Thirteen: LE

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Lily POV:

"So he just invited you spontaneously to his giant mansion with his rich family where you've never been invited before for weeks." Marlene looked at me unimpressed with my reasoning, as I packed up my trunk for Christmas.

"Yep." I replied, carefully setting the wrapped records into my trunk.

"And gifts too?" She smirked.

"Records I thought he might like. I thought I'd wrap them, Christmas and all." I shrugged.

"Become a better liar if you're hiding a secret relationship will you?" She groaned, and I looked at her annoyed.

"We're not-"

"Dating, talking, whatever you want to call it." She rolled her eyes leaning her head over the edge of the bed and sticking her feet up in the air. "Will you just tell me so I don't have to act like I don't know anything?"

I sighed and closed my trunk as I sat down on my bed. "Fine."

"Fine?" She said excitedly attempting to sit up, but falling off her bed instead.

"James and I..." I paused smiling slightly.

"Yes?" She said looking excited.

"Have decided to give each other Christmas gifts." I sighed. "I'm so sorry it took so long for me to tell you."

She groaned and threw her pillow at my head.

"You are absolutely no fun." She said braiding a small strand in her short blonde hair.

"I try to keep it that way." I laughed tossing her back the pillow.

"Well, I'll be there the day after Christmas." She said. "That's when the party is."

"Party?" I asked. "Am I invited this year?"

She looked at me strangely before replying with a dry tone. "No lily, you're expected to stay up in a cupboard while everyone else has fun."

"Not that far off from what's happened in the past." I mumbled.

"What you mean sending him back a torn up invite?" She asked innocently.

"What?" I spun around to face her. "What do you mean?"

"He's sent you an invite every year." She shrugged. "But you kept sending them back, burned, ripped up, soaked in water, one time covered in paste."

"I never did that!" I said looking at her concerned. "I don't know who-" I paused and felt my heart drop.

"What?" She asked. "Earth to Lily?"

"Petunia." I said quietly. "She- OH!" I scoffed stomping my foot. "I CANNOT believe she did that!"

"Can't you though?" Marlene asked. "It makes sense."

"Well no! She's my sister-"

"Lily she's a bloody terrible sibling." She looked at me unimpressed.

"She just gets jealous sometimes-"

"She got you kicked out for Christmas." Marlene said crossing her arms.

"Well, I mean it was important for her." I shrugged. "I get it. She likes to be in control."

"She destroyed a friendship with James before it even started." She said simply.

"Well I mean maybe she just wanted to hang out with me and-"

"Lily stop making excuses for her." She sighed. "She's a lousy sister and a mean person."

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