Seventeen: JP

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James POV:

I stood up slowly, and grabbed my wand and she did too, as we carefully crept out into the hallway, and we walked down the stairs towards the front door.

I was about to peek out the window, when there were more loud knocks.

"You open the door, and I'll keep my wand pointed at them." She whispered, and I nodded, grabbing the door handle and quickly flinging it open, and she pointed her wand at the tall figure.

"It's fine Evans." Padfoot said, a slight chatter to his tone. "I'm not here to kidnap you. That's tomorrow."

"Padfoot?" I asked stepping forward. "What are you doing here? And with," I looked down. "Your books? Okay this really doesn't make sense."

"Oh you know." He replied. "Got kicked out of my house for good. That sort of thing."

"Oh my god!" Lily said and wrapped an arm around him and lead him inside. "Are you cold?"

"Only a tad." He replied, rubbing his fingers. "I was er, out to dinner with the family, about an half an hour ago, and something happened and Walburga started screaming, and then said I can never come home again."

"Half an hour? Why didn't you come sooner?" She said looking extremely shocked and sad.

"Well, I was so confused, and admittedly I did have a bit to drink at dinner," he paused. "And I for the life of me, could not remember your address, so I apparated around for a while, eventually deciding to go back to the road outside the restaurant and walk for a bit. I somehow ended up here, thankfully."

"What exactly happened at dinner?" I asked. "Is it too much you can't patch it up?"

"I..." he paused. "I don't think I want to this time, to be honest. I'm definitely done with her and her constant bullshit. Same goes for him. And now they've sucked Reggie into it, my family's just fucked."

"Well we've got room. Stay here." Lily smiled. "Are you tired?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "I might just take a shower, and go to bed." He replied, and Lily nodded.

"Okay, well call if you need help!" She called as he started up the stairs, his hands still trembling slightly.

We waited until I heard a bathroom door shut, and a shower start until we began talking.

"Poor Sirius. I can't imagine." She shook her head.

"Poor Sirius?" I scoffed. "Lily he does this all the time. He dramatically storms out of his house, and expects me to clean up his mess." I hissed.

"James." She said looking sad. "He's your brother. And it's Christmas."

"I bet he knew you were staying here and came up with another ridiculous plot to figure out we're dating." I scoffed.

"Is this about the train again?" She rolled her eyes. "I swear you need to let that go-"

"He flirted with you shamelessly! You don't see anything wrong with that?" I replied angrily.

"As far as it's been confirmed, we're not dating! And you know him and Marlene. They're casual." She shot back. "What's wrong with you?"  

"I'm just trying to protect you." I rolled my eyes.

"From what? You're now homeless best friend?" She scoffed.

"No! Sirius can be a twat-"

"I can't believe you." She frowned. "Go talk to him." She walked towards the front door, and I followed her.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she threw open the front door.

"Im going out for a bit. Have yourself and him sorted out by the time I get back." She said slamming the door behind her.

I scoffed, and k Ike's the door frame, making the framed picture of some relative fall and shatter on the ground.

I marched up the stairs, and I heard the shower tap turn off.

"Sirius!" I yelled and knocked on the door.

"Merlin!" I heard him mumble. "Give me two damn seconds!"

"Meet me in the library." I yelled and walked towards the massive room and flopped down on one of the couches, eyeing my dads drink cart, even knowing he had a curse on it.

"Prongs?" I heard Sirius walk into the library, wearing my old quidditch jersey and a pair of my shorts. "What did you need?"

"Are those my clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah, just borrowed em for tonight. I'll go change if it bothers you." He rolled his eyes and sat down on the sofa.

"What the hell is going on with you and your family?" I asked frowning.

"I told you." He replied.

"You've told me the same thing many times before, and it's never true." I said, leaning back onto the arm of the sofa.

"It's official, Prongs." He said looking down. "Actually this time."

"What makes you think that?" I sighed.

"I'm, erm, my picture," he paused his voice breaking slightly. "She burned it off the family tree." He laughed slightly wiping his eyes. "I don't know why the hell I'm weepy about this. I've wanted out of that house forever."

"Pads." I frowned slightly. "Do you have your clothes?"

"Reggie told me he would mail them, but that's all he could do." He shrugged. "It is what it is."

"Can't you just go back home?" I asked. "And get the stuff you wanted?"

"No." He shook his head. "I can't go back until the person who burned me off dies. It's a curse of some sort." He shrugged. "I dunno. Fuck my parents." He laughed slightly, sounding a bit stuffy and ran his hands through his hair to push the long damp strands out of his face.

"Well," I paused.

"Do you think I can, you know-"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Your rooms down the hall. You know." I replied.

"Alright. I might call it a night." He said standing up sadly.

"Pads?" I called after him.

"Yeah?" He said turning around.

"Don't ever pull that thing on the train again." I frowned.

"I won't." He nodded. "It was a bit funny-"

"Go to bed pads." I laughed.

"Yep." He nodded and quickly left the room.

YALL omg like so close 250 reads!! Thank you so so so so muchhh love you all!!

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