirius would never check.

"Yes?" I replied flipping the page of my potions book.

"What's the muggle world like?" He said setting down his book.

"It's quite curious," I said looking into the next page. "It was quite odd seeing that we didn't have some things that the wizard world does, and vice versa."

"Like what?" He asked leaning forward a bit.

"Well, when people get sick, or break a bone, it takes weeks to recover." I shrugged. "And they only live to about seventy five."

"Weeks?" He asked eyes wide. "But what about quidditch? What about sports when you're hurt? And seventy five? That's so young!"

"They don't have quidditch," I smiled placing my bookmark in my place, and closing my book.

"No quidditch?" He asked, and furrowed his eyebrows. "How curious."

"Well we do have some good things," I said. "The music is a tad better."

"I highly doubt that." He laughed.

"I'll give you some records to listen to over break." I said.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Well, I'm a big fan of John Denver myself, but I reckon you would like Queen." I nodded. "They're very loud."

"I like loud." He grinned. "So it's mid-November, what are your plans for the Christmas holiday?" He asked drumming his fingers on the table.

"Well I'd usually go see my family, but I don't think I'm going to this year." I said looking down at the table.

"Oh?" He said raising an eyebrow as I looked back up at him.

I nodded. "Yeah, my older sister,"

"Petunia?" He interrupted, he's been trying very hard lately to learn the names of my family.

"Yes." I laughed slightly. "Well, Petunia, wrote to inform me that I will not be welcome home for Christmas." I swallowed and James looked at me with a sad expression. "Yes, well, she has a new boyfriend, and talked to our parents, and they agreed that could be one of her gifts if she desired, as much as they loved me, they felt bad for her."

"Her gift for Christmas was to have you sent away." He frowned.

"Yeah." I laughed slightly. "My family is quite wonderful isnt it?"

"No not really." He said sadly.

"I was being sarcastic James." I laughed.

"So what are your plans now?" He asked.

"Well, Marlene is supposed to write her parents soon to ask if I can stay for them for a week, but other than that, I don't really know. It's a bummer too, because I would've gladly met Petunia's boyfriend, brought him a gift and everything."

"Well it is not your fault." He shook his head. "And forget Marlene, she's got the memory of a fly."

"Flies actually have quite a good memory." I laughed.

"Well forget that, anyway my point is, come spend the holiday at my house." He grinned leaning towards me.

"James, as nice as that is, we only started dating a couple of weeks ago." I smiled slightly. "I don't think it would be proper."

"It would all be very above board, you'd have your own room, in the opposite wing as me." He explained laying his palms onto the table.

"Wing?" I laughed. "Blimey how big is your house?"

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