Two: JP

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James POV:

Evan landed on the ground with a thump, and I jumped out of my seat.

"Professor!" I called, as I propped her up against the desk.

Slughorn wandered over and he gazed at Lily. "Oh bad reaction to one of the ingredients. Happens occasionally." He pulled a small vile from his robes. "Here, wave this under her nose. Should fix her right up."

I waved the vile under her nose, beginning to get frustrated she wasn't waking up.

"She's not waking up professor." I sighed. There goes my potions grade.

"Very well, take her down to the infirmary." Slughorn called, obviously distracted.

"I can do that!" Marlene called out.

"No, no, I don't want any more of you having to leave." He shooed her off, as I sighed and scooped up unconscious Lily.

I felt a warm liquid on the back of her head, and moved my hand from under it to discover it stained bright red with blood.

"Oh Merlin-" I muttered and started running to the infirmary.

The doors flew open as I got there, and Madam Pomfreys head shot up at my rapid footsteps.

"This is a hospital wing! I will not tolerate-"

"She's bleeding!" I blurted.

"Oh my." Madam Ponfrey said seeming to notice Evans, and pointed me to a bed to lay her down on. "I'll get the bandages."

I sat up Lily as Madam Pomfrey patched her up, collecting a large amount of blood in the wash bowl.

"You can go back to class." She waved me off.

"Well, she was my partner for potions, and the brew requires two people." I tried, and rolled up my sleeves.

"No, no go back to-" she paused and looked at my arm. "Did you get that last night?" She whispered about the large scratch mark on my forearm.

"Oh." I tugged my sleeve back down. "It's nothing."

"It looked a bit infected. Here," she grabbed an ointment and dabbed some on a piece of gauze. "You surely can't go back to class with that." She winked at me.

I smiled slightly, and sat down in the chair next to Evans.

* * *

"Potter?" I was awoken by a small voice. "Where am I?"

I rubbed my eyes, and grabbed my glasses, not realizing I had fallen asleep.

"The hospital wing." I said looking at her. "You fainted."

"Oh." She replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh um..." I gazed at the bandage on my arm. "Explosion of our potion. Got all over my arm."

"Of course it did." She rolled her eyes. "Why are they here?" She asked gazing at the three beds across from hers, with none other than Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail in them.

"I don't know." I said having some feeling it was from last night. Moony was pretty far gone.

"Is Remus okay? He's got a lot of new scratches. He skipped out on duty last night too." She asked frowning a bit.

"Oh yeah, he was fine. Sorry about that, Sirius and I convinced him to skip, and he fell down the dorm stairs." I winced at the bad lie. I'm a marauder, I can do better than that.

She nodded, not seeming to believe me, but accepting the answer. 

"You don't have to stay..." she trialed off. "I mean it's nice you did and all but,"

"Yeah, I'll never wake up on time without Moony there, so I better stay." I replied.

"Okay." She smiled a bit.

"Really?" I asked. "Alright."

We both settled back into our respective sleeping areas before I heard her shift again.

"James?" She asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I'm not tired."

"Oh thank Merlin." I sighed, and sat back up. "Want to play a game?"

"Depends on what kind." She said turning it onto her elbow to face me.

"Waking up Sirius." I said.

"No! That's mean." She laughed.

"Trust me, he sleeps like a dog." I chuckled.

"No, I don't want to disturb him." She whispered, noticing Peter had stirred a bit.

"I could show you something." I whispered, knowing Moony would kill me, but I had never had a conversation with Lily that wasn't filled with insults.

"What?" She asked.

"Come with me." I said, helping her out of bed and down the halls to the boys dorm.

I ran up the stairs, and grabbed my invisibility cloak, and I threw it over her as I took her to the secret passageway to the forest.

"James?" She asked gazing at the dark forest. "We're not allowed to be here."

"Hold on." I smiled, then held my concentration, and I felt the large antlers grow from my head, and turn into a deer.

"James?" She whispered stepping back a bit, and falling over a stump.

I walked towards her to help, but she continued to fumble backwards.

I turned back from the deer, and smiled at her. "Cool right?"

"You're an animagus?" She asked.

"Yeah." I grinned. "Really cool isnt-"

"Are you bloody insane?" She whisper yelled. "You will get caught. Then what happens? You go to Azkaban! Did you think about that? Did you think about what would happen to Mcgonagall? Or Dumbledore? They would both get in trouble for allowing this to happen? How could you be so stupid!" She scoffed, and threw down the cloak and stormed out of the woods.

"Lily!" I called after her.

She just kept her back to me and ran back to the castle, her red hair blowing in the night wind.

I sighed and sat down in the clearing, gazing up at the stars.

Moony is definitely going to kill me.

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