Five: JP

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James POV:

"She's so beautiful, and funny, and smart, I can't believe I didn't see it before." Padfoot shook his head with that same dazed smile that he's held for the last few hours.

"We get it." Moony grunted. "Marlene is amazing."

"She's not just amazing." He smiled.

I walked past him, and smacked him upside the head with the map.

"Snap out of it, I need counsel." I said flopping down on one of the armchairs.

"Is that about your endless tirade for Evans?" Wormtail asked rolling his eyes.

"She said she liked me last night." I grinned.

"Really?" Padfoot sat up. "No!"

"Yes!" I replied.

"Not exactly." Moony said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She was drunk, Prongs. Drunk. That's not the same thing." He rolled his eyes, and went back to his book.

"Yeh but what's that cliche?" Padfoot asked, snapping his finer. "Oh! Drunk words are sober thoughts!"

"Not from Evans." Wormtail said.

"She always says what she wants when she's sober. Adding being drunk into it, means she didn't want to say it, she just did." Moony said, putting his bookmark in his book, and tossing it onto the common room table.

"I doubt she even remembers." Wormtail added.

"Yeah but-" Padfoot started argue when I heard footsteps coming down the girls stairs.

Evans came down, running her fingers through her hair.

She locked eyes with me and froze still, eyes wide.

"G'morning Evans, come sit with us will you?" Padfoot smirked, earning a book to the head from Remus. "Where did you even get another?" He muttered, rubbing his head.

"Okay." She whispered, and sat in the chair next to Remus.

"Sleep okay?" Remus asked, taking note of the dark bags under her eyes.

"Yeah, once Marlene stopped laughing." She chuckled lightly.

"Oh? About what?" Wormtail asked, screwing the cap back on his ink bottle.

"Apparently I'm a very honest drunk." She whispered quickly gazing at me. "I should go find Marlene." She stood up.

"I saw her on the Pitch, practicing with Dorcas." Padfoot grinned.

She nodded, and quickly left the common room, barley even shutting the portrait behind her.

"She remembers." Remus said quickly, causing me to grin and Padfoot to laugh like and idiot.

* * *

"So what are you going to do to ask her out?" Wormtail asked on our way to dinner.

"I have to ask her out?" I said.

"My god." Padfoot laughed. "Your can be really dim sometimes."

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