Eight: JP

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James POV:

Evans has been in the hospital wing for a few days, but Madam Pomfrey said she could have visitors starting tomorrow.

The Ministry did get involve, but the school classified it as use of an illegal spell, not dark arts, and attempted murder.

"You going to see Lily today?" Alice and Frank fell into lockstep with me as I walked down the corridor.

"Yeah. We've got a big group of us going." I replied. "If you want to come." I added politely.

"Of course!" Alice squealed. "I've missed her in class. Your arguments were always so funny!"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Right." They turned down another hallway, as I continued down to Potions.

"You alright?" Padfoot asked clasping me on the back.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Fine."

"Alright..." he said looking at me sideways.

Class went on as normal, a bit boring, but normal. Slughorn had gotten a lecture from the ministry, and that's it, for allowing students to create spells without supervision.

Overall what bothers me, was that it all has been swept under the rug. It never happened.

We had transfiguration after potions, then break after that. We had all planned to go see Evans during our break, at least those who could come. (And didn't have homework left, like Wormtail)

I hurried down the halls towards the hospital wing, ahead of everyone else, wanting to make sure Madam Pomfrey really was allowing visitors in.

I walked to her desk, and wrote my name down on the visitors pad.

"Hey Poppy." I grinned knowing how much she hated yet loves when we called her that.

"Mr. Potter." She rolled her eyes. "Here to see Ms. Evans?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "We've all missed her."

"I bet, she's already got a visitor in there." She gestures for me to go in.

What visitor? I was the first one here.

I carefully slid open the curtain around her bed, and rage flushed over me, as I was met with greasy black hair and a hook nose sat in the chair next to her, reading a book.

"Get out Snivellus." I growled.

"Ahh, Potter. Figured it was only a matter of time before you got here." He smiled.

"Get out." I took a step closer to him, balking my fists.

"I have the same rights as you to be here." He tilted his head slightly. "Tell me, whatever happened to dear Lily?"

"You know Bloody well." I clenched my jaw. "I'm giving you one more chance. Get out."

"Why, what are you going to do?" He teased.

I didn't waste on second, stepping closer to him, yanking him up by his tis, and punching him in the face.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled, as I punched him again.

I threw him down onto the floor outside the curtains, and he crawled backwards, fumbling out his wand.

"Going to hex me? Good luck doing that I'm without getting expelled." I raised my eyebrow.

He ran out the door, cursing me off as he went, his bloody nose dripping on the floors.

"Gone so soon?" I yelled after him, followed by a long string of words, some of which I haven't even heard before.

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