Fourteen LE:

10 1 0

Lily POV;

We all climbed into the compartment, I sat down first, at the end, expecting either Marlene or Remus to sit next to me, only for the spot to be quickly filled by Sirius.

"Oh." I said, looking at him confused.

"Is there a problem?" He said kicking his legs up on the seat across from us, only for them to be quickly shoved down my Remus.

"No, just didn't think you would sit next to me." I frowned.

"I can move." He shrugged.

"No, no you're fine." I waved him off, and everyone piled in as the train began to move.

"I guess you were right to come early." Remus sighed opening his book, and I smiled triumphantly.

"I am so bloody exhausted." Sirius sighed. "Last nights party went far too long."

"When is a good ending point, guru of parties?" I rolled my eyes.

"If you go past four AM, you're doing something wrong." He replied. "Anyways, I think I might take a nap."

"We'll all be too loud though." Dorcas said.

"Don't worry, he sleeps like a dog." Peter said quickly, James almost looking annoyed at the phrase.

"Yeah I'm fine. Night night." Sirius said leaning back onto his seat, and we all began talking about James' party, when I felt Sirius' head slide down the seat and onto mine.

James looked at him a bit unimpressed, as I sat with his mangled hair in my face.

"I think he was aiming for my shoulder." I laughed quietly, sweeping his hair back onto his face. "What a day to be short."

"Padfoot." James grunted kicking his foot.

"No he's fine, I'm not bothered." I said simply.

"You sure?" Remus snorted. "He's got a really big head."

"Yeah." I laughed, ignoring the irritated look from James. "It's fine."

* * *

Sirius woke up about an hour ago, and we had an hour left.  James told him he had leaned on my head the entire time, and he brushed it off with the reply 'really? Sorry Evans. Didn't feel a thing.'

We were all taking Bertie botts and no one had gotten a bad one yet.

Peter reached his hand into the box, and pulled out a small white one, thinking it was marshmallow, before a disgusted look came over his face and he spit it out.

"Bloody hell it's napkin." He cringed taking a large sip of water making us all erupt in laughter. 

I jerked my head to look at Sirius when I felt his hand land on my knee.

He leaned back into his seat, but kept his hand there, and do quickly scooted over and knocked his hand off.

"You have a girlfriend, Sirius." I rolled my eyes, and he looked at me confused. "Get your hand off my leg."

"Oh sorry, didn't realize I had put it there." He shrugged, and I saw the veins in James' neck pop, and a smirk from Marlene.

"Something funny?" I asked her frowning.

"What?" She said seemingly suddenly aware of my presence.

"Well you were smirking, so you're either extremely arrogant, or something funny happened." I smiled slightly.

"Oh nothing." Marlene shook her head.

"So you're extremely arrogant?" Peter groaned rubbing his temples.

"What? No, I mean," she sighed. "It's nothing."

"Tell them." Dorcas said looking irritated.

"Tell them what?" Remus said putting the bookmark in his book and leaning forward.

"No." Marlene frowned. "And how do you know?" She said giving Dorcas a side eye.

"Neither of you are very quiet whisperers." Dorcas shrugged. "I can tell them."

"Who's neither of you?" I asked. "Marlene?"

"Dorcas?" She said turning to face Dorcas.

"Sirius?" Dorcas said frowning.

"Moony?" Sirius prompted.

"Me?" Remus scoffed. "Out of your wits Padfoot."

"Sorry Moony." He mumbled.

"I guess I'm telling them." Dorcas rolled her eyes clasping her hands together. "Marlene and Sirius came up with a plan that Sirius would flirt with Lily to make James jealous to make them admit they're dating."

"WHAT?!" James and I cried at the same time, and both began going on long rants.

"That's so bloody-"

"Do you know HOW uncomfortable this has-"

"That's screwed up as peeves you bloody-"

"And Marlene! Really after our conversation earlier-"

"Padfoot that's really immature-"

"ENOUGH!" Remus yelled, and we both scoffed and fell back into our seats. "Marlene, Padfoot, you're both seriously mental. James, Lily, your tension is plain to see, I don't blame their motive, but their execution," he said looking at them harshly. "Was pretty screwed up."

"Pretty?" James scoffed.

"Now, I am not the peacekeeper. I am not the solver. Be friends again, don't, I won't care. But for the love of Merlin, keep it down, Peter's hung-over, and I just want to read." He sighed and curled his legs up onto the seat, and cracked open his book.

I sat in silent fury for a good ten minutes, shooting a bright red Marlene a harsh side eye every minute or so.

"Sorry." Sirius whispered and I scoffed in response. "We just thought-"

"Oh you had a thought? That's a first." I rolled my eyes grabbing my book out of my bag, and angrily open song to my marked page.

"We really didn't-"

"Piss off Marlene." I grunted and leaned against the wall. 

The last hour or so of the train ride was silent, except for a groan out of Peter every time the sun would hit him as we rolled over hills.

I was almost thrilled as the train grinned to a stop, before the pang of sadness hit me that I wouldn't be seeing my family for Christmas. Everyone else grabbed their bags and quickly rushed out of the compartment, leaving James and me behind.

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